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Weekend Discussion Thread: Worst Movie Attempts at Comedy

We just discussed “Attack of the The Eye Creatures” in the the episode guide discussion, and along comes Troy with a timely question…

I’d be interested in knowing what other MSTies think is the least successful attempt at humor in a MSTied movie. Personally, my money has to be on the 40-year-old frat guy from “Ring of Terror,” who kept trying to do… well, I guess you could call them impersonations. When your schtick is so noxious it makes even the normally laid back Joel chant for your death, you know you’re in over your head.

I’m going to have to go with Bruno’s Heathcliff’s head-conking bit at the end of “Wild World of Batwoman.” Oh my sides.

What’s your pick?

106 Replies to “Weekend Discussion Thread: Worst Movie Attempts at Comedy”

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  1. Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy says:

    Laugh tracks bug me less if it at least looks like a show that could be filmed live in front of an audience.

    I remember a laugh track over the British version of the old Da Ali G Show and it was way annoying. Maybe it was some meta thing and I missed the setup but it seemed a lot like the painful laugh tracks of Red Dwarf.

    Those are good points.

    Also, I think some of the problem is my age. I remember a time when I didn’t mind laugh tracks at all and just viewed it as a way for studios to avoid more expenses and/or avoid dealing with the problems that come with actors and crew having to appear in front of live audiences.

    Then, all of a sudden, calcification set in and I can hardly watch something with a laugh track in it if the “track guy” is playing too fast and loose with those knobs. It sounds so unnatural to my ear. And most egregious, when they add laughs to the jokes that are obviously “unfunny.”

    My favorite laugh track of all time is probably what was used in David Lynch’s Inland Empire.

    Fried my neurons, it did. haha


  2. bobjohnson says:

    skierpete: Turning it around – maybe a question for a different weekend – can anyone think of spots in a MST3K episode where a movie is trying to be funny and actually succeeds?

    I’m way too late to this to come up with any failed comedy bits that haven’t already been mentioned. You guys have covered it well. So I’ll answer this one instead, and I expect to be destroyed for it. I thought some of Pitch’s pantomimy physical comedy in Santa Claus worked. Where he leans forward to look into the chimney, where he holds out the phone, probably one or two others. Hell, I even liked his non-jump off the couch.

    Please don’t hurt me too much.


  3. Cornjob says:

    The actor who played Pitch was an accomplished comedic dancer or something in Mexico.


  4. Meadows says:

    Fingers O’Toole in Catalina Caper.


  5. itsspideyman says:

    Way, way late for this thread, but I thought I’d add Racket Girls. I seriously don’t know if they were trying to be funny, but they did attempt to throw some humor in. The whole Peaches thing with the Joe? the jockey having her engage in ridiculous titillating exercises was nauseating. And the trite gags made me….well, gag.


  6. Michael Howe says:

    Hobgoblins springs readily to mind. Cringing just thinking of em all.


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