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Weekend Discussion Thread: “But There Was No…”

Alert regular Perry suggests…

The recent Gatwick drone scare. After all the fuss, it might turn out that there was no drone. What other story could be neatly wrapped up with an ending a-go-go?

Let’s skip the obvious one.

But there was no fat barkeep…

Keep those WDT suggestions coming!

89 Replies to “Weekend Discussion Thread: “But There Was No…””

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  1. goalieboy82 says:

    …but there was Noh Theater…

    but what about Kabuki Theater?


  2. goalieboy82 says:

    but there was no air refueling….


  3. Ray Dunakin says:

    Well, since the original question doesn’t appear to be limited to MST3K movies…

    “Suddenly, there was no Thanos. The rest of the Avengers were found 6000 miles away, alive, well, and of normal size except for Antman.”


  4. CaptainSpam says:

    “As if a switch had been turned, as if an eye had been blinked, as if some phantom force in the universe had made a move eons beyond our comprehension, suddenly, there was no moon. There was no weapon, no space station, no thing called ‘Death Star’ to be fought. There was nothing in orbit but the puzzled men of the Rebel Alliance, who suddenly found themselves alone with shadows and darkness. The population of Alderaan was rescued, alive and well, in a galaxy far, far away.”


  5. jay says:

    But there was no originality left in Hollywood. Sigh…


  6. RedZoneTuba says:

    But there was no Hamlet episode, only the memory of brave MSTies who had courageously endured it once.


  7. mando3b says:

    But there were no weapons that were useful against Prince of Space.


  8. goalieboy82 says:

    for your graphic novels fans:
    but there was knowhere…


  9. goalieboy82 says:

    …but there was Noh Theater…

    we have a winner…
    but there was no winner…


  10. As if a switched had been turned, there was…

    No-no, no, no, no-no-no, no, no-no, no, no-no
    Na-no, no, na-no, no-no, na-no, no-no, no, no-no, no


  11. Lawgiver says:

    I’m not even remotely clever enough to come up with something myself, but some of these are really awesome.


  12. yelling_into_the_void says:

    Oddly, January 13 is the one year anniversary of the Hawaii Missile False Alarm.
    But there was no balistic missile.


  13. Lawgiver says:

    Oddly, January 13 is the one year anniversary of the Hawaii Missile False Alarm.
    But there was no balistic missile.

    Crazy, right? I never heard about it when it happened, but I was reading about it earlier today.


  14. Kenneth Morgan says:

    But there was no Beeper on the Satellite of Love.


  15. Since June the world had been careening headlong toward disaster due to the events in Sarajevo. But there was no assassination. Archduke Franz Ferdinand was was found unharmed and of normal size playing saxaphone in a jazz cabaret in Berlin. King George, Tsar Nicolas, and President Poincaré joined Kaiser Willhelm at the club to trade laughs about how close their ministers had just come to unleashing continent-wide cataclysm.


  16. GareChicago says:

    But there was no IT and it didn’t CONQUER anything….there was a big pickle who lived in a cave and killed Beverly Garland..

    But there was no pickle.

    Carrot. He was a carrot.



  17. GareChicago says:

    But there was no… sighhh… onions…



  18. GareChicago says:

    But there was no every year of my life that I grow more and more convinced that the wisest and the best is to fix our attention on the good and the beautiful if you just take the time to look at it.



  19. GareChicago says:

    But there was no consensus on what to call Hal Moffat, just a Brute Man, a Creeper, a peeper, a stalker, a walker, a back-breaker… but in today’s job market, you can’t afford not to diversify.



  20. fatbarkeep says:

    I resent this thread…

    Maybe there was no thread!


  21. Say No To Yes says:

    But there were no starfighters…
    Only a young woman from Iowa who discussed “corn detassling” in far too much detail.
    Oh yeah, and Bob Dornan was hanging around, watching planes refueling in the sky.


  22. Joseph Klemm says:

    But there was no beast…
    Just a boring western disguised as a monster movie.


  23. mando3b says:

    As if a switch had been turned, suddenly there were no giant locusts in greater Chicagoland. There was nothing but Peter Graves, the puzzled man of science in his laboratory in Paxton, playing with grasshoppers as he browsed through the Chicago tourist brochure and had naughty daydreams about the celebrated war correspondent, Audrey Ames.


  24. jay says:

    “Joel used those special parts to make his robot friends.”

    But there were no special parts. The Mads put those special parts on the SOL as part of their experiment to give Joel someone/something to bounce his reactions off of and make it easier to monitor his mind. Joel unknowingly cooperated by assembling them and thus provided the sources for both companionship and torture amplification. Truly diabolical.


  25. Ray Dunakin says:

    Noted scientist Joseph Javorsky wandered into the desert. Suddenly, as if a switch had been turned, he realized there were no “flats”. Lots of yuccas, sure, but no flats.


  26. mando3b says:

    But there were no rackets in Racket Girls: they were wrestlers, not tennis players! (Baddaa bing! Thank you, thank you . . . )


  27. Ray Dunakin says:

    At last their longs months of dull, tedious, training and refueling was complete. Donning their poopie suits, they took to the skies to begin their exciting adventure.

    Suddenly, as if a switch had been flipped, there was no climax. No air battle, no thrilling conclusion, no point to anything that had gone on before. The audience was found 6000 miles away, still trying to flee from the experience.


  28. mst3kme says:

    But there is a sale going on at Rifftrax.

    Save 25% on Kevin’s favorite films and short.



  29. Cornjob says:

    But there were no beatniks. The fat barkeep was found alive and of normal if pudgy size.


  30. Cornjob says:

    The new season had been out for months, but there was no discussion thread about it. Seriously lets discuss it.


  31. Chazzzbot says:

    “He learned almost too late that man is a feeling creature… and because of it, the greatest in the universe. He learned too late for himself that men have to find their own way, to make their own mistakes. There can’t be any gift of perfection from outside ourselves. And when men seek such perfection… they find only death… fire… loss… disillusionment… the end of everything that’s gone forward. Men have always sought an end to the toil and misery, but it can’t be given, it has to be achieved. There is hope, but it has to come from inside, from Man himself.”

    But there was no man as a feeling creature…
    There was no hope


  32. yelling_into_the_void says:

    “He learned almost too late that man is a feeling creature… and because of it, the greatest in the universe. He learned too late for himself that men have to find their own way, to make their own mistakes. There can’t be any gift of perfection from outside ourselves. And when men seek such perfection… they find only death… fire… loss… disillusionment… the end of everything that’s gone forward. Men have always sought an end to the toil and misery, but it can’t be given, it has to be achieved. There is hope, but it has to come from inside, from Man himself.”

    He tampered in God’s domain.


  33. Ray Dunakin says:

    yelling_into_the_void: He tampered in God’s domain.

    God has a website? ;)


  34. GareChicago says:

    But there Was Not Was….


  35. But there was no Soultaker. All five died instantly at the scene of the accident due to massive blunt force trauma.


  36. GareChicago says:

    Endoplasmic Reticulum:
    But there was no Soultaker. All five died instantly at the scene of the accident due to massive blunt force trauma.

    Only a Smiley Face balloon survived.



  37. Chazzzbot says:

    But there was no Day Time Ended. Just a crotchety old man and his family eating peyote and drinking steak milk in the desert.


  38. …but there was no Klein. What, no Klein? awwww


  39. goalieboy82 says:

    but there was no Hitler Building…


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