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Rifftrax Riffs the Candidates

Rifftrax has posted THEIR versions of several campaign commercials:

We begin with a Hillary Clinton ad from Iowa, urging people to caucus:

John McCain tackles the format wars:

Barack Obama promises change:

John McCain takes a bold stance against Woodstock:

Mike Huckabee explains the REAL reason he wants to abolish the IRS:

And, finally, Hillary Clinton ruins Christmas:

16 Replies to “Rifftrax Riffs the Candidates”

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  1. Kentucky Cunctator says:

    Was Nelson channeling Andy Rooney during these bits?

    My vote goes to the Obama “change” commercial. Love the Mallard Fillmore reference in McCain’s spot, though.


  2. Joshua says:

    Fantastic all-inclusive humor. Well done, Mike!


  3. Trixie says:

    In the future, whenever I have to do something I find especially challenging, I’m going to exclaim, “I wish this was as easy caucusin’!”. And I’ll say it like my false teeth are kinda slipping out for added effect.


  4. Shaw says:


    No riffing on Billy Beer ads?




  5. Mike says:

    Who is “Barak” Obama? Is that Barack Obama’s evil twin? :mrgreen:


  6. Tim says:

    “you send me your wrinkled dollars, I’ll give you change.” Nice play on words.


  7. GersonK says:

    Cunctator – good call on the Andy Rooney. That was more or less the voice Mike used in the Andy Rooney-off on the SOL.

    These were fun, but I kind of liked the flat out absurdity of the California gubernatorial ones more.


  8. Charles says:

    Wow, those Hillary Clinton ads are weird. WHY NO RON PAUL ADS IS RIFFTRAX BIASED!?!?!?


  9. Kenotic says:

    I was waiting for a Ron Paul/bias comment, I can now go to bed :lol:


  10. Sampo says:

    Mike: Thanks for the catch. I guess it’s time I learned to spell his name, huh? :oops:


  11. Hey, Mike! You signed my jeans in 2004! (I washed them, too! LOL) :lol:

    The first one was Hillary-ious!

    As for that last one: what fun is it if Hillary TELLS you what is in the boxes? I thought wrapping presents was to keep it a surprise?

    No wonder she is losing to Obama! She told America what she was giving them for Christmas!


  12. Matt D. says:

    That first one was unbelievably awesome. It was a case of the ad itself being so unintentionally hilarious that the jokes wrote themselves.

    I wasn’t expecting the last line on the first John McCain one. I laughed heartily.

    Great line about the smoothing of the dollar only working 1 out of every 100 or so times.


  13. Danny says:

    I see you posted the Hillary ad first. She ain’t gonna like that. :mrgreen:


  14. derm says:

    “When Wendy’s stop giving ex-presidents free Baconators I’ll stop eating them.”

    That made me laugh so hard I had to pause it. Honestly I have to buy some rifftrax now…


  15. Lori says:

    Surely Mike could have a heyday riffing a Ron Paul ad! It would be hilarious!!!

    (I am a Ron Paul supporter, but as a nearly-lifelong MiSTie, I have a keen appreciation for humor too!)


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