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Weekend Discussion Thread: Worst MSTed Movie

Okay, let’s settle this one: What is the worst, the positively worst, movie ever featured on MST3K?

My vote is and will always be “Red Zone Cuba.” To paraphrase Mike, it is not only the worst movie they ever MSTed, it is not only THE worst movie ever made, it may well be the worst THING ever made. Slipshod and impossible to follow, mean-spirited and soul-deadening, it is in every way the anti-movie. It makes you want to swear off movies forever, and perhaps even renounce the existence of a higher being. It’s that bad.

What movie would you pick? And show your work.

254 Replies to “Weekend Discussion Thread: Worst MSTed Movie”

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  1. eimag says:

    For me, Hobgoblins fits this category. I guess it’s decently made, in the “I can point a film camera” sort of way, but of all the mst movies, this is the only one that makes me cringe and beg the riffers to go as mean as possible on the movie.

    When i first saw that the van was…………well, you know, I actually kind of screamed at the TV in horror.
    And while i do have an odd sort of affection for movies that goof, the problems this movie gives (it’s cheapness, it’s sad excuse for characters) makes me almost want to renounce movies.

    While it’s not the worst made, it’s the only one that makes me actively angry that it WAS made.


  2. Green Switch says:

    Monster A-Go-Go, if only for the simple fact that there was no monster (not to mention all the lame narration, horribly mashed-together scenes that made no sense, the laughable space capsule, some random guy imitating the sound of a telephone, etc).

    The Castle of Fu-Manchu ranks a close second. Say what you will about Manos, but at least you could follow what was happening in that movie. You can’t say the same of The Castle of Fu-Manchu, at least not without some serious repeated viewings.


  3. digital_trucker says:

    I’m with you, Red Zone Cuba is utterly incomprehensible.

    I know many people view Manos: The Hands of Fate to be the worst movie ever made, but I respectfully disagree. It has some semblance of a plot, after all…and the plot is right up there with most of the Halloween/Friday the 13th/Nightmare on Elm Street movies (it’s just badly executed, but what do you expect from a fertilizer dealer?).

    Red Zone Cuba is just stultifyingly horrid. I’ve watched it a few times, and it’s one of those episodes I have to force myself to watch. I’m not sure to this day what the plot is, and I’m not convinced there IS one. I’m personally suspect ol’ CF was just trying to get rid of some 4th unit footage leftovers from his other movies.


  4. jessie says:

    For me there are different categories

    Manos was Horrible,but it was so horrible,after the initial numbness,it wass amusing.

    So for the “So horrible it was funny”award goes to Manos

    But the one mst3k movie i canNOT watch,i just cant,it makes me restless,Is the killer shrews.
    It is so grainy and slow and soft and aggh.

    Now as for Mike years,The most amusing bad movie was Village of the Giants.But I think the most boring for me,in the mike years,wasPArts the clonus horror


  5. eric from NJ says:

    Starfighters- what was the point? it was just like a few hours of footage taken at an airbase. Well riffed and well deserved!


  6. The M'Hael says:

    You’re ALL wrong. :wink:

    Invasion of the Neptune Men, for me, ranks as the worst, even worse than Manos. The bleakness of the black and white, the depressing set locations, the ENDLESS shots that go on and on, yet go nowhere…. M&TB rightly freaked the eff out over that one.

    I gotta say, The Creeping Terror is right up there, too, though, for many of the same reasons, but IotNM wins it with the addition of the “shrill-voiced children.”


  7. Kris says:

    Hobgoblins, a million times over, Hobgoblins. I fully agree with eimag (1) on this one. The film certainly had some comparative technical merit, but for me, that actually made it worse, because it implies that people with skill and knowledge made this thing, fully aware of how sick and depraved and bottomlessly stupid it was. With stuff like Manos or The Incredibly Strange Creatures, I can at least indulge in some good, old-fashioned optimism and pretend that the film-makers were so pathetically inept that they just didn’t realize how hurtful and idiotic their films would be. Hobgoblins just makes my skin crawl, my brain die, and my soul weep. I’ll see you in hell, Rick Sloan! :evil:


  8. It’s hard to convince me that any MSTed film could be worse than “Manos, the Hands of Fate” (#424) – but these films certainly qualify as challengers in my book:

    #206 Ring of Terror – just plain dark.
    #323 The Castle of Fu Manchu – Paul Chaplin admitted in the Amazing Colossal Episode Guide that the Brains didn’t know WHAT was going on.
    #421 Monster a Go-Go – If ever there was a film that qualifies as a cop-out, this was it. No continuity, no sense – and NO MONSTER?!?
    #619 Red Zone Cuba – Totally worthless waste of celluloid, except for the theme song “Night Train to Mundo Fine.”


  9. jeanerj says:

    ‘RZC’ is indeed, as you say, the ultimate in badness. Allow me to also mention my aversion to ‘Bloodlust’, though nicely riffed, seemed a little too enamored with brutal and gratuitous sadism.


  10. Rob Willsey says:

    Flag on the moon.

    My vote is for Beast of Yucca Flats. Being on the outskirts of a nuke test makes you a rapist and murderer? This movie is a turd.

    Honorable mentions for the absolutely pointless films Radar Secret Service, Red Zone Cuba and of course the inept and mean-spirited Manos.

    As for Hobgoblins, I’m surprised to see the hate. It’s so clearly not supposed to be anything but what it is. Club Scum, the nerdy guy, the rake fight. It’s so tongue in cheek, how can you feel so strongly about the quality? It’s clearly made to watch stoned at 3AM on USA or some such. Everyone’s entitled to their opinion of course, but compared to some of the plotless horrors the crew watched, Hobgoblins is infinitely more watchable.


  11. More candidates for Worst MSTed Film:

    #704 The Incredible Melting Man – If you really believe humans can melt, you need a shrink.
    #812 The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies – Before there was Manos…
    #1005 Blood Waters of Dr. Z – “Sargassum! The weed of deceit!” Dr. Z announces at the start, the high point, and it all goes downhill from there. Along with TISCWSLABMUZ and Red Zone Cuba, this film is the closest challenger to Manos for Worst MSTed Film.


  12. MPSh says:

    I would say “Monster a-Go-Go!”, but there’s something endearingly goofy about the movie that I like.

    Ditto for “The Creeping Terror”, “Puma-Man” and “The Wild World of Batwoman.”

    I find “Bloodlust” to be horribly drab and tedious.

    And “Hobgoblins” and “Final Justice” are thoroughly nasty and mean-spirited.

    But the prize has to go to good old “Manos: The Hands of Fate”. Unbearably creepy (and not in a good way), incompetently executed (again, not in a good way), and BORING! Those horrible, tedious driving scenes! That insipid flute music! Those awful unlikeable chracters! (Torgo excepted, of course; he was actually pretty cool).

    Yeah, after all this time, Manos still takes the prize. I even devised a Manos scale for rating movies, 0 being Manos, and 10 being every other movie ever made. (Even “Encino Man”!)

    As an aside, a good discussion topic might be movies that Reflect or encapsulate their times. For example, having lived through the ’70s, I can attest that “Mitchell” and “Angels’ Revenge” capture the look and feel of that decade better than any other movies I’ve ever seen.

    But, of course, I digress….


  13. Hedonism Bot says:

    I’m going with Red Zone Cuba too


  14. adoptadog says:

    I’m with Rob Willsey #10 on this one. Beast of Yucca Flats is THE worst. As bad and incomprehensible as RZC might be, there’s a hint of a plot buried there.

    Not so with BoYF. The droning narration is excessive here, and seems entirely random. There’s even greater ugliness than usual for a Francis film, and the suggestions of necrophilia at the beginning of the movie are just horrifying. There’s something really sad about seeing Mrs. Francis and Francis’s boys showing up in this incredible warthog turd…surely they didn’t deserve this. It’s an ugly, depressing, relentlessly grey “film” that insists it’s saying something profound about “progress” (or maybe “justice”) while showing loosely linked, awful images. I can tolerate RZC, and I kind of enjoy Skydivers, but this one…really hurts. Hurts deep down. Makes me cringe.

    And that’s why it’s the worst movie ever. Thank you, won’t you?


  15. TV's Adam says:

    I also think Beast of Yucca Flats is a worse movie than RZC. In fact, I think it’s a LOT worse.

    RZC absolutely has a plot; it’s just buried under the typical Coleman Francis presentation. I mean, I only know this because I’ve watched it literally dozens of times since Rhino released it, but it’s there, and it’s actually kind of interesting to see the movie Francis WANTED to make – or thought he WAS making – hidden under the surface.

    Beast of Yucca Flats, on the other hand, is a very, very loose movie centered entirely around Tor Johnson wandering around outdoors while Coleman narrates. I think it’s easily the worst of the three Francis films – which makes it my absolute favorite, of course.

    That said, I don’t think Beast is the worst movie they’ve done. I’m honestly not sure what is. I don’t think it’s Manos, because Manos is so inept that it’s actually a little creepy to watch, and since it’s ostensibly a horror film, it does succeed in that regard by means of its own awfulness.

    I guess it’s probably Monster A-Go-Go. But I’m sort of grudgingly saying that. Starfighters would be a pretty close second.


  16. Jerry says:


    1. Future War. It’s just a boring movie.
    2. Ring of Terror. I was yelling at this movie to do something.
    3. The Wild World of Batwoman. Just pathetic.
    4. Monster A Go-Go. I’ve seen it three times already and I still can’t remember anything about it.
    5. Devil Fish. Euro Trash.


  17. big61al says:

    Hamlet! Never did a great writer get his work turned into a snoozefest. I can barely get through this without nodding off. This is one film I wish the gang have left in the reject bin.


  18. Alex says:

    I’m going with “Monster A Go-Go”
    But I have to say that without commentary
    “Red Zone Cuba”,”Starfighters, and “Bloodlust”
    Would be virtually impossible to watch.


  19. Steve Vil says:

    Oh, man. I totally agree with #11 that “The Blood Waters Of Dr. Z” is one of the worst. Even with the riffing I couldn’t sit through it. I’ve blocked it out of my head so I can’t even site specific examples at this point. I just remember that it was really, really boring.

    Both “The Skydivers” and “Red Zone Cuba” were terrible. How did Coleman Francis get funding for these movies? And where did he find the actors? My favorite Coleman Francis actor is the possibly retarded photographer in “Skydivers”. Oh, and also let’s not forget the enormous woman who tosses her dance partner around like a ragdoll. Haven’t seen “Beast Of Yucca Flats” but I’m sure it isn’t any better.

    “Manos” is terrible but it’s a funny kind of terrible. Same with “Hobgoblins”. You can laugh at it without the commentary. “Skydivers”, “Cuba” and “Blood Waters” have nothing inherently funny about them. They just sit on your head until you cry.


  20. Stickboy says:

    Cheesy versus painfully bad. That’s what it comes down to for me. So to pick the absolute worst movie shown on our favorite show, I have to choose the one that caused me the worst pain. Cheesy I can live with. Yes, Hobgoblins and Werewolf and others are incredibly cheesy, but so is The Happening and Fantastic Four. Cheesy makes you laugh. Cheesy makes you feel embarrased for the “film makers.” But the truly bad movies leave lasting emotional scars.

    For me, the one that hurt the most is Monster-A-Go-Go. (Forgive me if I put the hyphens in the wrong place, I haven’t the heart to look up the proper spelling.) The movie is barely there, full of scenes that butt against each other and pretend to belong on the same piece of celluloid. Then the movie admits that there really wasn’t a movie in the first place and yet still has the audacity to say that was ON PURPOSE! It thumbs you in the eye and doesn’t appoligize. It thinks you deserve to be blind.

    The movie followed me. They showed a snip of it at the Smithee Awards at Origins (anyone else go to that, let me know) in the catagory for Worst Ending. We got to see the whole sewer scene and watch the firemen dress up for what felt like hours only to be told it was all for nothing. And with that, the movie put out my other eye.


  21. H says:

    Castle of Fu Manchu. Bad print in every way, every sketch is broken, so bad the Mads can’t avoid its badness.


  22. Manny Sanguillen says:

    Gotta agree with Sampo on this one.
    The Zone is the grand daddy of’m all.

    Manos is a close second. And I think ‘The Skydivers’ gets off easy because of RZC and Beast of Yucca Flats, but Skydivers is every bit as bad.

    “Watah…Thirsty…sick man”


  23. Wilford B. Wolf says:

    I’m kinda torn

    “Monster A-Go Go” is a film that makes you “What the hell was that?” after you finish it. “Red Zone Cuba” is a film made entirely of jump cuts, meaning that any sense of continuity made from the film is lost in the editing room (not there was much to figure out in the first place.) On the other hand “The Beast Of Yucca Flats” really has no point at all; it’s almost a Warholian anti-film; something about kids lost in the desert, patrol men, a nuclear explosion and flag on the moon.

    Other films, like “Eegah”, “Wild World Of Batwoman”, “Hobgoblins”, “ISCTSLABMUZ” and “Robot Monster” (and even “Manos”) have some semblance of movie, but are so ineptly executed that the result is painful. (Though, I will say that there seems to be an attempt to be tongue in cheek with “Batwoman” and “Hobgoblins”)

    Of course, there are a couple episodes that I can’t watch. “Hamlet” is hard for me to watch, mainly because it feels like M&tB are trying too hard and the production isn’t bad but merely dull. “Squirm” is also very uncomfortable to me to watch, since it feels like a genuine horror film rather than a parody of one like “Manos”.


  24. Mark says:

    For me, it’s without a doubt, Hamlet. Our guys can’t even spice it up. It’s torture to sit though.
    Hobgoblins is one horrible, horrible movie. But at least it’s entertaining.


  25. Mark says:

    I’d have to say “Incredibly Strange Creatures…”. Just a vile, dark, unwatchable movie with no redeeming value. “Wild World of Batwoman” would probably be my second choice. Makes my head hurt just thinking about sitting through that one.

    And while I’ll agree 100% that RZC is a terrible, terrible movie…it’s also bad in a very entertaining, goofy way. It’s bad in the same way “Gamera vs. Guiron” and “Space Mutiny” are bad.


  26. Ryan Moody says:

    Angel’s Revenge – Stupid and childish knock off of Charlies Angels with horrid stereotypes and celebrates at the bottom of their careers.

    Future War – Cardboard cameras, cheap sets and big chinned cyborgs.

    Manos: The Hands of Fate – Terrible script, bad camera work, long continuous never ending shots, bad lighting, laughable music, and the little being a “bride” at the end of the movie to loathe.

    The Creeping Terror – The Narration throughout the entire film only adds to the cheap monster, sets and people hopping right into the monster’s mouth.


  27. AlexB says:

    I would go with “Racket Girls.” It’s just a repulsive movie. It makes me feel dirty watching it, even though I don’t like that I’m watching it. It’s just dull, too, and oily. Very oily. The only thing that makes me happy is that “Are You Ready for Marriage?” is shown before it.


  28. bob says:

    overdrawn at the memory bank was terrible


  29. ForkLiftKiller says:

    In my book, ‘Hamlet’ is the only film that’s so painfully dull as to be completely unwatchable, even in MSTed form.

    ‘Monster A Go-Go’ is terribly botched…especially the writers “I give up” sort of ending. But I can enjoy it with J&TB.

    ‘The Creeping Terror’ is ludicrously bad….which almost works in it’s favor.

    I have to say that ‘Rocket Attack USA’ is bland, awful, boring, and depressing to boot! It certainly deserves a mention.


  30. Hela says:

    The Robot vs. the Aztec Mummy – It was so boring, made little sense (if any), and even though it was pretty short it seemed like it lasted forever. The robot wasn’t even in the movie until almost the very end. Usually I like crumby b-movies because they have a goofy charm to them; but this one had no charm at all. It was just rediculous.


  31. Zach says:

    I’m going to have to second on “Invasion of the Neptune Men.” An episode that gives me fits of hesitation just even thinking about.

    It’s so bad, that it is the only movie or episode of ANYTHING I can ever remember an old friend ever turning off.

    This is a guy who once watched the Jamie Lee Curtis movie “Virus” seven times in a 24 hour period.


  32. I say “Hamlet” as well. It’s unwatchable. When it aired, I was actually really into Hamlet (you know, watched the Ethan Hawk version, really digging R & G are Dead, etc). But my God, this is bad.

    Monster A Go Go was bad, sure – but the fake “ring ring” makes it better than Hamlet.

    Anything by Coleman Francis has some amount of charm. Hamlet had no charm. It was German.

    Starfighters has poopy suits. They called them poopy suits. And it had jets taking off. I like jets. Hamlet didn’t have jets. Not even in the background.

    Incredibly Strange Creatures was a sleazy, nasty creepy film. And honestly, it’s a close second to Hamlet. But it’s also a slick-of-life pic, almost a documentary into the lives of the film makers. But it’s still not Hamlet.

    And Manos? Nope. Big knees. Maybe big knees would have saved Hamlet. But no. Nothing can save Hamlet.

    I wish they would have left it alone.


  33. Susan B. says:

    For me, it’s Monster a Go-Go. It’s hard for me to even get through the MSTed version of it, so I can’t imagine watching it non-MSTed. It’s dull, pointless, plotless and has no real characters. And no monster.


  34. Rotten As British Teeth says:

    Maybe because I’ve just recently watched it, but I’m gonna put my vote in this category for “The Sidehackers”. While there is some semblence of a plot, that movie left me very ill. (And knowing that BB left out the scene where J.C. and his gang rapes and kills Ross Hagen’s gf doesn’t help matters). J.C. beating up and eventually choking his gf to death is disturbing, and the ending is altogether dark and morbidly ironic. (The soft, sweet soundtrack playing while Rommel is lying dead in the mud is abit remeniscent of scenes from “Last House on the Left”, albeit not nearly as graphic). After watching it, and even with J & TB doing a good job riffing, I soon realized why I avoid viewing it compared to other episodes.

    Runners-up include “Manos” (viewed so many times I’ve become numb to its ineptitude), “Space Mutiny” (over-acting, cheesy sets and graphics, and plain laughable continuity), and “Hobgoblins” (where to start…).

    These movies, however, don’t leave me feeling like jumping off of a tall building like “Sidehackers” does.


  35. snowdog says:

    I have to add another vote for Red Zone Cuba. Of all the films I’ve seen MSTed, this was the only one that I felt actively hated me and everyone else who had the audacity to watch it. It wanted to hurt me, slamming it’s dull grey fists into my face, time and again, for hour after hour after hour… err how long was this movie, anyway?

    I have to agree with Rob above that I don’t understand the hate aimed at Hobgoblins. About a third of the way in, the movie completely ceases to take itself seriously and begins to revel in it’s badness. I’ll bet Road Rash is fun to party with. And I’m sure Club Scum serves up some of the best tater tots during the day time.


  36. Puma says:

    “Angel’s Revenge.”
    It’s been so long since I’ve seen it, I don’t even remember WHY I hated it so much – I just remember feeling completely embarrassed for everyone involved in that movie. Even “Hobgoblins” didn’t make me feel that way.

    “Monster A-Go-Go” and “The Creeping Terror” are runners-up, both for being thoroughly incompetent in every possible way.


  37. beth563 says:

    509 — The Girl in Lovers’ Lane

    I’ve seen every MST at least once, and watch my faves over and over again, of course, but this is one I won’t watch again intentionally, ’cause of the ending. Ecch! Almost makes me feel sorry for Jack Elam to have to play characters like this.


  38. jessie says:

    i have to add one more to this
    I agree,the Ring of Terror,is so sad,so bleak so depressingly dull,I have yet to sit through it.

    but TISCWDTSLABMUZ is a good movie,even if just for the riffing of the dance scene(“Ya gotta schick into shape”)


  39. happy says:

    I have a few
    Overdrawn at the Memory Bank , I really felt it was just too, too dull and didnt like the quality of the print – I couldnt bear to watch it
    Starfighters because there really was a whole lot of nothing going on in that movie
    Manos,the Hands of Fate – this is wretched despite the easy to follow story – there are just too many awkward moments in this where characters are just staring around & while the idea is good it is poorly executed. 100% inept
    Bride of the Monster – rubber Octopus that needs victims help to make it look like it is attacking – horrid editing, the usual Ed Wood junk.
    As for Red Zone Cuba, yes the movie makes ZERO sense, but as an experiment it is one I can watch repeatedly.
    No matter what the worst movie MST ever did, I bet we (well some of us) would like to see them on DVD at some point, if it is not out already. My least favorite episodes are on DVD & I took a deep breath and dealt with it. :)


  40. Nicolletta says:

    Bloodwaters of Dr. Z — aka The Cure for Insomnia

    Track of the Moon Beast — Rubber lizard suit + JC Penney hooker wear = EPIC FAIL

    Boggy Creek II — Charles B. Pierce’s epic vanity project which Mike and the bots rightfully skewered

    Cave Dwellers — textbook definition of ‘incompetent’


  41. Oxbowisamstie says:

    Skydivers! UGH!!! :evil:
    Boggy Creek II was one of the best fusions right up there with pod people and anything sandy frank lol.


  42. Tod Stiles or Buz Murdock says:

    Call me utterly insane but I like Red Zone Cuba. I mean, I would watch it without the riffing. It’s an ugly, boring, horrible movie, sure, but I just like the rawness, man. But also, I don’t think I deserve any happiness or joy in life, so maybe that’s it too.

    You know, probably Castle of Fu Manchu is my vote for worst movie. God, I hated that movie. Everyone should hate that movie.

    Why is this tiny row of emoticons staring at me? It is very uncomfortable.


  43. MikeK says:

    Beast of Yucca Flats.


  44. The Professor says:

    I’m really surprised Red Zone Cuba is mentioned so much. Sure, it’s painfully bad but the film always is chugging along, slamming you from scene to scene without regard for human life. It’s stupid but it keeps the stupid coming.

    My vote for the worst is the Creeping Terror. It’s a black hole of nothing. Minute long shots of a damned rug creature crawling along, barely any dialogue, plot, or real characters…the list goes on.

    Every year that we can, my friends and I get together on Friday the 13th to do what we call “The Evil 13”. What is a marathon of the worst 13 movies we can find, all leading up to Salo, the worst and most vile film in exsistance. In ’06, we had a small one, only four films. Instead of Salo, we had the Creeping Terror. No one survived…but me. :grin:


  45. Leo Artunian says:

    Flat out terrible, pointless, who-the-hell-ever-thought-this-was-a-viable-idea-for-a-film, offensive and dull? Pumaman. Stupid, turgid, non-sensical, with unattractive stars and crappy special effects, and at the bottom, the worst idea for a superhero ever. The only redeeming feature is the performance by Miguel Angel Fuentes, who was also in “Deathstalker III.” Even with some good riffing from M&tB and the “party” host segements at Castle Forrester — featuring Roger Whitaker! — I can barely stand to watch this one.


  46. The Bolem says:

    Why so much hate directed at Hobgoblins?!

    #12 sorta’ brought up a good point: It’d be nice to see each poster’s approximate age next to the username this one time. Being born in 1979, I believe if you’re a child of the ’80s, Hobgoblins digs up your every positive memory of pop-culture from that time, dresses them in neon colored workout gear, defactes on them, then reburies them in humorous positions. For the rest of the day after each viewing, I can’t recall a single scene from Transformers the Movie, Voltron, Aliens, or Sledge Hammer (the sitcom, or Peter Gabriel); just random bits of “Gobots: Battle of the Rock Lords”, Inseminoid, ZZ Top videos, every Zero-budget Mad Max rip off, and the 10 worst episodes of Thundercats.

    I’ve yet to personally see any other experiment scar people this way. Whenever I show Hobgoblins to someone my own age, there’s always a point where they are overwhelmed by the wretchedness. For many it’s the band in Club Scum, while 2 of my Hong-Kong-Action junkie friends lasted until the thief whipped out is nunchaku-flares, but they all cringe and emit the exact same “AUUUUUUGH!…” before the end.

    And stop arguing that Hobgoblins and Batwoman aren’t THAT bad just because they were intentionally campy/cheesy: Camp and cheese work best when they naturally evolve in works whose creators actually try to be somewhat serious, but prove inept. When inept creators intentionally try for camp, it routinely leads into far sicker, less watchable territory. The girl-on-a-leash bit in Batwoman is only a ‘cute’ example of this after comparison with the countless more disgusting examples in Hobgoblins.

    I’m not arguing that Hobgoblins is THE worst of all time (although I consider it the only true “Maw of Hell” caliber experiment in the SciFi era). I’m saying that I doubt any MSTie who grew up in the ’80s, myself included, can judge this one objectively.

    And THAT, snowdog and Rob, is the reason for all the hate directed at Hobgoblins. Ya’ just kinda’ hadta’ be there to get it.


  47. norgavue says:

    Monster a Go Go is so bad I have never sat thru the entire thing as a whole. Neptune men isn’t as bad but barely. I can see why the gang gets as mad with this one as they do.


  48. ForkLiftKiller says:

    I can’t believe the hate being spewed at some of the best MST eps! TISCWSLABMUZ is by FAR one of the greatest episodes in the series, and anyone who thinks otherwise can bite me! And am I the only person who actually LIKED Ring of Terror? That’s one of my favorites! Boggy Creek II? Genius!! Robot vs. the Aztec mummy? HUGE fun! Cave Dwellers? Come on!

    Are these bad films on their own? Sure, but they all share a charm that surely the worst episodes can’t begin to approach! Wake up, people! :wink:


  49. ck says:

    Starfighters. YES! YES! YWS!.
    As the bots either said or should have said:
    “Why did they make this film!”
    (Other then perhaps a grant from the air force).

    A close second is Red Zone Cuba with it’s
    constantly depressing bits (perhaps worst the
    whole diner owner/daughter subplot). Ya think there was any incidence of increased suicides after non-mystee viewing of it. :?: :eek:
    Not as bad were the intro parts with John Carradine and the reporter from The Weekly Reader).

    And how about this from an”the agony booth”
    “You asked for it! Just keep repeating that to yourself as you slog through this recap. That’s right, Red Zone Cuba is one of the most requested movies, if not the most requested movie here at the Agony Booth. Believe it or not, I actually had more than one person volunteer to recap this movie for me. If you’re familiar with the film, the first thing you’re thinking to yourself is why the hell didn’t you take them up on that offer? Unfortunately, in the end I was forced to write this one myself. Simply put, I’m the only person in the entire world crazy enough to seek out and shell out the cash for the original, unaltered version of this film.

    I say “unaltered” because, like several films on this website, this movie is only widely available on video as an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000, and it’s fairly evident that this is one of their most popular episodes, second only to “Manos” The Hands of Fate. In fact, there’s a lot of contention in MST3k fan circles about which is the worse film. Of course, having to decide whether or not “Manos” is a worse movie than Red Zone Cuba is a lot like having to decide whether you’d like to come down with the Ebola virus or leprosy.”


  50. The Bolem says:

    Wow, I haven’t heard Salo mentioned since college. Professor, did you go to CMU?

    Red Zone Cuba will always be my favorite ep, and I too wish I could find an un-msted DVD. I think I’d love it even if the bots had never touched it. So many movies have no point whatsoever, but Coleman captured an epic odyssey into the heart of the utter NOTHING in it’s purest form. After so much of TV and movies concerning space and portals to the beyond gave me glimpses of The Void, Red Zone Cuba actually let me feel it’s cold embrace.

    Coleman’s work is actually so inept that some sort of deranged genius unintentionally came through. I’m seriously convinced that Godard must have watched RZC repeatedly before making ‘Weekend’.


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