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A plethora of news items

For some reason, it seems that at times we go days (or weeks) without anything new to tell you, then suddenly we’re barraged with a flurry of items. This is one of those times.

Who is the best TV dad? Gillian Flynn of Entertainment Weekly‘s “Ask the Critic” column gives a (not so) surprising answer. Find out why she thinks Joel Hodgson fits the bill at,6115,1180592_3_0_,00.html

Speaking of Joel, he and his brother Jim are supervising producers for the Discovery Channel‘s show Everything You Need To Know. You can catch it on Wednesdays at 8 p.m. Eastern and Pacific Times.

Meanwhile, over at National Public Radio, Kevin Murphy has recorded a commentary discussing the pros and cons of the two new competing high-def DVD formats. You can listen to it at

This is essentially an audio version of the column from his web site, which you can read at

Last, but not least, Mary Jo Pehl has contributed an essay to the forthcoming book Scott Bateman’s Sketchbook of Secrets & Shame, a collection of what Scott calls “300 or so of my very best cartoons.” The book will be available in August, but if you preorder it from Scott’s web site, he’ll send you a personally autographed copy at least six weeks before it hits stores, plus an original sketchbook sketch. You can find out more at

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