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Vol. XXIV Titles

Our sources at Shout! Factory have given us the titles for Volume XXIV, and they are:

310- FUGITIVE ALIEN — forklifts and all…
318- STAR FORCE – FUGITIVE ALIEN II — yes, the entire Bacchus III saga…
617- THE SWORD AND THE DRAGON — another of the Russo-Finnish trilogy comes to DVD…
624- SAMSON VS. THE VAMPIRE WOMEN — featuring Frank’s departure.

More info when we get it.

93 Replies to “Vol. XXIV Titles”

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  1. pondoscp says:

    What a pleasant surprise! Shout is doing such an excellent job with these releases!


  2. Chris from CT says:

    VERY nice choices! Shout factory has yet to disapoint me!


  3. Big61al says:

    GREAT SET! Thanks Shout! :yes:


  4. Dan in WI says:

    Sandy Frank shouldn’t have let his rights lapse. It makes it hard for him keep blocking these in his petty way.


  5. ck says:

    When will it be out?

    And what about the extras?


  6. Creeping-Death says:

    Hooray! The last of the season 3 Japanese movies and the third Russo-Finnish movie. Poor Sampo can’t watch Sampo in DVD form yet…


  7. JK Robertson says:

    Wow Season 3 has been getting a lot of special attention. Remember when episodes from Season 3 were a pipe dream.


  8. Canucklehead says:

    Another great lineup! Thank you, Shout Factory!


  9. GregS says:

    Excellent! And the latest volume is making its way to my home as we speak – it’s a great time to be alive!!


  10. PrivateIron says:

    Now that is a set!!!! Most excellent, even if no Outlaw or Day the Earth Froze. Still 4 genuine quality titles. Again, great news.


  11. Sampo says:

    ck–you’re welcome! :-)

    More info when we have it.


  12. Gary Bowden says:

    Another great set!! Shout!,I bow to you!


  13. HeatUpTheDeathRay says:

    Yes! I’ve been waiting for both Samson vs. the Vampire Women and The Sword and the Dragon for years. The Fugitive Alien films aren’t too shabby, either. ;) Excellent job, Shout Factory!


  14. hungry and a little confused says:

    Yeehaw. Frank, you were enjoyed.


  15. dsman71 says:

    WOW !
    Well I think most of us guessed both Fugitive Alien movies were coming
    This theoretically leaves just one Season 3 title left that can be *had* and thats Stranded in Space.
    Sword and the Dragon is a pleasant surprise ( I bet Sampo gets Sampo on Volume 25)
    Samson vs the Vampire Women is a key episode which I figured would be on the 25th Volume but here it is now ! Very major cool set
    As Guy Fiere would say ” thats Outta bounds!”


  16. StumpChunkman says:

    Great selection, I can’t wait till July/August (I’m guessing) to get it!

    Finally, I can check an episode off my Mike-era wish list. That leaves:

    516 Alien from LA
    519 Outlaw
    605 Colossus and the Headhunters
    705 Escape 2000
    815 Agent for H.A.R.M.
    817 Horror of Party Beach

    Any word on single episode DVDs?


  17. NoTrafficAccidents says:

    To celebrate the official release of Fugitive Alien, we should all legally change our first names to Ken.


  18. Troy Thomas says:

    Let me just be the first to say, “I KNEW IT!” After we got the Gamera’s and the “indifferent Sandy Franks,” (a phrase I made up regarding “Apes” and “Mighty Jack”), I knew the “Fugitive Alien’s” couldn’t be far behind. And as far as “Sword and the Dragon” goes, I guarantee we’ll see “Day the Earth Froze” within the next five sets.


  19. Cyanide says:

    This is fantastic news!

    Love you Shout! Factory


  20. itsspideyman says:

    #16 Awesome list.

    Sword and the Dragon has some of my fav Mike-era riffs.

    “Who left my tools in the yard?”

    “Now THAT’S a horde!”

    “The falcoln’s were a witness to our love!” Mike and the bots: “eeeeeewww!”

    “You know it would be easy to grab the wrong whiskery old fat guy!”


  21. snowdog says:

    Not a huge fan of the Sandy Frank stuff myself, but I’ll keep buying them for the other two eps. Thanks again, Shout! …for letting it all out!


  22. Ken says:

    NoTrafficAccidents says:
    March 27, 2012 at 10:33 am
    To celebrate the official release of Fugitive Alien, we should all legally change our first names to Ken.

    That’s a silly idea!


  23. The Elusive Robert Denby says:

    While I am VERY grateful to Shout! Factory for continuing to do an EXCELLENT job releasing these gems, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit disappointed. But, with each new title released, we get that much closer to releasing “Riding With Death” and “Alien From L.A.” Sigh.

    Now, please don’t disturb me further, I have to clean my glasses and finish these patent papers.


  24. Mr. B(ob) says:

    Really looking forward to this set, I haven’t seen a good forklift assault in years. So glad to see Shout! release all the Sandy Frank episodes, both Fugitive Alien episodes are hilarious and the other two are good ones as well. We actually bought Sword And The Dragon on VHS before MST3K made fun of it, it’s a pretty cool movie actually and it worked well on MST3K too. As for Mexican wrestling horror movies, that says it all right there though I hated to see Frank leave after already losing Joel. The chemistry on the show would never be quite the same again after all that though it was still better than anything else on TV at the time.


  25. Basil says:

    Last week, the re-releases of The Girl in Gold Boots and The Wild Wild World of Batwoman arrived. Yesterday, I got notification yesterday that Volume 23 should be arriving today. Now, word of another DVD pack is announced … or will be officially announced soon. I’m so happy. Wife isn’t, but I am.


  26. Droppo says:

    Yes! Fantastic set!

    First of all, I absolutely adore the Fugitive Alien eps. They’re all-time classic, Hall of Fame caliber episodes. They’re the reason this set is an automatic must-own for Droppo.

    Love the 2 Joel, 2 Mike split. Mike episodes are strong. Frank’s last episode is a big one and should be released even if the film/riffing is only so-so. And I like Sword and the Dragon.

    OK, so in a 5-star rating system:

    Fugitive Alien – 5 stars
    Star Force: FA II – 5 stars
    Sword and the Dragon – 3 stars
    Samson – 3 stars (2 for the movie, 1 for the fact that it’s Frank’s farewell)

    Great, great release!

    Thank you Shout! And if you’re reading this, here’s some other unreleased 5 star (imho) eps that I would consider must-buys:

    Space Travelers
    Fire Maidens From Outer Space
    Alien From L.A.
    San Francisco International
    High School Bigshot
    The Incredible Melting Man
    Track of the Moonbeast


  27. Brandon says:

    I wonder if Samson Vs. the Vampire Women will include a bonus feature, like a documentary on Frank Conniff. His life, other things he’s done. Or maybe there will be a “Life After MST3K” about Frank.


  28. sirhamhat says:

    That is awesome!!! 3 of my favorites and yet another Russo-Finnish addition!!! Great, great set! FA, FA2 and Sampson are three of my absolute all-time favorites! And Sword is a solid Russo-Finnish episode with some of the best host segments! I know everyone gets tired of this being said, but this is already ONE OF MY FAVORITE BOX SETS EVER!!!


  29. Skiptastic says:

    And the Sandy Frank collection is complete! Now to get all of the Film Ventures International videos! (probably impossible due to Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster)

    Great collection.


  30. Oh. Ah. Shucks. I always hoped Samson would be released with at least one other title I was interested in. I won’t lie, I’m disappointed. I guess I can get over it. I’m afraid that the rights to the K. Gordon Murray film might be short lived, though, so I’m afraid I’ll have to grab it.

    And there should certainly be an extra about K. Gordon Murray, as well as Frank.


  31. Ken says:

    I am in agreement with #22

    Let the Cher jokes begin…


  32. Mitchell "Rowsdower" Beardsley says:

    OH-HO HO HO YEAH!!! ALL 5 Gameras, Time of the Apes, Mighty Jack, and now the Fugitive Alien ‘saga’!! THANK YOU SHOUT!
    Sword and the Dragon is my all time least watched ep, so that will almost be like a new episode to me and my Samson is a very poor copy, so that one hasn’t been watched alot either. Awesome!



  33. The DA says:

    Finally! Fugitive Alien I & II! I’ve seen The Sword and the Dragon once but never watched Samson so I figure I’m in for a treat. Thanks Shout! Factory for hitting another one out of the park! Definitely a pre-order deal!


  34. sol-survivor says:

    When you’re out of slits, you’re out of pier…


  35. Fantastic!!! Another great set from Shout!

    Hopefully we’ll see more from season 8 soon. By my count, s8 has the most unreleased episodes (at 13, specifically the first 9) so I’d be happy to have some more of those in future sets…


  36. Ya know I do an Internet radio Show and Shout is one of our sponsors. I absolutely adore these guys. Such an affection for one of my only obsessions in life, MST3K. This is a great release, especially Samson VS the Vampire Women. Squeeeeeeellll!


  37. Canucklehead says:

    While I look forward to getting the next set when it comes out, I’m gonna enjoy my copy of vol. XXIII which I just picked up today. Now that Shout! Factory has managed to pry all the Sandy Frank movies out of his tight little fists, I hope that we’ll be able to see more of the TV-movie eps. I would love to see “Riding With Death” and “San Francisco International” on DVD.

    I look forward to watching these eps. :-)


  38. Stressfactor says:

    @ Dan in WI #4–

    I’m actually not sure — the guys MAY still be having to deal with Sandy Frank all-in-all. Frank had the license for the movies BUT I believe he also arranged for the dubs and the editing. In which case, when the license lapsed I’m not sure if HIS dubs went along with or if he still retained the rights to the versions his company dubbed they just couldn’t do anything with them without the license.

    I thought that was one of the original hurdles to the Gamera stuff — that the rights situation wasn’t exactly cut-and-dried since it involved not just the Gamera movies themselves but also a very specific dubbed version of those movies.


  39. Stressfactor says:

    P.S., it’s funny this announcement should come today because I was hanging out with a bunch of “Doctor Who” fans over the weekend and I remarked about the fact that you know you’re a Doctor Who fan when you’re watching an episode of MST3K, one of the characters makes a complicated riff that you’re able to peg as being sort-of the plot to the Doctor Who episode “The Five Doctors” and you wince because they’re getting it wrong.

    The person I was talking to went: “Fugitive Alien right?”


  40. Laura says:

    Going to have to wait until I’m employed. Along with the current set. Stupid unemployment running out. :cry:


  41. Now that I think about it, I saw Sword and the Dragon on YouTube and thought it was zany enough to be worth having. The Fugitive Alien movies didn’t make as much of an impression on me, but that happens with eps that I watch once in my usual state of high distraction. This isn’t the dream set I was hoping for but it’s pretty cool.


  42. Colossus Prime says:

    I love the Sword and the Dragon due to the insanity that went into that dubbing. There is no way the dialogue translated is the same dialogue spoken. There is just too much ineptitude going on to be what was actually written. :)

    There’s honestly a really cool story in there, it’s just hard to figure out what it is. :)


  43. ck says:

    Just remember. Frank will be back in Soultaker. I mean,
    when he gets around to it (after all, things are so
    political in second banana heaven).


  44. Greasyfries says:

    All that I have to say is


  45. Trilaan says:

    Awesome! Of all the episodes I have shown to friends the Fugitive Alien films have been the most enjoyed by everyone from the 10 year old to his 35 year old father. Here’s hoping for some truly kick bottom supplemental features for these two.


  46. hellokittee says:

    YES!! The Fugitive Alien Medley is in my top 5 favorite MST songs ever. Can’t wait to show this episode to my husband who will undoubtedly find it not NEARLY as amusing as I do. “I love Ken, he is my sweet friend…”

    Wow this news, and the Rifftrax Manos news AND I am getting volume 23 today in the mail!!! (as I am constantly poking my head over my cube wall to stalk the mailroom guy…)


  47. schippers says:

    /This is the song, written for the train chase,
    This is the song, Rocky and Ken,

    This Shout Factory news hit me in the pants. In my little pants.

    But with it, I can run faster, jump higher.

    Ah ha ha ha ha HA ha ha ha – YOU’RE STUCK HERE!

    Oh no, I vapor locked.

    But I stand a good chance of becoming a man, not just a wolf raider.



  48. bartcow says:

    #30: Wasn’t there a K Gordon Murray doc on the Santa Claus DVD?


  49. Magicvoice says:



  50. Crow T. Robert says:

    Great set and the pivotal episodes are always good to see committed to disk at last. The Bluhbluh vs. Guhguh incident has taught me to jump on these things quicker (that said, good luck, #40 Laura!)


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