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Update: Bonus Features for the Next Volume

Further update from Jordan:

Bless your readers, if it weren’t for their comments, I would have forgotten to include the MST Hour wraps for THE DAY THE EARTH FROZE. I’ll make sure they’re included.

The latest from Shout!

Bonus features include:
· 3-Part Documentary Return To Eden Prairie: 25 Years Of Mystery Science Theater 3000
· Ninth Wonder Of The World: The Making Of Gorgo (MST3K Edition)
· Last Flight Of Joel Robinson
· Life After MST3K: Mary Jo Pehl
· Leonard Maltin Explains Something
· Original Trailers
· 4 Exclusive Mini-Posters By Artist Steve Vance
And to clarify: There will be a fifth disc in this set containing the double feature of “Mitchell” and “The Brain That Wouldn’t Die”

Some intriguing stuff here. I bet what Leonard wants to explain is his much-maligned star rating system.

53 Replies to “Update: Bonus Features for the Next Volume”

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  1. Chuck in Chicago says:

    I wish Leonard Maltin would explain what qualifies him as a critic!

    Oh, wait. EVERYbody’s a critic! I forgot.

    Never mind.


  2. Triple_sSs says:

    According to davidbeegah on the discussion board, there’s going to be a “25th Anniversary Edition” collector’s tin, too.

    This is probably the edition that Shout is talking about here, as that bonus DVD could be exclusive to it, though don’t count me on that.


  3. :yes: x1000


  4. Chris says:

    Has Shout stopped including the MST3K Hour segments? :(


  5. EricJ says:

    Possibility of Day the Earth Froze and Moon Zero-Two, and we’re discussing the Leonard Maltin bit? :)
    (Mitchell and Brain were already disked way back at the beginning of the Rhino era, so those may just be bonuses.)

    Think both the show and Maltin feel that the “Leonard Maltin gave it two stars” sketch was taken a LIT-tle too much out of context from the SyFy-era fans who turn any line and any character into fan mythology.
    It wasn’t supposed to be some Salman Rushdie-like slandering of Maltin and all he stands for; they just needed another lame three-minute “theme” sketch to get through end credits…Not to mention, Maltin’s name is only on the Guide, it’s likely he only does a tenth of the reviews in the book anyway. Sheesh, let it go!


  6. syferdet says:

    I’m looking forward to the three-part doc (as they like to call it in the business). I pass by the studio two or three times a month. There’s a music place there now. Music-somethingorother. I forget the name.


  7. As long as there’s an edition without the double-dip Mitchell/Brain disc, I’ll be content.


  8. TouchOFSatan says:

    Nice features!! nice set..and a 5th disc with 2 of my personal fave episodes!! hell yes!.honestly never seen any show in the next set except Leech Woman long ago..and seen some of The Day the Earth Froze on youtube..i think Volume XXX is gonna be epic!! hope it finally gots Puma Man and perhaps Rocketship X-M!..but keep up the excellent sets and Features SHOUT!


  9. Luther Heggs aka Number 6 says:

    If I understand the reference to “set” correctly, I think it’s cool that the sleeve box will be larger and hold the 5th disc, instead of it being a loose bonus disc. Reminiscent of the Gamera :turtle: set. But even if it is shrink wrapped to the outside I’ll still get it.

    It sounds so cliché to say “another great set from SHOUT!” but it’s true nonetheless.

    (Tom: Testify!)


  10. Duane Zykov says:

    Note to everyone: this is a 25th anniversary tin set, like the 20th.

    Price tag is $64.99


  11. hellokittee says:

    Haven’t bought the last couple sets but this sounds like a “must have”. Good stuff, Shout!


  12. Goshzilla says:

    I find it fitting that Shout has based their anniversary dating (roughly) on the airing of the first episode on KTMA. The 20th Anniversary Collection was released in early December 2008 and K01 first aired in late November 1988. Most people would probably have put the 20th anniversary in 2009 – even the Brains had those stickers that said 10 Years of MST3k 1989-1999 – but the fine folks at Shout went with the earlier date, indicating from the very start that they were as dedicated to minutia as we are.

    Sure, one could argue that they jusy wanted a little something extra to set apart their first MST3k release, but such cynicism is beneath me. Anyway, even without the fancy name and shiny box, I still would’ve been hugely impressed by the amount of love they put into Volume 13. Say, could it possibly have been simple superstition? Nah. What’s unlucky about 28? (By the way, I think they should abandon the Roman numerals soon. Volume XXX will just look weird. The NFL needs to stop them, too. I mean, Super Bowl L?)


  13. Rob says:

    That cover looks like a little toy SOL, dare I dream that this comes with a little companion for Crow, Tom, and Gypsy on my desk? Ok, maybe not, but it sure would be nice someday!


  14. jaybird3rd says:

    Wow, we really are coming up on twenty-five years already, aren’t we? The unaired “Green Slime” pilot that Joel played at Dragon*Con included a title card that was dated 10/3/88 (October 3rd). I think I’ll celebrate by making it a point to watch all the (available) KTMA shows on their original air dates between now and next May, starting with the pilot.


  15. shavertron says:

    so i guess my question is will there be both a tin and non-tin version of the 25th anni, like there was with the 20th anni set? and if so, will both versions have all 5 discs?

    i’m not much into the tin pkging – the cardboard sleeve is cool – but note to shout!, if the tin were shaped like the SOL i would have absolutely no choice but to be right there standing in line, hah hah.


    it’s good all way ’round.


  16. Bob(NotThatBob) says:

    A company called Cinemagine put out a humorous short film called “Waiting for Gorgo” – that might make a cute extra if it’s not too late to include it (it’s on DVD and I picked it up a while back – it’s fun).


  17. generalist says:

    Does the inclusion of MITCHELL and THE BRAIN THAT WOULDN’T DIE portend more OOP titles being released from Shout?

    They seem to have abandoned the Shout Select single releases. Either way, I’ll buy. Keep ’em coming!


  18. Savvy says:

    Thank You, Shout! Factory! I actually have a tape of The Brain That Wouldn’t Die on Comedy Central from the holiday season, 1994. It’s a Play MiSTy For Me one. The only problem is that part of the opening is cut off because the channel was somehow changed, and it doesn’t show back up until around the part where Mike yells, “Little Monkey Boy!” It will be nice to have a nice clean version of the movie, without having to fast forward through some of the cheesy 90’s commercials… Thanks again for updating us, Sampo!


  19. Captn Ross Hagen says:

    I love the tins, the only thing that makes me sad is that it’s coming out after the CT shows at the start of November.
    I like getting the tins signed, I only hope to get Mike, Kevin, and Bill to sign some of my stuff some day.
    Life can be so hard sometimes.


  20. ck says:

    Okay. How’s this for selfish. I’d like a future set extra to include
    Cave Dwellers, because my dvd of it broke and it’s way too expensive
    to buy a replacement set just to get it.


  21. PALADIN says:

    RE: “I bet what Leonard wants to explain is his much-maligned star rating system.”

    —–I just watched ‘LASERBLAST’ again the other night…

    …and I WANT to see Leonard Maltin explain his rating system !
    (…But even that won`t make the hurt go away…oh, the pain..the pain…sigh…)


  22. Travis H says:

    Another AWESOME batch of special features, way-to-go Shout! :D


  23. Nick-0 says:

    MST3K Vol XXX not to be confused with This Ain’t MST3K XXX which is something entirely different (ask your parents)


  24. Nick-0 says:

    Re: my last post – I’ve waited 29 volumes to make that joke. Kinda like Mike with the pool cue.


  25. Luther Heggs aka Number 6 says:

    “Bless your readers, if it weren’t for their comments, I would have forgotten to include the MST Hour wraps for THE DAY THE EARTH FROZE. I’ll make sure they’re included.”

    That’s an uplifting update and creates just the right amount of spin in my world today.

    (Crow: I see we have a charm quark in the audience who shall remain mostly nameless. I’ll just look at the Mr. Chicken and whistle.)


  26. itsspideyman says:

    Say what you want about Maltin’s system, I give the big guy props for coming on MST3K and playing the foil for Mary Jo. And I’m like him, I’m one of those that liked Gorgo when it came out on the big screen. I think it was a clever twist and one that scared the bejesus out of me when I was a kid.


  27. itsspideyman says:


    You’re a pip, Nick-0. :)


  28. Droppo says:

    I know this has become a recurring refrain around here: but, Shout Factory is the best!

    Since they’ve taken over, it truly is a dream come true for MSTies. They so clearly care about what the fans want.


  29. Danzilla "Cornjob" McLargehuge, Student of Kaijuology says:

    Well, what can I say? This set has the potential to become of the best yet!!!! Not four, not five, but SIX GREAT EPISODES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And the bonus features are, as usual, going to be amazing! I can’t wait to watch that 3-part documentary, and hear what Leonard Maltin has to say, of course! The new Gorgo documentary is geeking me out too, as I’m a huge fan of the movie itself. And it’s so cool that Shout! reads these posts and saw that there was yet another bonus they could include! This company is truly special and a God sent for people like us. :) I also can’t wait to see the new tin and, as always, check out Steve Vance’s new mini posters!!!! That’s always one of my favorite parts of getting a new set! Keep up the AMAZING work, Shout! Factory, and thank you from all of us. Your dedication and hard work mean more to us than we can say. :)


  30. Bill Haverchuck says:

    “Not to mention, Maltin’s name is only on the Guide, it’s likely he only does a tenth of the reviews in the book anyway. Sheesh, let it go!”

    Yes, we should all follow EricJ’s lead & let it go. Because if there’s one thing EricJ has proven to us, it’s that he is a human being who excels at letting things go… Oh wait…


  31. Savvy says:

    Shout! Factory, you are too good to us! Thank you!


  32. GizmonicTemp says:

    Bless your readers, if it weren’t for their comments, I would have forgotten to include the MST Hour wraps for THE DAY THE EARTH FROZE. I’ll make sure they’re included.

    In that case, don’t forget to include a $100 bill in each set, too.


  33. T.A.P. says:

    Now if only we could get Shout to sell the fixed version of Killer Shrews.

    I’m still mad about missing out on the replacement offer all these years later.


  34. Jake says:

    We give much praise to Shout Factory as a company but let’s hear it for Jordan as well. You know our favorite cow-town puppet show is in good hands when Shout has people like him working for them who cares about the fans. As Joel and the Bots would probably say “Here’s to Jordan – one of the good ones!”


  35. Luther Heggs aka Number 6 says:

    @ T.A.P. # 33

    “I’m still mad about missing out on the replacement offer all these years later.”

    It’s time to let that anger go. I speak from experience – my self-imposed toxin of reliving the angry regret of not ordering the battery-powered propeller helmet from QUISP cereal so very long ago.

    It’ll just take you down, man, and it’s a long dark row to hoe.

    (If ONLY I had saved that particular empty QUISP cereal box for a few weeks, it might have goaded my parents into ordering it! If only! If only! I could have become a legend at so many conventions! “Look at me whir!” I could have said at the various cons. “Look at me whir!”)

    Let the anger go!



  36. pondoscp says:

    What a great set this will be! And right before Thanksgiving! And it comes out the same day I get to see Pearl Jam!

    A hope that in the not too distant future (hehe), Shout! will include more MST3K Promos. I love those things!


  37. grizzlybeer says:

    @5 – “Possibility of Day the Earth Froze and Moon Zero-Two, and we’re discussing the Leonard Maltin bit?”

    Yes, because this is the post where we discuss Volume XXVIII’s BONUS FEATURES. Everyone already discussed how excited they were about episode selection back on July 23rd here:


  38. Temple Fugate says:

    We’re at a point in the release cycle where I’d have no problem if Rhino episodes were included one or two at a time every so often. Most of the Rhino episodes I have are on VHS and I’m more than willing to double-dip after over ten years of wearing out the tapes, and the Shout! Select releases are too much of an asking price. A bonus disc included in a tin box, that’s also bundled with a three-part 25th anniversary documentary, justifies the price point of this set for me.

    The one worry I have is that the disc will be a flipper. And if they do manage to cram both episodes onto one side of the disc, what quality would they be at?

    Also, counterpoint to Goshzilla (#12), MST3K Vol XXX will probably sell very well. It might severely disappoint a lot of newbie buyers, but it will sell very, very well! And my love of the cumbersome but classy and traditional Roman numeral system compels me to speak up in favor of keeping them on the Shout! covers. (OT- I am worried the Super Bowl will drop its numbering system in favor of a big ol’ “50” on their Super Bowl L logo…I expect if they do keep with “L” it will encourage a lot of people to learn more about the Roman numeral system. Most people can’t count past the X’s.)


  39. JB says:

    Would it be too much to ask Shout to include MST Hour segments that Rhino missed (I Accuse My Parents, Cave Dwellers, Pod People, etc.) or for episode NOT released yet and/or may not (Space Travelers)?


  40. I should add to what I said earlier (that there should be an edition without the double-dip episodes) that it would also be okay if the set doesn’t cost any more than previous sets. I’m just not paying extra for DVDs I’ve already bought.
    Based on the other responses, I’m either the only one who bought those discs, or the only one who might have a problem with buying them again, so it looks like Shout! doesn’t have to worry about a large backlash.


  41. jjb3k says:

    I don’t object to the double-dip of “Mitchell” and “The Brain That Wouldn’t Die”. Both were part of the first wave of Rhino video releases, back when they still did that stupid thing where they cut out the commercial bumpers. Shout!’s re-releases of the Rhino episodes are complete and unedited, and considering that “The Brain That Wouldn’t Die” was the first episode to have custom bumpers, that’s sort of a big deal here.


  42. Luther Heggs aka Number 6 says:

    I’m deriving so much enjoyment reading all the various comments of facts and humor on these topics/threads that I feel like I must be doing something illegal.

    While I have seen a few situations online similar to Jordan’s keeping an eye on fan comments (as an example, Don Coscarelli earnestly listening to the Phantasm community) it is not by any means common practice.

    Such attention to detail breeds fierce loyalty.


  43. Gorn Captain says:

    Is it a coincidence that the Warner Archive is releasing Mitchell uncut?


  44. VeryDisturbing says:

    This is set is gonna be nothing short of –AWESOME–.

    Thank you for the clarification on the special features. Especially about the 5th disc, was a bit confused about that.

    I hope that Leonard Maltin will finally explain about his ‘2-star’ rating for Lazerblast.

    Even though this series has been around for 25-years, it really doesn’t date that much. There will always be bad movies, and someone there to rip-it-a-new-one.


  45. Creeping-Death says:

    It’s always great to see that Shout! pays attention to fan comments and opinions. You don’t see companies paying attention to what the hardcore fans want very often.


  46. VeryDisturbing says:

    @ 45:

    Many Thanks to Shout! Factory for all they’ve done for this series.


  47. dsman71 says:

    Maybe they will release more previously Rhino released singles in their volumes as maybe the Shout Selects have been dropped
    I for one like to see
    Santa Claus Conquers the Martians in a volume. It is the only reason why I keep the Essentials DVD as I have 2 other Manos releases
    The Giant Gila Monster – I hate the flimsy package the single has and Im not buying 10.2 as I have the original volume 10
    If they keep putting reissuesm this could alter my collection and retire the Rhino DVD releases :)


  48. pabsttallboy says:

    FINALLY…The Day The Earth Froze…Has Come Back… To DVD!! (Of course, the original MAY be on DVD, in all its original Scandanavian glory, but isn’t as much fun).

    Maybe Rifftrax or CT will riff on a movie starring that master thespian, Dwayne Johnson, a.k.a. The Rock.

    Shout!, in the immortal words of C. Monty Burns, “Huzzah, Huzzah!”


  49. Joe says:

    Is there a release date yet?


  50. Depressing Aunt says:

    This is so cool, it’s giving me Brain Freeze!


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