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Coming Soon: Volume 10…point two?

We have learned that Rhino is set to re-release “The Mystery Science Theater 3000 Collection, Vol. 10.”

So, what happened? Apparently there was some sort of rights mix-up regarding the inclusion, in the original set, of episode 212- GODZILLA VS. MEGALON. In the new set, which Rhino has called “The Mystery Science Theater 3000 Collection, Vol. 10.2,” that disc has been replaced with a disc containing episode 402- THE GIANT GILA MONSTER.

Even more exciting–one of the features of the disk will be a short sketch featuring Joel Hodgson, Trace Beaulieu and J. Elvis Weinstein commenting on the SNAFU that led to the withdrawl and re-release.

The disc also includes an extra feature starring actor Don Sullivan (who stars in “The Giant Gila Monster”).

Tentative street date: Feb 5th.

As a reminder, the other three episodes in the set are episode 503- Swamp Diamonds (plus short: What to Do on a Date), episode 514- Teen-age Strangler (plus short: Is this Love?) and episode 810- The Giant Spider Invasion.

124 Replies to “Coming Soon: Volume 10…point two?”

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  1. Jimmy Kaufmann says:

    Awesome. Any word on if they’ll be packaging the disc separately for us lucky bastards who bought Vol. 10.1?


  2. M Sipher says:

    … oy. Is there any chance of those of us who got the set the first time around (who I would imagine is “everyone reading this site”) getting our hands on the Gila disc WITHOUT having to re-buy the whole set? I mean, I’ll pay the what, $15 or so for a single-disc release…


  3. Cubby says:

    Criswell predicts!

    Rhino *will* offer Giant Gila Monster to those who have already purchased Vol. 10(.1).

    It will be made available in Mystery Science Theater 3000 Essentials, Vol. 2: a two-disc volume featuring Gila Monster and Manos, The Hands of Fate.

    Criswell Predicts!


  4. Webboid says:

    Why on Earth would you NOT want the entire Volume 10.2? I mean, what a conversation piece! I personally will be might proud to have it tucked safely away on my wall ‘o videos in between Volumes 10.1 and 11! :)


  5. Sampo says:

    To those asking about a separate release for “Giant Gila Monster,” all I can say is: Anything is possible; stay tuned.


  6. Sam L. says:

    Uh…my head…uhh…don’t want to buy set all over again…BUT it has Gila Monster…AND Joel, Trace, Josh extra…ahhhh!!


  7. hAPPY says:

    I am in the boat of Please release Giant Gila Monster separately, I would hate to buy a set again for one title, even if its one I wanted like forever
    I already emailed “drrhino” about this


  8. The Mouka says:

    Yes, I most definitely don’t want to shell out $60 for ONE movie. And I’m not ebaying my set because I want to keep GODZILLA. Do the right thing, Rhino! (and please release the Mexican SANTA CLAUS).


  9. Thad Boyd says:

    M Sipher: “those of us who got the set the first time around (who I would imagine is “everyone reading this site”)”

    ‘Fraid not. Sure wish I had, though.


  10. Mac says:

    I sing whenever I sing whenever I sing…


  11. Jesus Thinks You're A Jerk says:

    If they don’t release it as a single disc, I’ll just rent it and burn it. No big loss. Total dick move, but what would you expect after the crap they pulled with “the essentials”?


  12. The Mighty Drew says:

    Just wanted to add my voice to all those who already purchased Volume 10. I want “Gila Monster” and the new special features, but I don’t want to re-purchase the set.

    Rhino came through for us quite well in replacing “Killer Shrews”. Please tell me they can do something similar. I’ll pay for the single disc!!!


  13. losingmydignity says:

    Whoa, lost in all this perfectly understandble talk of a God turned into a Gila (I want the damn disc too, as I do have Vol. 10)is the fact that Joel, Trace, and “Elvis” are doing something new for a Best Brains release. Does this mean they are at least talking to Mallon?


  14. Sonny says:

    While I think it’s great that people who missed out on the 10.1 release can get 3/4 of the discs available in that set – put me firmly in the camp of those who want the single-disc Gila because we bought 10.1 when it came out.

    – oh, and Rhino? If you’re reading this, don’t get any bright ideas about a 9.2, 10.3, 4.8 or other re-releases. That would just make Baby Jesus cry.


  15. jetjaguar15 says:

    Allow me to join the chorus of lucky 10.1 owners. Hopefully Sampo’s hint will come true and those of us who have the set already (kinda) will be offered a olive branch from Rhino.


  16. Sampo says:

    Folks, keep in mind that while hardcore fans have the original Vol. 10 (probably because they preordered) anybody who hesitated at ALL didn’t get it. So for a lot of people this is their first chance to get Vol. 10. But I can assure you they are aware that this issue is out there.

    Sonny: Actually I would love to see Vol. 9.2 come along soon, since that’s the other volume that was pulled.

    You can also let your voice be heard at


  17. Ryan McSwain says:

    I’ll tell you what, if they don’t handle the problem, those of us with 10.1 can get into contact with 10.2, break the rules, and burn each other a copy of the one movie we’re missing. I really don’t want to be be S.O.L.


  18. Well all I can say is that I own the original Volume 10 but really want the Gila disc with extra stuff from Joel et al. If it is available as a separate disc then hopefully it’ll be made available to Misties worldwide (I did eventually get my Killer Shrews replacement after a very long time). Shamefully if it’s not then I won’t have the option to rent so I’d need to buy the whole damn set!


  19. Shenny says:

    Why was Vol. 9 pulled? And any other volumes I might not know of, for that matter.


  20. Weepy Donuts says:

    I am looking forward to Version 10.2 only because MST3K: Vol 10 is such a solid set of episodes. Volume 10 is the set that I loan to friends who have never seen the show before. It is a great set for those new to the show.

    Having said that – PLEASE release The Giant Gila Monster separately. My wife bought me the unMSTied version of the movie on one of those $1.00 DVDs; it can’t cost Rhino all that much to release the episode individually.


  21. ern2150 says:

    Who wants to lay odds on a CT plug in that feature :)


  22. Cheepnis says:

    I’m sure Rhino will do the right thing, but it’s an interesting way to reward those of us who bought the 10.1 release right away. :roll:

    They could have avoided this whole ugly mess if they re-released 10.2 with one of their previous single titles (or better yet, the rare and hard-to-get “Shorts Vol 3”) and then made a huge holiday $ killing by releasing Ginormous Gila with Mexican Santa Claus as an Essentials Vol 2 just before TurkeyDay. Of course, that would require some marketing smarts and it’s a little late now….

    No worries here; as has been stated above, Rhino will eventually listen to the mob reaction and send out the extra disc. My problem is, as a completionist (and probably victim of OCD), if the packaging is at all different (and it will be – no dinosaur will grace the cover) I still MUST buy 10.2 in order keep perfect my complete collection of everything ever produced by any member of BBI ever in the history of the show, for ever and ever, amen….

    …. I need help.


  23. eegah says:

    I think that this is a smart move by Rhino, as long as they offer the single Gila DVD. They’ve been good to us in the past, so I’m sure that they will. If not, they must know that nobody’s going to re-buy the set for one DVD. Instead, they’ll resort to other means to obtain it, resulting in a loss of potential revenue.


  24. Sonny says:

    Sampo (et. al.):

    While I can – and do – understand the joy over the re-release (?) of the boxset for the people who did NOT get 10.1, my fear is that Rhino could (not that they will, per se) take the opportunity to get many of us who purchased 10.1 to ante up another $60 or so for the 10.2 just so that we can get the bonus disc. And…if sales of 10.2 look like they could then justify a re-release of 9.2 substituting another film…we’d be in the same predicament. Since these are the only two sets (currently) out of circulation, I don’t think we’ll see a 1.2, 3.4 etc. re-release of the other sets.

    Granted, in a perfect world, for people who have 10.1, we’d all either get the bonus disc for free/discounted or we’d all have the money to buy 10.2, keep the Gila disc, and then give away the other three discs to potential new MST3K fans. I’m all for continuing to circulate the tapes DVD’s, but not at the expense of alienating/annoying the fanbase who’ve given financial support to the releases thus far.

    Again: I don’t see this as Rhino’s intent. I simply think they’re trying to get the DVD’s to the fans, and I applaud them for this. If this means a re-release of Volume 10 (or subsequently Volume 9) so that fans can get the discs – great. And I fully understand that if/when these are re-released, I am under no obligation to buy the new set just to get the disc(s).

    Like the fans who would want the 10.2 box set for the discs, I would want the single Gila disc for my collection because I am a fan as well.

    And yes – Dr. Rhino shall hear of this! :grin:


  25. hAPPY says:

    I really believe that Rhino will sell the Gila Monster disc separately.
    I think the right thing to do is
    1- Have 10.2 for those that missed Volume 10 altogether
    2- Offer The Giant Gila Monster as a separate DVD like they did with Hellcats, Eegah, Mitchell.
    This would please all the fans I would think, and isn’t that what Rhino & other DVD distributors are supposed to be about (besides the almighty dollar)- putting things out to make their customers happy.
    I am very glad to see Gila Monster finally coming out but I would hate having to double dip around 50.00 for one thing..
    I hope they think twice about doing a Volume potential 9.2 or something. Before you know it every set would have a .2 next it with a new title inserted with 3 others we had..that is not very good


  26. Brandon says:

    Whoo-hoo! Giant Gila Monster! I’ve been waiting like FOREVER for this!


  27. Travis says:

    Great to see Rhino will be re-releasing Volume 10! Giant Gila Monster is a great episode, and the bonus features sound awesome. Rhino should have done their research with Godzilla vs. Megalon, I’ve known since the day the set was announced that it would be pulled soon after.

    Anyhow.. hopefully Rhino will offer some sort of deal for those of us who already bought Vol. 10 to get the new disc.


  28. jazzbo says:

    I’m in the crowd of lucky ones who got Vol 10 originally, and interestingly enough (to me at least) Giant Gila Monster is the only surviving taped episode I still own. That being said, I still hope they release it as a single disc. I want to see the new extras, and the quality of my VHS tape has declined quite a bit.


  29. Diamond Joe says:

    A full commercial release of Gila as a single wouldn’t make sense for Rhino, since they’d be spending money on it just to potentially cannibalize the market for 10.2. Nor would I expect them to give us the disc for free, since it’s not a Shrews-style replacement of a botched disc.

    What would make more sense would be a special offer, made through sites like this,, and, in which you could pay $10 or $12, and get the Gila disc in an envelope. Rhino could make a profit on the deal, and presumably only people who already have 10.1 would bother to seek it out.


  30. Diamond Joe says:

    Incidentally, does anyone know which was the problem movie on Volume 9?


  31. Steve Vil says:

    I’m ambivalent.

    On one hand, I already have volume 10.

    On the other hand, Giant Gila Monster is probably one of my top 5 favorite episodes.

    On yet another hand I thought the Godzilla movie in the original set was kinda boring.

    On the fourth hand (someone else is standing behind me putting their hands out) I still want to keep the Godzilla movie because I want to have a complete set of everything.

    Maybe Rhino could make it so that if you send them one of the


    from the original volume 10, you can buy the disc separately.

    It is cool that they’re putting volume 10 out again in case someone was unable to get it the first time but maybe they should have put a movie they already released in a single set (like Eegah! or something) and saved Gila for a future release.


  32. Joey Stink Eye Smiles says:

    I’m hoping they can do a paper-sleeve release like they did with Shrews, at least.

    If they don’t, I’m going to Netflix it and burn it.

    Sorry, I’ve bought every VHS and DVD release, but I’m not going to pay $60 for one episode.


  33. franktv says:

    Bad news. I just contacted Rhino and they won’t sell Giant Gila Monster separate. I guess we will have to buy Volume 10.2.


  34. R.A. Roth says:

    I’m in the club of unlucky people who had to shell out double for Volume 10 because it was pulled and the greedy wheels of commerce must be greased.

    So if Rhino doesn’t do a separate release of GGM, I’m out $50-60 for one episode.

    That’s just a boatload of ain’t right.



  35. fan says:

    Complain complain complain. Rhino added some new neat stuff instead of just releasing it without the godzilla movie and you guys are complaining. Maybe they should just not put anything out at all because anything they do is a rip off. Come on, really.


  36. MonkeyMan says:

    you know, not to be a nerd or anything, but technically if we are speaking in computer terms the godzilla 10 would be 10.0 and the gila one would be 10.1


  37. Tarantulas says:

    Did Rhino ever end up doing anything for folks on the Shrew and the Dead talk back (or whatever it was) discs since they had encoding errors?

    I remember hearing something, but I never ended up getting my discs replaced.


  38. Joey Stink Eye Smiles says:

    I got a replacement for Killer Shrews. I didn’t hear anything about The Dead Talk Back.


  39. Tarantulas says:

    Anyone got info on getting the Killer Shrews replacement disc?


  40. You’re darn right I’m complaining. I am not made of money and I’m not going to waste $40-50 on a set that I already own, for the most part. I am officially pissed off at Rhino, unless they find a way to honor those of us who did pick up the original Volume 10. It may be wonderful for those of you who missed the original, but it’s a slap in the face to the rest of us, whether you realize it or not.


  41. GoFigure says:

    Well, at least they picked one of the best episodes. I LOVE The Giant Gila Monster!!! The “Leg Up” routine is probably the best they ever did, AND it is from the era where the host segments actually reflected the movie.

    I still don’t want to buy the whole boxed set to get it, though.


  42. MikeK says:

    I’d like to add myself as an owner of vol. 10 who would like a separate DVD of The Giant Gila Monster episode. Yes, it is good that vol. 10 is, in a way, being re-released for those that missed it, but, in end, I’d be paying around $50 for one DVD.


  43. The Mouka says:

    Contacted Dr. Rhino. Don’t know where FrankTV got his news, but until I hear it officially here, I still have hope that we’ll get the Gila Monster. Otherwise, It’s copy time (I have 10.1 for all you Godzilla-desiring people).


  44. Jake Ignatowicz says:

    I think it’s too early to start getting up in arms about this since the set won’t be released for another two months, but I have trust in Rhino. They’re not out to make a quick buck and I’m sure they’ll eventually think of a acceptable solution.

    That being said, if the only way to get “Gila Monster” is to buy volume 10.2, then I’m not too upset by it. A few of my friends (and my 10 year-old niece!) have recently become fans of the show, so I have no problem purchasing the set and giving away the extra discs for the sake of “circulating the tapes”. :grin:

    But I still think Rhino will come up with something. :)


  45. Cheepnis says:

    Dr Rhino replied with this bit of “F-you” to those of us who were good enough to buy the first set from them right away:

    “This title is tentatively scheduled for a February 2008 release. There are no current plans for any single disc releases from this title, but thanks for your input. I’ll forward your letter to our suggestion box.”

    I think enough P-O’d fans might convince them to sell us a little Gila-disc-in-a-sleeve, but only time will tell.


  46. Kurt says:

    :twisted: :mrgreen: Greedy.

    Why bother selling “gila” in a re-hashed volume 10 set? They couldn’t just save it for volume 13?

    Perhaps Rhino could take a poll of episodes they “can” release, and put it in there instead, or just leave vol. 10 as history? What a bitch of a situation, I have 10.1, and now I have to get 10.2…


  47. outer space says:

    Cheepnis how is that an F-you response it seems pretty straight forward, There not planning any release.
    But I sure do hope they do and individual release of gila monster or atleast include it on volume 13 with three other never before released episodes.


  48. Travis says:

    Diamond Joe,

    From what information I have, I think Volume 9 may have been pulled because of WOMEN OF THE PREHISTORIC PLANET. Apparently Rhino licensed it from Krypton International, but research I’ve done suggests that Wade Williams owns it. That’s one possibility.


  49. awe4one says:

    If they do not offer Gila as a single DvD or add it into a future new volume release then I’m done with buying the new volumes. I’ve bought all the past volumes as soon as they were released…but that ends should Rhino decide to force people to double dip.


  50. Cheepnis says:

    Well, the response itself isn’t so much of an F-you as the whole attitude of, “we don’t care that you already spent $50 on 10.1. If you want Giant Gila Monster, you’ll shell out another $50 for 10.2 and only have the one new disc for your money” is an F-You.

    Again, I’m glad they are re-releasing the original 3 titles and for those that never bought the set, everything is hunky-dory (except you don’t have the Rhino Godzilla Vs Megalon). For the rest of us, however, so far we are seeing nothing but a brush-off that appears to be greedy.

    It would have been so simple; re-release Vol 10 with Eegah! as the 4th title (and discontinue the single DVD version) and then either release Giant Gila with Santa Claus as a new holiday Essentials II two-pack, or save it for release with Vol 13. This could have been so much easier and profitable for them without ticking off so many of their loyal customers.

    Again, I’ll wait and see what they do… they may well come around and help us out, but why do they have to go through all this mud to get there? I’m beginning to think that they just don’t care.


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