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Now Available from Rifftrax…


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Available now: Another DRM-free short:

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32 Replies to “Now Available from Rifftrax…”

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  1. radioman970 says:

    MNS will love this one! I’d love to view him watching it. Seriously, I bet he’d be cool about it. The media really paints him as a huge egomanic but I’ll bet the opposite is true. …and The Happening is an Epic B-movie. :wink:


  2. Logo Lou says:

    I absolutely hated the 6th Sense. It was boring beyond belief. I hope they rip it up good!


  3. The Mouka says:

    About bloody time for a new short!


  4. Ryan says:

    Is Mike afraid that Zombie Bill and Zombie Kevin are going to kick him in the nads?


  5. BenderRodriguez says:

    Thank you!


  6. norgavue says:

    Zombie Bill is laughing he thinks it is funny.


  7. Ralph C. says:

    “Drugs Are Like That” is an excellent short! Oh man did I laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh…. and laughed some more.

    But you know, I became intoxicated with the laughter. Drugs are like that, too.


  8. M "Can You Get The Yellow Lizard Out Of The Bathroom?" Sipher says:

    Bill’s DT scream has me in tears. Ooooh man.


  9. Jesus Thinks You're A Jerk says:

    I have long since stopped caring about Rifftrax. The format is meddlesome, the jokes just aren’t hitting their marks… it’s time to pack it in and call it a day, boys. It was a valiant effort but the magic just isn’t there anymore.


  10. MeMyselfandI says:

    Oh man…the last two Rifftrax have been absolute bombs (3 of the last 4 if you count Alien). They should stick to movies with bad acting, bad actors, bad scripts and bad plots. If any movie does not have at least one or any combination of those elements, shelve the project and find one that does. Oh, and stay as far away from war like movies as possible is another suggestion (e.g. The Two Towers.

    It seems they have completely forgotten their roots. What’s next, Schindler’s List? :roll: :sad:


  11. radioman970 says:

    I’m thinking the rifftrax guys aren’t the ones here who should be packing it in. If you don’t like these then pack it in folks. Many of us love these. Nothing is going to be 100% funny for everybody.

    Keep em coming fellas! I’m lovin the samples. Someday I’ll buy them all.


  12. Graboidz says:

    Wow, Jesus Thinks You’re a Jerk, that is pretty rough. I prefer a hard case dvd as well, (MST3K, Film Crew, CT) but would hate to see Rifftrax disappear. Mike, Kevin & Bill are too good at riffing flix to just fade away. Sure I would prefer another vehicle for them as well, but at least Rifftrax is providing an outlet for their comedy.


  13. ericvonzipper says:

    I agree with ‘jesus is a jerk’ the whole titanic cinema and tracksriff are boring and bad and i wish mst3k had never started.


  14. Travis says:

    Well gee, 2 guys don’t like Rifftrax. That’s more than enough reason to “pack it in”.

    And I love the really natural progression from Alien to Schindler’s List. Very subtle


  15. MLD says:

    Yet another movie that isn’t even CLOSE to being bad, but trendy/cool enough for the kiddies to want to watch.

    I honestly think that the trio can’t stand to make fun of bad movies anymore. Instead, they watch movies that they LIKE and make jokes along the way. To back this opinion, why did the “Film Crew” die? Simple. They were making fun of BAD movies, and couldn’t stand it anymore. Plus they actually made DVD’s, instead of just downloadable tracks.

    Another reason why I love Cinematic Titanic and hope they are around for decades! :cool:


  16. Graboidz says:

    Completely off topic here, but I would love to see a Rifftrax of Sylvester Stallone’s flick “Cobra”. It’s embarassing that I own this on DVD and would like an excuse along the lines of “Well, I only bought it because Mike and the guys provided a Rifftrax to go with it.”


  17. MeMyselfandI says:

    I never said I didn’t like Rifftrax; I own them all. Where in my prior post did I state that I didn’t like RT, Travis??

    All I’m saying is there’s been some poor movie selections of late, and I hope they return to what they do best: poking holes a mile wide in movies that DESERVE it.

    To end on a positive note, the latest Rifftrax short ‘Drugs Are Like That’ is a classic! :grin:


  18. joe54 says:

    So when did Bruce Willis become a good actor? I like a lot of his movies but seriously he plays the same exact charcter in every movie.


  19. Ralph C. says:

    People can like or dislike what they want. It’s free to be you and me!

    I am glad Rifftrax and Cinematic Titanic are around. Heck, not every MST3K was good but it was wonderful most of the time.

    I guess the only complaint I would have about Rifftrax is the preponderance of sci-fi/fantasy movies. I think this is so because they found that those types of movies sold the best. Early on they seemed to do more non-sci-fi/fantasy movies and it would be nice to see those again, movies in the vein of “Cocktail” or “Roadhouse”, those movies from the 1980s & early/mid 1990s.

    I love the shorts and would love to see the Rifftrax trio keep doing them.


  20. Mayo says:

    Spiders! Spiders!


  21. radioman970 says:

    Only complaint I have is Weird Al hasn’t been asked back. :mad:


  22. FordPrefect says:

    Whether a movie is “bad” or not is really a matter of opinion. I know a lot of people who don’t like M. Night’s movies. It’s been a long time since I watched The Sixth Sense and I don’t remember it very well, but I certainly didn’t develop a fondness for it or thought it was CLOSE to being one of my favorites.

    Unlike MST3K, The Film Crew, and Cinematic Titanic, Rifftrax is not really about riffing bad movies. It’s primarily about making funny commentary tracks for DVDs. Rifftrax is a business and they make stuff that they think will sell. The Riffs that are selling are for mostly new and/or popular films (usually sci-fi & fantasy) that most people already have on their DVD shelf. The ones for the older, more traditionally “bad” movies haven’t done so well because that means people have to go seek them out, which many buyers don’t seem to be in a hurry to do.

    According to Conor, some of the best selling Rifftrax MP3s, in no particular order:

    Jurassic Park
    Star Wars anything
    Harry Potter

    Some of the least popular, in no particular order:

    Greys Anatomy
    Over the Top
    Missile to the Moon
    Island of Dr Moreau

    Besides, there’s always the shorts. I assume most people don’t have deep sentimental attachments to those and you don’t have to worry about buying the movie.

    Radioman970: Weird Al is currently on tour and presumably too busy to record another riff at the moment. Considering he doesn’t live far from the Rifftrax recording studio and the one he participated in is one of the best selling Riffs, I’m sure they want him to come back when he’s got time.


  23. MeMyselfandI says:


    All of those ‘least popular’ riffs are top notch. Lots of folks are missing out on same GREAT comedy. Oh well…thanks for the info.


  24. Bill Corbett says:

    @ FordPrefect

    “Radioman970: Weird Al is currently on tour and presumably too busy to record another riff at the moment. Considering he doesn’t live far from the Rifftrax recording studio and the one he participated in is one of the best selling Riffs, I’m sure they want him to come back when he’s got time.

    Right you are, FordP. Al has certainly been asked, and at least so far he seems up for it. Busy guy, though… scheduling is tough.


  25. radioman970 says:

    Weird Al could stop by on his lunch break! What gives Weird Al?!! :mad:


  26. John Seavey says:

    Speaking personally, I’m really only going to buy a Rifftrax of a movie I’ve already got on DVD. No matter how funny the commentary on something like ‘Roadhouse’ is, I don’t want to give the people who made ‘Roadhouse’ any more money than they already have.

    So I say, go ahead and do Rifftrax of movies that were popular, because there’s at least a chance that I own them! (I did, in fact, buy the Rifftrax to ‘The Sixth Sense’. I got my money’s worth.)


  27. FordPrefect says:

    *looks up* Wow, that’s the closest I’ve gotten to having a conversation with Bill Corbett. Neat.

    Radioman970: His lunch break? You do realize that he’s not in California right now, don’t you? He’s on tour across North America doing concerts. He’ll be coming to Louisville, KY on the 4th of July, so I’ll be able to say I’ve seen him twice. Saw him in Ohio the first time. As far as I know he’s never come to Louisville before. I missed out when Kevin Murphy came here, but at least I’m not missing out on Al.

    His tour doesn’t end till late August. The earliest he could come back in to record something is in September. That’s assuming he doesn’t want to do something else like work on his next album, work on a different project, or spend time with his family.

    John Seavey: You know you could buy movies used off of e-bay cheap and not have to worry about giving money directly to the people who made the movie. In the case of old movies like Road House it would be more accurate to say you’d give money to the DVD company that has the distribution rights to the film. I don’t know how much the cast and crew of that movie are making off the DVD release, but I doubt it’s a lot, if anything.

    Think about it this way. For MST3K and Cinematic Titanic, the guys that hold the rights to those movies are getting compensated for the use of the film, so in a sense it really isn’t that different.


  28. radioman970 says:

    @Ford, “Wow, that’s the closest I’ve gotten to having a conversation with Bill Corbett. Neat.”
    I hear ya! And he quoted you quoting me! :shock: But I won’t be happy until we’re having lunch or something. :wink:

    @Ford, “You do realize that he’s not in California right now, don’t you? ”
    Yeah, I was just being slightly silly. I know the droves are waiting to hear him play his accordian! Heh heh! I hope his tour is successful. I wish he’d tour over my way.


  29. radioman970 says:

    Just noticed Al was a few hours away on his ’07 tour. Crap! I missed him. :sad: I wish he’d return to GA this year. What’d we do?!!


  30. FordPrefect says:

    Well I assume it all has to do with arrangements with the venues that ultimately decide where Al will be going when he’s on tour. Plus you have to remember that his show is fairly high maintenance, what with all the multimedia stuff he likes to do.


  31. FordPrefect says:

    “To back this opinion, why did the ‘Film Crew’ die? Simple. They were making fun of BAD movies, and couldn’t stand it anymore.”

    MLD: I believe Film Crew is on indefinite hiatus because by the time they got a solid distribution deal set up for it, they were already in deep on the Rifftrax project. There’s about a 2 year gap between when they shot them and when they were finally released. Shout Factory will probably start talking to them about it again after they’ve released a few MST3K sets.


  32. radioman970 says:

    Last year he was at Wild Adventures Theme park in Valdosta, GA. So I guess it was “PUPPET SHOW ……and weird al.” :lol:


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