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Volume XX Titles

Mystery Science Theater 3000: Volume XIX is out one week from today. If you order it from Amazon we would appreciate it if you would use THIS LINK.

And we are pleased to be able to reveal the episodes that will be included in Vol. XX from Shout Factory. No street date yet, but I assume it will be some time in the first quarter of 2011.

Departing from the “two Joel/two Mike” paradigm, it’s an all-Joel set with:

• 109- PROJECT MOONBASE (with shorts: Commando Cody, parts 7 & 8)

(Let the choruses of “MASTER NINJA THEME SONG” commence.)

140 Replies to “Volume XX Titles”

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  1. Alex says:

    Oops, I meant 15. My bad. :P


  2. Jake Ignatowicz says:

    Bah-bah bop BAH bah-bop BAH!
    Bah-bah bop BAH bah-bop BAH!
    Bah-bah bop BAH bah-bop BAH!
    Shout is fricking awesome!! :D


  3. Goji says:

    This is the first volume in a while that doesn’t have a single episode I’d count among my favorites, and will likely not buy it as a result. Happy for the fans of the episodes included though.


  4. GizmonicTemp says:

    I definitely give a thumbs-up to releasing “Moonbase”, one of the best of the not-yet-on-DVD group from Season One, and I’m GLOWING with getting “Sinbad” because that most certainly paves the way for “Day the Earth Froze”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    We shall see…


  5. crowschmo says:

    Oh, good. I’ve never seen Project Moonbase, and I absolutely love Magic Voyage of Sinbad, it’s one of the best. The Masters Ninja a pretty good, too. I’m happy.


  6. crowschmo says:

    “ARE” pretty good. :-/


  7. Max Keller says:



  8. Chuck says:

    FOUR JOEL EPISODES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    THANK YOU, SHOUT FACTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  9. big61al says:

    WOW! XX looks like a whiz bang release! I love getting season one stuff. I like josh and this is a huge upgrade in condition for my collection. Plus I love the old space movie episodes. We also get the complete set of master ninja – great job shout!. OH BOY – the magic voyage of skinbag….This is a great episode. Great job SHOUT! Keep em coming – i’ll buy every one SHOUT! releases.


  10. Zbu says:

    My favorite bit was the hints for the next two sets after this one: apparently we’re going to get some more Joel episodes as well. Woot!


  11. Stacia says:

    With the release of “Master Ninja”, I can now get my hopes up for a little “San Francisco International” action. My fingers are crossed that there won’t be any video issues on these releases like in the last few sets (and yes, I did exchange my set but the exact same video problems were on both copies of “Jack Frost”…)


  12. Zbu says:

    On Shout Factory’s forum, they did mention they had to change a few things with Set XX that involved two movies being taken off for some reason but that this set would have a theme. Could it be that Code Name Diamond Head and San Francisco International could complete the TV series trifecta? Or possibly Riding with Death and Stranded in Space?


  13. Faruk Alatan says:

    I am so freaking excited for (official) copies of both Master Ninja episodes, although I will have a twinge of nostalgia to send my VHS bootleg from syndication copy of “Master Ninja II” into the great beyond; it is my oldest surviving VHS bootleg from when I was 10 years old. The bummer is I bought a Cheepnis DVD copy of the original “Master Ninja” in 2008. I’ll try to circulate that “tape” to someone I know who isn’t as well off.

    Now, my idle question is, are we ever going to get Rocketship X-M? My dad has been asking me for fifteen years to see the drum machine Joel plays in the credits…


  14. Jose Chung says:

    #63 Faruk Alatan (Who I went to school with)

    Rocketship X-M should be coming out soon seeing the release of Project Moonbase makes it the last Corinth film Shout hasn’t released.


  15. Mr. B(ob) says:

    Rocketship X-M, my all time favorite episode. I’ll have Thruster Buster to go with that please.


  16. Jeff McM says:

    I don’t understand why anyone would be unhappy at ANY releases. They can only give us what they can get the rights to, folks!


  17. UberNeuman says:

    Finally, I can enjoy Lee Van Cleef nearly crushing a hamster in his hands in full DVD quality…


  18. dsmany71 says:

    We need more Volume release news because thats when everyone comes out to comment…last time there was 200+ comments…
    Its a solid Joel set


  19. Steve Horton says:

    I’ve met Tim’s brother, poker host Vince Van Patten, in person before. i resisted the temptation to ask him if he’s heard of the Van Patten Project.


  20. Torgo's Pajamas says:

    “Master Ninja” theme song!


  21. Droppo says:

    Yes! Yes! Yes! YEEEESSSSS!!!!!!!!

    My prayers have been answered. Every time eps have been announced, I have begged for Master Ninja I and II to be released. I promised, in fact, that I would be two sets if they were ever released. I will live up to that promise.

    My favorite episodes of any series of all time….AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you Shout Factory! Thank you! Thank you!!!!!!!


  22. Droppo says:

    that’s “buy two sets.”


  23. MikeK says:

    Master Ninja II is really good because it has a long string of riffs from Crow as the Crypt Keeper. So many puns regarding graveyards. Trace did a great job.


  24. Better start saving my pennies now. I wonder if there will be a special feature with Timothy Van Patten giving an interview. It would sound like, “I woob libik to thabink Shout Factoby for abisking me to talg about ‘Mabister Ninjeh’. :-P


  25. me says:

    To my reckoning, this being Vol. XX, Shout wanted to do something special.
    Answer-having an all-Joel set.


  26. Shark says:

    Greatest box set EVER!


  27. H says:

    Three things- first, very, very excited but an all Joel set may mean another all Mike set is coming, and we’ve had several mostly or all Mike sets (no offense to Mike but balance is good).

    Second, great gets, especially the Master Ninjas.

    Third, HE’S NOT SINBAD!!!


  28. Sharktopus says:

    @ #41:

    Check out my post in this past weekend’s discussion thread, raul. 8-)


  29. Bob(NotThatBob says:

    Well, there’s 40 Joel’s left unreleased and 47 Mike’s left unreleased. Knocking off the Godzilla from season 2, and the Gameras and other “unlikelies” from season 3, that leaves about 22 Joel episodes left and knocking off the Universal, Paramount and MGM movies from the Mike episodes (that’s 21 or so), that leaves about 26 Mike episodes left. Of course Shout Factory will try to work with the big name right holders to get those released, but there’s still many more Mike eps than Joel eps – it’s extremely likely there’ll be “Mike Only” boxes in the future. Not the next couple sets, though – Shout has already stated there won’t be an “all Mike” set in the immediate future.


  30. losingmydignity says:

    Master Ninja and lots of Joel is cool but I am less enthusiastic overall than most here.
    Really like the Ninjas, they might be in my very good but not great category, but I’m glad to see them released.
    The other two, however: A season one…yawn. Sinbad…one of the my all time least favorite eps.

    So this is not going to rank in my top fav boxed sets.


  31. MightyJack says:

    I’m happy for any release, I want them all. But this is very sweet, The Ninja’s are decent, but are made better because they come from the neglected season 3 (and they are a nice zoooprise).

    Sinbad is one of my top 10 episodes, it’s one that only get better every time I watch it. And Moonbase is my favorite from season 1.

    Great collection Shout!
    (crosses fingers that we’ll see few tape hits on this one) ;-)


  32. Happenstance says:

    Yeah, I’m not AS thrilled about these–the “Master Ninja” experiments are funny, but also have a very high annoyance factor thanks to Van Patten (a problem I don’t have with “Riding with Death,” even with Jim Stafford). “Project Moonbase” is a scream, but I actually enjoyed it more sans riffing–even cut up, as an episode of “The Canned Film Festival.” Oh, but “Magic Voyage of Sinbad!” Okay, now I’m happier!


  33. Cubby says:

    Does this mean we should all start writing ABC to encourage them to bring back “The Second Hundred Years”?


  34. I kind of hate the “Ninja” episodes (because for me the “TV show” episodes aren’t nearly as funny as any old cheesy movie) but I’m really glad to get “Sinbad” released. And while I’m more of a Mike fan (despite starting the show in Season Two with Joel) I don’t mind what episodes we get (since I already have them all in broadcast quality). As usual I’ll support Shout! and buy anything they release.

    Still, it’s nice that Shout! at least appears to go out of their way to “surprise” us by including episodes most people think aren’t possible. It would be a great coup if they can ever get some of the major studio films (not major films themselves, but made by the majors like Universal) released someday. You never know.


  35. PondosCP says:

    My two favorite episodes in one box set. Master Ninja 1 & 2. Thank you, Shout Factory, thank you.


  36. Troy says:

    Oh HELL yes!! This is more than I ever could have hoped for! The Master Ninja episodes are the crowning achievement of the Joel years (though I may be a bit biased because the Lee VanCleef “silly string ninja vs. steering wheel” sequence was my very first exposure to MST3K), and you can never have too many Russo-Finnish cinematic acid trips.

    I never thought I’d get the chance to see either of these episodes in an official release. Maybe Sandy Frank has finally forgiven the SOL crew, or perhaps he needed some quick cash after his recent run-in with the law. Here’s hoping the next set contains the two Fugitive Alien episodes, or at the very least, Time of the Apes.


  37. Graboidz says:

    Great set (actually I’ve never been disappointed in any new release so don’t go by my praise alone)

    I’m hoping we’ll see some Gamera flicks hit in a set or two down the road. Seems like a no-brainer now that Shout! distributes the Un-Mstied versions.

    As far a defective disks from Shout!, my “Manhunt in Space” from Set XIV freezes right after the General Hospital short. Unfortunately I didn’t discover this until just this past summer. Somehow I doubt Amazon will send a replacement disk at this late date. But that is the only problem I’ve had.


  38. Droppo says:

    I feel the need to yet again thank Shout Factory.

    Master Ninja I and Master Ninja II are BY FAR my favorite episodes of any TV series ever. And I’ve been so vocal in every one of these DVD-related threads, literally begging Shout (and formerly Rhino) to release them.

    So, thank you so much for doing it. And for releasing them both together! I know it sounds ridiculous given the content….but, I really do view them as one complete work. I always watch them together.

    Anyway….thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

    Master Ninja rules!!!


  39. Captain Cab says:

    And to just think about a week ago I thought to myself how awesome it would be if a future Shout set had both Master Ninja episodes but passed it off as borderline wishful thinking, this is too sweet! The Master Ninja eps are definitely in my top ten. And an all Joel set is an interesting development indeed, maybe that does point to a Joel figure as previously speculated in post #13. Magic Voyage of Sinbad is a very worthy companion since you can’t go wrong with a Russo Finnish flick, not so sure about Project Moonbase though since I only watched the first few parts on Youtube last year.


  40. Brian says:

    The scary thing is that I had the Master Ninja Theme Song going through my head before I even got to the end of the announcement! “Cuz those Van Pattens!”


  41. #69 –

    At the risk of coming across as the board curmudgeon (like that bridge hasn’t already been crossed), I’d like to point out that Vince and Tim Van Patten aren’t brothers – Tim is Vince’s half-uncle, or something like that.


  42. GizmonicTemp says:

    #63 Zbu – Interesting. However, of ALL the possible themes they could have chosen, “Failed TV Series” just doesn’t sound that exciting, especially since #305, #608, and #614 tend to be cellar-dwellers as far as Mstie favorites go.

    Hmmmm, I just realized that “Master Ninja” stars Tim VAN Patten and Lee VAN Cleef, and the vehicle of choice is a VAN. They should have released those two with “Laserblast” and “War of the Colossal Beast” and called in the Van-Pack. It could have come in a collectible tin.

    I made love in this and that’s alright with me!


  43. starman15317 says:

    I admit that I haven’t seen any of these episodes. All Joel, eh? Hmm…..


  44. Brohaus says:

    Wow! I loved the Master Ninja movies! Some of my favorite! I never thought they’d be released! I can’t wait! How can you not love a cheesy martial arts movie?


  45. Max Keller says:

    “…maybe that does point to a Joel figure as previously speculated in post #13.”

    Or a Timothy Van Patten figure. Pull the string and he talks….or just kinda mumbles.


  46. Jay says:

    Oh HELL YES!

    This will be a treat. Only two of my beloved VHS taped episodes were dubs, and “Master Ninja I” was one of them. It’ll be nice to have a clean copy of it. I haven’t seen “Project Moonbase” in eons, so it might as well be a first time viewing for me. “Magic Voyage of Sinbad” is also a welcome addition, if for nothing else but the town council sketch.

    “Can we wet some water PLEASE?!”


  47. Alex says:

    @ 86

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but keep in mind that Sandy Frank no longer has a say in if the Mst3k versions can get released. He lost the rights to all of the movies a LONG time ago (1996, I think), and they all reverted back to their original owners. As a result, Kadokawa refuses to let the Mst3k versions get released, and it’s most likely safe to assume Tsuburya productions feels the same way about Saru No Gundan (Time of the Apes), Mighty Jack, and Star Wolf (the two Fugetive Alien movies).


  48. Pondoscp says:

    San Francisco International is in my top ten, and I love Stranded In Space (Florida!) and Code Name Diamond Head too (that pop is not finished!)


  49. JeremyR says:

    I always found the episodes of pilots and short lived shows to be vaguely depressing. Darn it, The Master should have lasted more than half a season. I mean c’mon, it had Lee Van Cleef, Sho Kosugi, and a Van Patten.

    I guess it aired too late. 81-83 would have been a better time for it.


  50. Steelhawk says:

    I’m psyched about this set for 2 reasons: 1. Master Ninja (don’t remember which one) was one of the 1st MST3K episodes I ever saw. 2. I’ve never seen any of the other episodes in this set! CAN’T WAIT!!!


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