Bit: You Are Magic, Aren't You Trumpy?

Episode: 303- Pod People

Transcribed by Brian Lafferty


Joel: You are magic are you Trumpy? (Everything on the SOL floats, the hexfield view screen keeps opening and Crow, who is dressed up as Trumpy, floats too, while the tune from the floating scene from 'Pod People' plays.)

[Deep 13]

(Frank and Dr. F. seem perplexed and openmouthed and look into the camera.)


Joel (pointing to the ceiling): Trumpy, you come down! (Everything opens and floats, this time with Tom Servo, also dressed up as Trumpy, floats instead of Crow. Tom is so scared, he's yelling.)

[Deep 13]

(The Mads look at each other and look closer into the camera.)


Joel: I can't bring him down, I don't know how it works. (Everything floats and opens again, with Crow and Tom Servo floating as well.) Oh, we've got commercial sign (presses button).

(Cuts with floating scene music.)
