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Cinematic Titanic Schedule and Some News

Some CT news you may or may not have already heard: First, J. Elvis will be out of the country next week, and that means that Dave “Gruber” Allen is being called up to The Big Leagues for the Princeton show. Welcome to the majors, rookie.
Also: We’ve already announced the show in Ann Arbor, but the mighty Tom Noel has been stalking the festival web site, and has dug up more info, including that the second show will feature a “world premiere riff.” See below for details.
And, Erhardt had the scoop on the St. Louis show in November. Again, see below.

• 4/21: Princeton, NJ–McCarter Theater Center. 8 p.m. Vote on the movie here. ON SALE.
• 4/27: Milwaukee, WI–Pabst Theater. “Doomsday Machine.” ON SALE.
• 4/28: Milwaukee, WI–Pabst Theater. “Astral Factor.” ON SALE.
• 7/05: Ann Arbor, MI–Michigan Theater. 6 p.m. “Rattlers.” 9 p.m. “The Doll Squad” (A world premiere riff.) $25 each show.
• 11/17: St. Louis, MO–Family Arena. 7:30 p.m. $50-$35. ON SALE

27 Replies to “Cinematic Titanic Schedule and Some News”

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  1. cbrian38 says:

    please oh please release dvds of ‘astral factor’ and ‘rattlers’. it seems like forever since a new dvd (but i am not a good judge of time). that, and come to denver!


  2. StumpChunkman says:

    What happened to Samson and the Seven Wonders? The CT wiki page says it’s next on the list for DVD but I don’t think I’ve seen it listed in any of the recent schedules.


  3. Neptune Man says:

    The incredible are not the news themselves, but that there are still news about Cinematic Titanic at all!


  4. casimar says:

    Yeah, what he said. Also, bring on the dvds already!


  5. GregS says:

    Excellent!! Looking forward to seeing Dave’s premier effort in Princeton!!!


  6. Captn Ross Hagen says:

    The Doll Squad! The Doll Squad? I’m watching a movie called “The Doll Squad.” I don’t know why but I want to see this, no, I want to experience this. Boston or New Hampshire or Maine I hope……


  7. Gary Bowden says:

    I was wondering about Samson and the Seven Wonders,too,since they did that right after Alien Factor,if I’m not mistaken..As far as them releasing more dvd’s,I wonder how much it costs each of them to produce,distribute;etc.??…@6..yes,The Doll Squad stars Tura Satana from “Faster Pussycat Kill Kill!” and was directed by Ted V. “Girl in Gold Boots” Mikels..Looks like another winner!


  8. Matt D says:

    Wow, that is good news on Gruber taking Josh’s place. I really enjoy Josh of course, but I will be at the Princeton show, and I expect that I will have seen whichever film gets voted in. Therefore, I will at least get to see something new. Gruber’s voice is so distinctive, so I think he will be able to infuse the show with some energy.
    Now if only they would vote in Rattlers for that night, I would be happy. That’s because Rattlers is the only current CT title that I haven’t seen live.
    A new movie riff? Awesome news.


  9. cityofvoltz says:

    I am glad to see two not yet on dvd movies for the Ann arbor shows! I hope they do the ticket bundle like last year- get both shows for a reduced price. Otherwise that’s 50 large to shell out;)


  10. losingmydignity says:

    Release some DVDs! Please!


  11. Manny Sanguillen says:

    Yes, for God’s Sake Hurry up!! release many many many dvds!
    I need them!!


  12. Zee says:

    I read that they had filmed RATTLERS for a DVD release but didn’t hear anything about SAMPSON.


  13. Gary Bowden says:

    @12 Zee..They filmed RATTLERS the same time they filmed WAR OF THE INSECTS,so I’m hoping they’ll release RATTLERS either later part of this month or next month..It seems that SAMPSON kind of disappeared,didn’t it?


  14. Stressfactor says:

    With “Sampson” I wonder if they either lost the license for it or the original filmmaker kicked up a fuss so they quietly dropped it.

    The gang seem to tend to try to be good guys about stuff like this — changing the names of films if the original filmmakers request it and such — so if for some reason there was a kerfuffle over “Sampson” I could see them just letting it go.

    Anyway…. I’ve already got my tickets for St. Louis so YAY! The only thing now is waiting to see which movie they’re going to do there…. I’m hoping for one I haven’t seen yet but one of my friends is kind of hoping for “Danger on Tiki Island”. He really likes that one for some reason…


  15. Gary Bowden says:

    Has everyone received their email regarding new tour dates? At the bottom it says something about a special announcement regarding thissssssssssssssss and below that it shows a picture of a snake from the movie RATTLERS..So,they’re going to release it on dvd pretty soon? It sounds like it..Oh,boy,oh boy,oh boy!!


  16. Cyanide says:

    Woohoo! I just got tickets for Saturday’s Princeton show. I can’t wait to see what Gruber’s made of! (I bet it’s a delicious concoction of chocolate and awesome)


  17. Cheapskate Crow says:

    @13 and @14: Now you guys have something to ask the CT gang about at the meet & greet.


  18. Gary Bowden says:

    @17 Cheapskate Crow..Yeah,if only I didn’t live in Arkansas..


  19. StumpChunkman says:

    Update: I emailed CT regarding Samson and this is the response I got:

    I don’t know who is populating the CT wiki page with information – it isn’t us! Samson isn’t in the current live show rotation, and the group have not recorded it for release it on DVD. The next DVD release will be “Rattlers”.

    Too bad, I kinda liked those cheesy sword-and-sandal movies and hoped CT would riff one.


  20. SampoLives says:

    Ahhh, no west coast dates. Oh CT why do you hate the west coast so much? As consulation please oh please release some new DVDs.


  21. cbrian38 says:

    ok, since we are talking about wishing for dvd releases and i suppose someone from CT pays attention to these things–does anyone NOT prefer the live dvds to the studio ones? i was liking CT and then ‘east meets watts’ and ‘the alien factor’ came along and i fell in love again. don’t know if ‘rattlers’ is live or not but i hope it is and they have got to be less expensive to produce. anybody?


  22. Gary Bowden says:

    @21 cbrian38…Believe they’re going to stick with the live dvd’s,which is fine with me.The studio ones are not bad,but it seems they hit their stride when they started releasing the live ones.I will admit,the studio ones had some funny riffs,but the live ones seem like they were more fired up.If I want host segments and silhouettes,I’ll stay with MST3K or Incognito Cinema Warriors XP..Yes,Rattlers will be live because they filmed it around the same time they filmed War of the Insects…So expect an announcement for Rattlers to be released pretty soon!!


  23. Manny Sanguillen says:

    Yeah, I like ‘East meets Watts’ and ‘Danger on Tiki Island’ so much that that I refuse to watch Alien Factor just to always have something great to watch for when I need something. I’ll probably wait until the next live dvd is released. I do that all the time, always having a couple good unseen movies to dig out when the time is right.
    I guess I also have ‘War of the Insects’ in reserve, so maybe I’ll watch Alien Factor soon.

    I feel they should hurry up and make hundreds more! What’s wrong with them, that they haven’t done this yet?!!


  24. Gary Bowden says:

    @23 Manny Sanguillen…The reason why they don’t release more dvd’s is because it’s coming out of their own pockets,since they’re basically an independent business.They’re not like Rifftrax…


  25. Neptune Man says:

    We know that Rifftrax is owned by the NWO, and the Mafia, and the NBA…That fiend Nelson and his accolytes!


  26. mike says:

    Does anyone know what movie was selected for the princeton show tomorrow??? I just wanted to figure out if its a movie ive already seen and whether i should buy tickets.


  27. Matt D says:

    Sorry #26 Mike, but the poll is closed and they are still saying that the winner will be announced on stage at the show. I also wish that I would have known what they are riffing, but I’ll be happy with any of them.


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