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New 20th Anniversary Edition Trailer

Our friends at Shout! Factory have provided us with a new trailer for the “Mystery Science Theater 3000: 20th Anniversary Edition” DVD set. And here it is:

54 Replies to “New 20th Anniversary Edition Trailer”

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  1. MarkW says:

    Actually, I believe it’s just Joel and Jim Mallon that get any money off the DVD sales.


  2. Graboidz says:

    MarkW – Seriously? :shock:

    I would hope that all parties involved would see a little something from the DVD sales. I can’t imaging Frank, Trace, Bill, Mary Jo or specifically Mike being left in the cold financially with these DVD sales. That would suck.


  3. Bobo "BuckDat" Briggs says:

    My understanding was always that Trace, Kevin and Mike split the remaining stake in BBI. Although this could have changed when Joel left and/or has nothing to do with the dvd royalties. Plus their stake was very small to begin with so Joel would get like well over 10 times what Mike would if anything. :neutral:

    Still a nice chunk for something you haven’t worked on in 10 years I would think, considering theres no sharing with a network.


  4. BoB3K says:

    Until recently, most people thought that only Jim Mallon got money, but Joel has recently said that he too gets some money. Mike and others have stated that they get no money.

    So to resumarize, Jim and Joel are the only two that get anything from your MST3K purchases.


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