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Now Available from RiffTrax…

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31 Replies to “Now Available from RiffTrax…”

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  1. Jesus Thinks You're A Jerk says:

    Ah, so just like the bozset theory of classic episodes being released along with clunkers, we have this clunker of news to go along with the XIV boxset news. Fascinating.


  2. Bradlee Gillette says:

    Awesome! Only means they’re that much closer to riffing the travesty that was X3!


  3. Evan says:



  4. fruitypebbles says:

    Jesus Thinks You’re A Jerk:

    Okay. You don’t like Rifftrax.

    We *GET* it!


  5. Hey, JTYAJ, why don’t you prove to us, the Rifftrax-consuming public, that Rifftrax does indeed suck?

    Oh wait, you *can’t.* Something called “subjectivity” gets in the way. You know, that irksome little fact that people have different perceptions and, therefore, different tastes?

    But what am I saying? You clearly don’t understand this concept. You appear to believe that people like us are merely factually misinformed, and that only through profound and insightful commentary like yours can we be brought to enlightenment.

    Get bent.

    I’ll agree that good Rifftrax is generally on par with middling MST3k, but it’s still good, and there are still moments of pure gold. Well, to some of us – those whith senses of humor that make us find those things funny. Your sense of humor has been infected by virulent hate-memes and is therefore not fully trustworthy . . . at least as far as normal viewers (like most of us) are concerned.

    If you can’t accept that other human beings have variations in what they do and do not enjoy, what the hell in life *can* you accept?


  6. Speedy says:

    Jesus Thinks Your A Jerk is brought to you by grants from Sir Stuart Galbraith the Fourth, Joe Don Baker, Sandy Frank and Chris Gore. Either that or Rifftrax made it personal when they riffed Troll 2.

    Seriously, though, I would like to know when they will release the shorts on DVD. I remember on a previous thread that Conor mentioned that being an eventuality. I noticed they have 4 compilation audio discs. That’s something I will have to get sometime soon.

    Now I have to go to the Pauly Shore website and comment how I hate everything he does. Oh wait, I’m 31 and have better things to do. Maybe finish watching Scrubs Season 7 on DVD or Family Guy Vol. 6. If only one of those shows would reference MST3K in some way.


  7. Badger1970 says:

    Leave the little hater under the bridge for now.

    For the life of me I can’t remember X2’s plot (I never saw X3).


  8. Speedy says:

    X2 was about William Stryker trying to destroy all Mutants using Professor X. Magneto & The X-Men launch a counter strike except Magneto is just going in to change the Cerebro to kill all non-Mutants. Any help?


  9. We should be able to start taking orders for the RiffTrax Shorts Vol 1 DVD by the end of the month, hopefully shipping them before Thanksgiving. We’ll let Satellite News know when we do of course.

    And just ignore the troll, he doesn’t bother us, so he certainly shouldn’t bother you.


  10. Speedy says:

    Thanks for the info Conor.


  11. We should be taking orders for the first volume of RiffTrax shorts on DVD by the end of the month, hopefully they will be able to ship before Thanksgiving. Here’s the cover art:

    Erhardt adds: It looks like this comment got caught up in our spam filter, Connor. Sorry about that!


  12. Badger1970 says:

    Thanks, Speedy. For some reason I though that was the plot of X1, silly me.


  13. “And just ignore the troll, he doesn’t bother us, so he certainly shouldn’t bother you.”

    Insulting behavior is always bothersome, even if we address it by ignoring the perpetrator.

    As for myself, I plan to post most of that response every time I see ‘im trying to demean the legitimate work and tastes of others involved with this site, because there’s no justification for him to carry on as he does.

    Unless, of course, he can rise to the challenge I’ve made.


  14. Graboidz says:

    Not really into comics or superhero flix, but I was excited when I saw Speedy’s post: “X2 was about William Stryker trying to destroy all Mutants using Professor X…..” Misread that as “William Shatner trying to destroy…..”? Oh well, better get some more coffee.


  15. jaconey says:

    I do wonder how many Rifftrax (if any)
    Jesus Thinks You’re A Jerk has listened to?


  16. Speedy says:

    I’ve always wondered if the Rifftrax for Plan 9 and Night Of The Living Dead (both released in Jan ’06) are different than the commentary tracks on the Off Color/Legend Films DVD releases or just downloadable versions of said tracks. Anyone out there know?


  17. majorjoe23 says:

    I’ve always wondered if the Rifftrax for Plan 9 and Night Of The Living Dead (both released in Jan ‘06) are different than the commentary tracks on the Off Color/Legend Films DVD releases or just downloadable versions of said tracks. Anyone out there know?”

    They are different, though there is some joke overlap. The rifftrax has alot more jokes.


  18. Speedy says:

    Thanks Major. I appreciate it.


  19. Captain Cab says:

    To those who own this site, if possible, I call for an IP ban of our little anti-joy “messiah” who likes to bring down every thread we have. What do you think sirs? Ignoring would help, but it looks like that aint happenin’ right now (as you can see by my post, ahem)


  20. Jesus Thinks You're A Jerk says:

    “I do wonder how many Rifftrax (if any)
    Jesus Thinks You’re A Jerk has listened to?”

    I’ve seen maybe 1/4 of the movies with the Rifftrax and a handful of the shorts. I gave them a fighting chance, continuing to think that it could only get better as time went on… boy, how wrong I was. They have their funny moments, but at their best (which would probably be Cocktail), they’re no better than the average MST3k episode. I attribute this to two things: the lack of staff to contribute jokes and their unwillingness to take their time to at least attempt to craft masterpieces. If you folks continue to shell out your cash for low-quality entertainment, you’re going to get what you pay for.

    I will continue to voice my opinion that Rifftrax is crap and deal with the fact that so many sheep are willing to think of me as the “crazy” lady. Eventually, more of you may start to see the light of the situation and be more cautious about what you spend your money on. Then again, there are still people out there buying Britney Spears CDs, so there’s no accounting for taste.


  21. Captain Cab says:

    “No better than the average MST3K episode”?! *gasp* Y-you m-mean Rifftrax is better than a lot of what passes as comedy on TV these days? Anyways, I know a room full of friends who laughed so hard at watching the Wickerman (right up there with the level of quality skewering that Manos received) and Batman and Robin RT’s they were rolling on the floor. I’m pretty sure they would firmly reject your opinion for what is. But, please, oh wise one. Teach us how to be truly appreciative! We’re sooooo misled.


  22. One more response to this and then I’ll simmer down for a while. Maybe.

    “If you folks continue to shell out your cash for low-quality entertainment, you’re going to get what you pay for.”

    Yeah, *high*-quality entertainment which we enjoy.

    You see, WE DO NOT SHARE YOUR TASTES. So when we buy Riftrax, we’re getting something we’ll enjoy greatly and repeatedly, even if it’s not the absolute ideal pinnacle of all humor on Earth. We still derive joy and satisfaction from it, as alien as that may be to you.

    “They have their funny moments, but at their best (which would probably be Cocktail), they’re no better than the average MST3k episode.”

    “I will continue to voice my opinion that Rifftrax is crap . . .”

    So in your opinion . . .

    Crap = Rifftrax = low-to-middling MST3k

    Thank you for informing us that much/most of MST3k is worthless crap. Gosh, I wish I had all those hours of memorable entertainment back! What a fool I was to ever watch anything but the utter best of MST3k, because the rest of it had no value whatsoever.

    “and deal with the fact that so many sheep are willing to think of me as the “crazy” lady.”

    Not enjoying Rifftrax does not make you crazy. No one thinks you’re crazy. But constantly, *constantly* harping on your (legitimate) opinion as though we should all follow your example is sheer, unadulterated douchery.

    You say we’re sheep? You just want to be our shepherd, so that your opinion will have relevance. Yet we don’t want you as our shepherd. You have no authority and we don’t see any value in your example. So nice try – but we’ll flock our own way.

    “Eventually, more of you may start to see the light of the situation and be more cautious about what you spend your money on.”

    I’m already a tightwad, personally, and we’re all old enough to decide what we do and don’t enjoy enough to buy. We can make our own judgements as to whether we think Rifftrax is worth our dollar or not. Your attempt at guidance is irrelevant – especially since you just spew insults instead of making reasoned arguments. It’s unbecoming.

    I wouldn’t go onto a Dan Cook fan site and bitch about the fact that he has hardly any talent, even though I feel this to be true. Why? Because I have enough tact to know that this would make me a useless d***hole. I have no right to try to *force* my opinions on others, despite being free to express them.

    “Then again, there are still people out there buying Britney Spears CDs, so there’s no accounting for taste.”

    I could hardly agree more about nearly any pop-culture phenomenon (which are mostly insipid and irritating, in my opinion), but that’s why people like myself *enjoy* Rifftrax – we’re deprived of quality entertainment overall, and Rifftrax fits the bill in our little niche. Supply and demand . . . basic economics.

    Why is that so? Because Rifftrax is still better than 90% of whatever’s on Comedy Central or coming out of Hollywood. Get used to it.

    You want us to be better judges of what to spend on, but you’ve proven yourself to be a terrible judge of what to spend your time and effort on. Not much credibility there.


  23. MSTJon says:

    Not that I disagree with him though…


  24. MSTJon says:

    I didn’t pay attention and tried to use brackets in the previous post. It makes no sense now and I’m embarassed. Just forget I said anything :wink:


  25. Speedy says:

    Sweet, Twice the MST in one month Cinematic Titanic 5: Santa Claus Conquers The Martians Rifftrax Shorts Vol. 1. What a great way for me to celebrate the 20th Anniversary “TURKEY DAY”


  26. Robyn says:

    JTYAJ: See, it’s fine that you don’t like RiffTrax, honestly it is. In fact I agree with a lot of your reasoning. (Though I’m confused, wouldn’t “no better than an average MST3K episode” still be pretty good?)

    But when you comment on every single solitary RiffTrax post with some variation of “RiffTrax sux”, that tends to piss people off, and calling the fans “sheep” is definitely not going to help us “see the light”. If you really want to be taken seriously, amp down the attitude and tell yourself that just because someone likes different things from you, that doesn’t make them a moron. Comedy is subjective, variety’s the spice of life, etc, etc. :wink:

    To everyone else: Assuming JTYAJ is a troll (and I’m not 100% sure he is), the only reason he’s here is to stir up ****. Spitting venom in his general direction will only lead to a flame war. So if you’re not content to ignore him, then at least try to be civil. You can disagree with someone without it becoming a matter of life and death. :)

    To RiffTrax: Um, sorry this thread is getting so off-topic – we’re excited about the X2 RiffTrax, honest! :lol: Well um, actually I’m not – I don’t really care about the X-Man movies one way or the other, so I’ll probably skip this one. But others are excited, I’m sure!


  27. BenderRodriguez says:

    Aw, I like this movie. Oh, well. All’s fair in love and riffs.


  28. “To everyone else: Assuming JTYAJ is a troll (and I’m not 100% sure he is), the only reason he’s here is to stir up ****.”

    Um . . . deliberately provoking people on a message board is the very *definition* of trolling . . .

    “Spitting venom in his general direction will only lead to a flame war. So if you’re not content to ignore him, then at least try to be civil.”

    I’ve been lurking here for years, and regarding this poster, I got sick of being insulted (being among the numerous people who have been indicted as “sheep” and so on).

    And I haven’t seen anyone acting without civility yet, save JTYAJ. Sure, we’ve been expressing frustration, but we’re not down to meaningless name-calling. I personally have yet to do anything but call them on their inexcusably rude behavior. (In a sarcastic and irritated manner, granted, but hey, JTYAJ has repeatedly ignored legitimate and civil requests to knock this nonsense off. They’ve used up all their good faith.)

    “You can disagree with someone without it becoming a matter of life and death.”

    If only JTYAJ would grasp that concept enough to stop (indirectly) referring to perfectly valuable posters as money-wasting twits.


  29. Captain Cab says:

    Raptorial Talon just gave JTYAJ civil comeuppance of Jurassic proportions. Nice work sir, couldn’t have said it better myself.


  30. Andre says:

    “Jesus” built my hotrod….a 1984 diesel Escort hatchback……0 to 60 in a lunar cycle.
    I personally like all of the MST alumni’s offerings. Not to mention some fan efforts.
    I think I just like riffing in general.
    However, I am not a sheep. I’m a wildebeest at the very least. Or maybe even a caribou.

    Sheep go to heaven, goats go to hell – Cake


  31. spap oop says:

    i can hold my fire about jtyaj no longer. he or she is the very definition of a troll. for example, i do not care for wrestling or nascar or even the nba, but i do not troll their message boards saying how lame i think their product is. or how intelligent i am for not paying to watch their products or buy their merchandise.
    besides 20 year old mst’s how about you tell us what other tv shows or movies you are interested in so we can rip on those? not that i would. thats something you do with real friends over beers where you can insult each other face to face and have fun.


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