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Weekend Discussion Thread: Favorite “Star Trek” References

Alert reader Kenneth suggests:

I noticed that two weeks ago when you did the “Favorite Star Wars References” weekend discussion, it didn’t get that many comments. I read one of the comments from a “ck” that read: “I’d think there were more Star Trek then Star Wars references. Including the disturbing Mike impression of Janeway. (That one hurt a whole lot).”
And I got to thinking, there ARE a lot of Trek references in the show. I think it would make a pretty good weekend discussion topic.

Why not?

I think my fave is Crow’s: “Room-to-room transport! [As Spock.] Very difficult, captain!”

What’s yours?

77 Replies to “Weekend Discussion Thread: Favorite “Star Trek” References”

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  1. bobhoncho says:

    Oh I forgot, 902 Phantom Planet, when we see a rather unflattering shot of Chapman, Mike (I believe) says “He’s got a shape like Dr. Beverly Crusher.”

    It’s true, he does, but I also find that riff insulting to Gates McFadden, and her lovely body.


  2. Edward says:

    The whole Mirror,Mirror skit is great especially when Crow comes out of nowhere yelling, “Die!Die!Die!” to the tune of the Star Trek fight scene music. Also, I have no idea what episode it’s in but any time Crow says, “I’m in love, Jim!”. Gets me every time.


  3. This Guy says:

    #45: I laugh every single time at that one. And if I recall, doesn’t either Callipygeas or Bobo (Kevin, anyway) suggest a round of “Bitter Dregs” in one of the Roman episodes?

    And: “Aw, come on, you’re supposed to keep fresh batteries in your agonizer at all times!”

    #50: Should be The Final Sacrifice.


  4. Warren says:

    Re:#50-It is from The Final Sacrifice.
    One that I like is from Mole People: “Data is down!”


  5. robot rump! says:

    i am surprised that apparently no one remembered Abe Lincoln’s immortal ‘Help me Kirk, help me..Kirk’ from babada da da ‘Danger! Death Ray!’


  6. Mills says:

    From the movie: Crow as Sulu “The Klingons have us in their tractor beam. Ahuh-huh-huh” leans into Mike “huh-huh-huh” I can’t watch that without rewinding it a few times.


  7. Eric says:

    From Girls Town (601), when the tough girls enter the room. “Uh oh. Romulans.”


  8. DJurgServo says:

    Isn’t it in First Spaceship on Venus where, as the gang is leaving the theater for a break Crow says, “Take us out of warp, Mr. Crusher” in his best Capt Picard voice?


  9. marcusvermilion says:

    “Romulan Ale” is used as a riff during a pub scene in “The Deadly Bees.”


  10. Warren says:

    #51-I have to agree, and I think Mcfaddens’s red hair is a good enough reason to watch TNG. She can dance too, she did the dance choreogaphy for Labyrinth. Just one of a million factoids in my brain.


  11. Kali says:

    In the Mirror Mirror gags from “Last of the Wild Horses,” Mirror Servo does Mirror Chekov: “So you die, Captain, and we all move up in rank.” Kind of hard to build suspense when you can just throw the bot across the room, but there you go…


  12. jaybird3rd says:

    My top three favorites:

    1) The whole “parallel universe” storyline during the host segments in “Last of the Wild Horses”. Brilliant!

    2) The harmonized rendition of the “Star Trek Fight Song” in “Hercules Against the Moon Men”.

    3) The “bitter dregs” line during Critter’s song in “Girl in Gold Boots” (I know they’ve used it in other episodes, but it works best in “Gold Boots” because the music is so similar at that point).

    (I also seem to remember a line in “The Skydivers” about Beth having a Klingon forehead, but I don’t remember the exact quote.)


  13. NoMad says:

    Hey, let’s not forget about The Crawling Hand gag where they all do their Shatner impressions. Maybe not their best Star Trek reference, but probably one of the earliest. Certainly the first time they did a whole sketch based around a Star Trek reference.

    Joel: “I dunno how Shatner does it each week.”
    Crow: “I dunno why he does it or who lets him keep doing it.”
    Tom: “Well I’m just glad he does it.”


  14. Creeping-Death says:

    In Squirm, after they find Mr. Beardsley’s(Mr Beardsleeeey!?) skeleton, Crow says “Dammit, Bones! I always wanted to do that. Dammit Bones!”


  15. TarlCabot says:

    I had a distinct feeling this would get more comments than the Star Wars thread.

    My favorite: From 503-Swamp Diamonds. The bots obsess over the Elias Sandoval episode and Joel has to get them angry.

    Your mother was a computer and your father was an encyclopedia!


  16. Joseph Klemm says:

    A few memorable ones (at least by me) that haven’t been mentioned yet:

    The Amazing Colossal Man: (as a credit for Joseph Biroc appears on the screen) “I AM BIROC!!!”

    MST3K: The Movie: “Captain’s Log: I’ve lost my toupee and girdle, and I can’t leave my room.”


  17. rcfagnan says:

    Frank and Dr. F fight over who’s presenting the invention exchange (and consequently conveniently allowing the Brains to avoid having to come up with two inventions that week)in “Teenage Caveman.” The Trek signature fight music plays in the background.


  18. jaybird3rd says:

    I also liked it when Servo gave us his best Scotty impression. He did it a few times, such as when he used the “I cannae change the laws of physics!” line during “Mighty Jack”.


  19. Smoothie of Great Power says:

    #64 took the one that came to my mind after thinking about it.

    However, a good follow-up one is also from Bill Corbett in the Rifftrax version of House on Haunted Hill as the skeleton reaches out:

    “Dammit, Bones, leave her alone!”


  20. Gorn Captain says:

    Love them all as an old school Trekker. The “I’m ready to fight Captain Kirk!” riff in Track of the Moonbeast got me right between the eyes for some reason. ;)

    Can we do favorite Stanley Kubrick film references next? There seems to be a lot of them!


  21. Kali says:

    Okay, we got Star Wars references and we got Star Trek references. Next stop, the Twilight Zone (or Night Gallery). Like when the bots saw the portrait of the Master in Manos and intoned, “Welcome to the Night Gallery.” Not sure who it was (but believe it was Trace), but someone had Rod Serling’s cadence absolutely perfect in that scene.

    Kubrick’s too easy. Every time there is a significant change in the show’s format, the Brains do a riff on 2001 (except when Frank left since that gave us the sublime visit from Torgo the White, and we wouldn’t miss that for the world).


  22. Luther Heggs aka Number 6 says:

    “On a sad note though, Chicago Tribune’s website is reporting the death of Michael Ansara at 91.”

    Yes, but I do take comfort in the fact that July 31st was a good day to die.


  23. Luther Heggs aka Number 6 says:

    Speaking of lack of dignity (#35,#44) in the romance department, I watched an older episode of Futurama and, ladies and gentlemen, I do believe I am in love with Leela.

    It’s going to be so awkward telling Luanne from King of the Hill that I need more space.


  24. Richard the Lion-Footed says:

    A Jack Frost reference not used yet,

    When the little Mushroom Pixie is telling Ivan his plans, Crow says, “And then we’ll have Tran-ya.”
    Very subtle reference to The Corbomite Maneuver.


  25. Savvy says:

    @bobhoncho #44 C’mon, we all have some dignity, or else we wouldn’t be able to stand!


  26. Gorn Captain says:

    @71 Perhaps so, but in between they referenced just about every other Kubrick film, including Lolita! I didn’t even get the Full Metal Jacket references in Alien From L.A. until recently.


  27. zoff ??? says:

    ??? ?? zoff ???


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