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How Were the Shows?

An open thread for reports on the two Cinematic Titanic shows in Milwaukee this weekend.

Also: Rob Wieland of the AV Club has a review.

Thomas Michalski of has a report.

Rick Katschke of has a report.

Here’s a piece about the shows from the local NPR, with all five Titans in the studio together.

25 Replies to “How Were the Shows?”

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  1. Kenneth Morgan says:

    I went to the “Doll Squad” show last night. It was an absolute blast.

    The pre-show performances were great, including one item that was new to me involving Gruber, Mary Jo and Trace. (I won’t spoil it for those going tonight.) As usual, Frank had the edgiest jokes; the one about how Twinkies affected him probably got the biggest laugh. Unusually, there was a brief intermission between the pre-show and the movie.

    As for “The Doll Squad”, I’d never seen the movie before. It’s like “Angels’ Revenge”, only more downbeat and more ineptly-made. The riffing, though, was top-notch.

    Afterwards, I stuck around to get my tour poster signed by the Titans. I hope I didn’t sound too much like an idiot. And I wasn’t the only one to ask if they could reconsider the whole idea of ending the thing.

    Just about the only bad thing I could mention was that, due to a mix-up, they didn’t have any DVDs available for sale. Oh, well.

    Now, I’m heading back to NJ. I have to fly to Chicago first, then catch a connecting flight to Newark. And, no, I’m not going to rob an armored car during the layover and dress up as a priest during the flight home.


  2. Eric Woll says:

    Well of course you wouldn’t, you’re flying! Now if you had been taking a train back, I would be highly suspicious.


  3. littleaimishboy says:

    So KM, what are you planning to do in Chicago between flights?


  4. Kenneth Morgan says:

    #3 (littleaimishboy)

    As it turns out, I spent my time in Chicago lugging my bags from one side of O’Hare Airport to another. I got to the gate with just enough time to catch my breath before they started boarding.

    Now, I’ve got to hope for good weather for the Dec. 30th show near Philly.


  5. Pete From Canada says:

    Responding to Kenneth Morgan:



  6. Kenneth Morgan says:

    #5 (Pete from Canada)

    As astonishing as that sounds, yes, it is. In his intro, Joel said the movie looked like the director’s home movies. And the nearly-unwatchable night scenes near the end led to a lot of riffs, like, “This part of the movie is dedicated to Stevie Wonder.” And the “give the guards the spiked vodka” sequence must be seen to be believed.

    Anybody know how the “Tiki Island” show went?


  7. Robertd says:

    The Friday night show was the first we’d attended, and it was a blast! The Pabst Theater was packed, and quite a few people were crazily dressed for the occasion. From the first balcony, we could see a top-notch Crow and Tom Servo on the ground floor beforehand and during intermission, and there was a big line for photos with them. We didn’t expect the pre-movie entertainment, which was a treat.

    “Doll Squad” was as bad as you would hope. The sound was a bit muddy (and the rear projection shined in my eye—won’t happen to you), but the jokes were superb. Fingers crossed they issue a DVD of the show, but this was a nice way to say hello+goodbye to Cinematic Titanic.


  8. mst3ktemple says:

    The poor sound quality of the original film is part of the inept beauty of The Doll Squad.


  9. Outlaw of Mitchell says:

    I saw the Doll Squad show and it was super fantastic! The movie would have fit in perfectly during the show’s run and their riffs were top-notch. I kept laughing and laughing throughout the night. I took pictures with the Servo and Crow guys and then got two mini-posters (Master Ninja I and Robot Holocaust for the curious) autographed by everyone. I also had a friend take a picture of Joel and I. They were so nice and kind after the show. It was the highlight of my year.


  10. Dr. Frankenkeister says:

    Regrettably, due to a schedule change at work, I couldn’t attend either show at the Pabst. However, Steve Hackett last night at the Pabst was very good. Amazingly, I had hopes that some of the Titans might be in attendance knowing their prog rock liking pasts. But alas, they weren’t there as far as I could tell. Unless they covertly wore a King Crimson shirt, gained significant weight, and didn’t bring dates in order to blend into the crowd. If they did, well played Titans, well played.


  11. Timmy K. says:

    I was at both shows, and both were excellent. Friday nights (Doll Squad) was probably a bit better just because the movie itself is a little more fun to me than Danger on Tiki Island, plus the excitement of never having seen it before. I can’t remember the last time I laughed that hard for that long. But both nights were a blast, and the pre-movie segments they all did were so great. I would love it if Joel would bring his one man show to the Pabst since the excerpts he did each night were really hilarious. Grubber is so great, and made getting to the shows early and sitting in the theater for an hour a joy. On Friday night right before the show started he came out on stage and did a lip synced performance of NSync’s “Bye Bye Bye” which really blew the roof off the joint. I stayed around Friday night to meet them afterwards, but rather than just getting their autographs yet again I instead gave them all a little painting I did of each of their respective MST3K characters. I didn’t want to hold up the huge line too much, and was rather nervous, so I didn’t talk to them as much as I would have wanted to, but they were all REALLY cool and seemed to get a kick out of their paintings. Frank said he’d have to make sure to keep his cats away from his, and Mary Jo especially seemed to really like her’s a lot. Needless to say I was very happy, and it was well worth the time I spent making them. It was nice being able to give something of myself back since they’ve been such a huge influence and inspiration on me for so many years now. Having all my 6 hour vhs tapes of MST3K definitely helped get me through art school with my sanity intact since putting one on and letting it play through while I worked was always the perfect way to get through all those all-nighters I had to pull (at least one or two a week usually) to get all my projects done. It’s sad they won’t be doing Cinematic Titanic anymore, but I’m not upset that it’s ending, since the five years or so we got was a wonderful dream come true, and seeing them all back in front of that movie screen making us laugh was amazing for as long as it lasted.


  12. RAD says:


    LOVE the painting of Mary Jo’s Pearl character! Is that Castle Forrester in the background? Can’t wait to see the paintings you did of the other guys. Thanks so much, it will have a prominent place in our household. Glad you enjoyed the shows! Wish I could have been there to thank you personally for such a great portrait of Pearl. Very nicely done, Sir.



  13. Timmy K. says:

    Thanks RAD. I feel very honored that you both like it so much. I had a blast doing them all, and made my way through a decent amount of my MST and CT DVDs while working on them to keep the inspiration up. Thanks again!


  14. My review of the Friday night show is here:

    In one of the CT interviews Josh seemed to indicate they weren’t going to do any further DVDs. It would be a shame if their take on “The Doll Squad” (which was hysterical) never gets archived for others to enjoy. (And I’m still kicking myself for missing that “Samson and the 7 Miracles” movie they did.)


  15. mstgator says:

    If it’s a money issue preventing them from recording and releasing a DVD of “Doll Squad”, maybe they’d consider doing one of those Kickstarter campaigns that’s all the rage with the kids these days?


  16. Captn Ross Hagen says:

    #12 RAD will you be at any of the other shows? I was planning to get a special beer for you,and give it to you at on of the MA.
    shows on 11/2 or 11/3.


  17. FordPrefect says:

    #15 I agree mstgator. I know I’d donate to that Kickstarter and I’m sure other fans would too. It would be great if the last three Cinematic Titanic titles could be released digitally at least, though of course DVDs would be preferable. Hopefully they can get all their previous titles back in stock soon.


  18. Dan in WI says:

    I want the unreleased titles too. But since they are calling it quits I just don’t see it happening.
    I also wouldn’t hold my breath on anything out of stock coming back. It wasn’t that long ago (sometime since the announcment of the farewell if memory serves) that the Titans had a deep discount sale that essentially liquidated the inventory on hand.

    Just my two sense but savor what we have people. Rifftrax is going to be the only provider of new content going forward for the forseeable future.


  19. nekouken says:

    I went to Danger on Tiki Island on Saturday. The show was good; I never get tired of their warm-up acts; Gruber especially is just a delight to watch. He feels like a member of the road crew just started slacking off.

    The riffing was great, and the one thing live shows give us that no studio DVD can is topical jokes. Right out of the gate, Frank hit us with “I blame Obamacare.” And you just know audiences three months ago heard “I blame Benghazi.” There’s a new-ness that studio DVDs, much as I love them (and I also like the Time Tube, so I miss that), just can’t duplicate.

    After the show, the line wound around the inside of the theatre, but moved very quickly. Their swag was a choice of two posters — no DVDs or books this time out — and the cast, as always, was just the most gracious bunch of entertainers a fan could ask for. I, personally, have been trying for the better part of the year to get them an invite to perform in Chicago — initially by pestering theatres, but then by trying to borrow the money myself — and while I failed, I told them about it, and they all gave me a very genuine “thank you.”

    Joel also told me they would be in Chicago in November for an event at the Museum of Broadcast Communications, and I’m already in talks with their organizer to help publicize it. I’ll shoot you some information as soon as he gets it to me, Sampo.


  20. Captn Ross Hagen says:

    #15 AND #17 What did Rifftrax raise for money for the Twilight / Pooper Trooper movie by asking the fans? If CT could do a Last Waltz thing
    with the stuff not on DVD and did a set and had cardboard cases I’d but it. I’d donate money to help the project, I’m sure others would as well.
    It’s like when a TV show goes off with nothing left to wrap things up for the fans. I will miss these fine folks when they end it, but the DVDS
    will help the shows live on as MST does.
    First you blow out the candle and watch as the smoke drifts away.
    But the shows will live on in our memories,all the times these shows and DVDS have helped me deal with some really hard times
    I will always remember.
    Stick a fork in it and turn it over,it’s done.


  21. SAVE FERRIS says:

    I am INCREDIBLY sad over this…….mostly at my own cheapness, but still, VERY sad!

    I live in the Milwaukee area, and was greatly looking forward to seeing the guys/gal live for the very first time.

    The 2-show pass here was $40, which to me represents a GREAT bang for the buck to see these GREAT performers, and good people.

    Alas, it was not to be. Because of my cheapness, or bullheadedness, I REFUSED to pay for my tickets due to the out of control “service fees” attached to buying just about most tickets to live events these days!

    Don’t get me wrong…….I may be cheap, but I have no problem with the venue presenting the show to make a few bucks off of my (and every other patron’s) transaction. But tacking on an (almost) additional 40% to the actual ticket prices, is way, WAY out of line!!!

    The 2-show ticket, which, as I mentioned, was $40 to start, came in at (nearly) a WHOPPING $56.00 once all of the “convenience”, “service”, and “extra, just because we can, and by the way, what, exactly, are you going to do about it if you really want to see this show?” charges were added to the bottom line !!!

    I know, I know……in the end, I’M the loser. And the fact that this was my last chance to see CT live ALMOST got me to swallow my pride, bite the bullet, pony up, and pay the piper, against my better judgment…….but it didn’t. And to be honest, I hope I wasn’t the ONLY person to refuse to go to the show, because they too were disgusted with what amounts to highway robbery!

    In the end, the ones most hurt by my actions were me, and the owners/stars of Cinematic Titanic. However, since there were plenty of other willing accomplices to take my place, CT has done just fine. Meanwhile, the venue (in this particular case, The Pabst Theatre in downtown Milwaukee), reaped their profit (INCLUDING their cut of the $40 original ticket price), and now go happily on their way, hosting other shows in the coming weeks/months/years.

    Am I glad we still have places like this to go see shows like this, if we so choose? YES! But as long as they continue their practice of taking advantage of “what the market will bear”, I guess I will continue being pigheaded enough to miss out on all the fun… :-(

    End of rant.

    Anyone ??? ?:-)


  22. hortense says:

    ^^^^ I hear ya! Today we just paid a ridiculous “convenience” fee for the last Oriole home game because we were afraid that it would sell out (it did) but $16.00 seems absolutely stunning. Are all the CT shows like this? I’m not usually one for government interference, but really someone should look into this, it seems out of control.


  23. Captn Ross Hagen says:

    #21 You stood your ground,sadly you’ll miss the show, but you stood your ground.
    I remember a time when people outside of concerts / sports events
    would sell you tickets for more than face value and it was against
    the law. Now the theaters do it and it’s okay.


  24. pondoscp says:

    Huh. 12 “episodes” of Cinematic Titanic. It’s as if Joel came back and finished Season 5.


  25. pondoscp says:

    sorry, I meant 15 “episodes.” those unreleased 3 aren’t on my shelf.


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