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RiffTrax Is Back at Kickstarter

This time the RiffTrax guys want to riff the extremely deserving “Godzilla” (the one with Matthew Broderick) and again they are asking for help from the fans. (It doesn’t look like they’re even going to have to break a sweat: as of Tuesday morning they were already three-quarters the way to their $100,000 goal.)

The Kickstarter page is here.

34 Replies to “RiffTrax Is Back at Kickstarter”

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  1. Black Doug says:

    Yesterday when I kicked in my $10 at around 8:00 at night, they were at about $3,700.

    Now they’re almost at $90,000.

    That escalated quickly… and good for them, this should erase some of the controversy about Sharknado. The 1998 Godzilla is a movie I think we all can agree deserves a thrashing. Plus those shorts are just amazing-sounding. I know everyone is freaking out about the re-riffed Case of Spring Fever, but I for one can’t wait to see what they do to Duck and Cover.


  2. Creeping-Death says:

    Crow: Um, folks? We’d like to show you clips of one of the crappier big movies of the summer, but we’d get sued. Yes, we’d get sued for showing you clips of G[bleep]a. Even saying Go[bleep]la will get the bejeezus sued out of you. So I made my own giant lizard film to offer as my alternative to God[bleep]. Enjoy. Won’t us?
    [Poorly made title screen for “Goshzilla” appears followed by what’s clearly Crow under a table ramming a Iguana doll into cardboard cutout buildings and plastic pedestrians, while making growling noises]
    Crow: There! And it’s Matthew Broderick free! Oh, and Mike paid a quarter to see it, so it’s already made more of a profit than [bleep]zilla.”


  3. David J says:

    This time they’ve already worked out the permissions with Sony Pictures(Toho, fortunately, has no claim on the movie). They already know that they will be allowed to riff Godzilla if they raise enough money. They also know that they will not be able to make the film available on DVD or VOD. This should be a much smoother process since they already have a business relationship with Sony.


  4. Ryan says:

    I hope this gives a sale bump for the Quiptracks iRiff, which is absolutely hilarious.


  5. wetzelcoatl says:

    Sigh, first they decide to do the next live show in Minneapolis and now this. How much of my money do they want?


  6. little winged potatoes says:

    First time kickstarter contributor present. Also purchased seats for Sharknado at State Theater.

    Good thing I have a good job and an understanding wife.


  7. MSTie says:

    Yep, they’re almost to their goal. :-D (Said as MSTie hugs her “Godzilla vs. Megalon” disc from the original 10th box set…)


  8. Bob(NotThatBob) says:

    Still though, that Toho company can be pretty possessive about its big lizard – might be safer if during the riffing they refer to it as Gamera.


  9. Casey says:

    I’m a bit of a Godzilla buff, so I’ll chime in – Toho HATED this movie. To the point where the monster’s name was changed to ‘Zilla, when they got the rights back, and immediately had him killed by the ‘classic’ Godzilla in Godzilla: Final Wars (Which, if you haven’t seen – is directed by the guy who did VS and Midnight Meat Train. Final Wars is basically Power Ranger Ninjas and Godzilla. It’s insane and well worth the ride…I think Crackle has it streaming for free, actually.)

    Something tells me that they’ll be ok with this.


  10. ericvonzipper says:

    I chipped in 30$, gonna be awesome!

    RIFFTRAX have over 89,0000 LIKES on Facebook!?!? I remember when they were around 4,000.


  11. KidFlash25 says:

    Toho doesn’t give a crap about the American Godzilla, so I think we’re good on that front.

    Edit: whoops, beaten to it by @9.


  12. Cheapskate Crow says:

    Cool, I will be in the South in August and will be sure to see this live and in person in Nashville. Do they do autographs and meet and greet like CT?


  13. Travis H says:

    This I might go see (I haven’t watched GINO in 15 years, it scarred me so much as a young Godzilla fan), but I really hope Mike, Bill & Kevin will up their game for it. RiffTrax has been really hit-or-miss for me when it comes to their riffing efforts. I’d kill to have Cinematic Titanic-caliber writing on it!


  14. MSTJon says:

    AAAAAAAnd it’s already funded!! Great year for riffing!!


  15. Lucas D. says:

    Dammit Rifftrax, I have to work on Thursday nights! Oh well, there’s always the MP3 riffing, but that means I’ll have to buy Godzilla 1998 on DVD.

    Life can be such a dink sometimes.


  16. jaybird3rd says:

    I just kicked in my $30 (after the goal had already been reached), mainly because I think my folks already have a “Broderickzilla” DVD in their collection somewhere.

    It’s impressive how quickly this Kickstarter campaign escalated; I don’t remember exactly, but I think it reached its goal even faster than the Twilight campaign. The movie is indeed richly deserving of a good riffing, and I’m sure it also helped that, with the upcoming “reboot”, Godzilla is back in the public consciousness.


  17. @3

    Also,it helps that Sony Pictures’ theatrical film division had a pretty bad year at the box office in 2013. After Earth with Will Smith and Roland Emmerich’s White House Down flopped both financially and critically, and Smurfs 2 underperformed domestically. There were calls for Sony to spin-off the film entertainment division from the rest of the corporation by shareholders.

    I can see why they would see a value in licensing their back catalog films to RiffTrax for live theatrical mockery, since the theatrical division hasn’t made any more money from films like Starship Troopers and Godzilla since their original theatrical runs in 1997 and 1998 respectively. The theatrical film business is in the midst of great upheaval lately, and all studios, particularly Sony right now need to make any reasonable amount of money anyway possible.

    The studios’ home entertainment divisions, which operate as separate entities from the theatrical divisions, would not want to license out their catalog big budget films for VOD release to RiffTrax, as money is still being made worldwide on DVDs and Netflix streaming, etc.

    I remember buying a ticket in 1997 to see StarShip Troopers just to see the latest debut movie trailer for 1998’s Godzilla AND those two films were prominent in the 1998 MST3k Oscar and Summer Blockbuster Review specials on SciFi Channel. Brings back memories for me…


  18. syferdet says:

    I’d like to see $1 more than last year on that total.
    $264,861 should be the goal.


  19. Manos Bride says:

    At the $20 level, they’re offering a free studio MP3 of the Godzilla riff, “PLUS a $15 RiffTrax CERTIFICATE to compensate you for having to shell out for the movie of GODZILLA.” FYI, if you don’t have the movie already and want to buy it, it’s on sale on Amazon for $7.50.


  20. littleaimishboy says:

    … or, you can buy it used via for 0.01 plus postage.


  21. Lucas D. says:

    #19 & #20

    I’m not worried about the cost, it’s having Godzilla 1998 on my DVD shelf that’s the real concern. What will the neighbors think?


  22. littleaimishboy says:

    Lucas D.: But I only paid one cent for it!
    Neighbors: Free shipping?
    Lucas D.: Welllllll …
    Neighbors: LOSER!!!!

    But hey – such are the sufferings that must be endured.


  23. Dan in WI says:

    Lucas D #21> Rifftrax used to sell stickers which read something to the effect: This movie is better with Rifftrax. Adding that sticker was a great way to have those otherwise embarassing movies on your shelf. I wish those were still available.


  24. RCFagnan says:

    I contributed last night. I haven’t seen Fraudzilla since the first time. It was the first movie I ever felt insulted by. Should make for a great riffing experience!


  25. Lucas D. says:

    #23: I’ll make my own stickers if I must. The tables have turned, Godzilla 1998; you won’t own me, I WILL OWN YOU!


  26. GornCaptain says:

    This was one of the earliest DVD’s I ever bought when the format was young. (It was on sale, and I didn’t know any better, honest!) I haven’t been able to watch it since. Even a few fleeting glimpses on tv makes me dive for the remote. This is going to be good!

    I still remember The Phantom Menace poster on the official Star Wars website that lampooned the Godzilla teaser poster. “Plot does matter.” We all know how that ultimately turned out. ;-)

    I thought for one moment they wanted to take on the 1956 original, Raymond Burr inserts and all.


  27. Dan in WI says:

    Gorn Captain #26> I’m sure they want to take on the 1956 original. But there we have that little Toho problem…


  28. Kenneth Morgan says:

    I just checked; they’re up to over $144,000. I kicked in $25 on Wednesday.

    Now, they’ve got to see about the rights to one of the Gamera movies they didn’t get around to earlier.


  29. KidFlash25 says:

    @17: And with Amazing Spider-Man 2 underperforming as it is (about $50m behind ASM domestically with mixed reviews at best, likely to juuuuust get over $200m), there’s even been some talk that Sony would sell back the Spidey rights to Marvel. In that kind of atmosphere, it’s not a surprise that they’ll want to hang on to anything they have.


  30. Retcon says:

    Great, more E-begging from them. Once a internet celebrity taste the teets of Kickstarter, they can’t stop sucking.

    @26, TPM turned out great, very underated film. It’s sad so many people just don’t get it.


  31. jaybird3rd says:

    @#30: I think you have it wrong. It’s actually “The Phantom Menace” that can’t stop sucking.


  32. Lucas D. says:

    #30 Not only do your kind words for The Phantom Menace invalidate your smear on the Rifftrax crew, but they also retroactively undo every valid thing you’ve ever said. The really bad news is that this includes all those times you told your friends you weren’t a virgin, because liking TPM also gives you back your virginity.


  33. Retcon says:

    At Jaybird3rd, as far as I know TPM isn’t sucking off Kickstarter’s teets but Rifftrax sure is.

    Lucas D, I don’t see how having kind words for a film invalidates anything? Your logic is pretty faulty there, more like a lack of logic since your reply is nothing but mere name calling without any real counter argument of any kind which shows a complete lack of intelligence from you. Pretty sad of you really, just as sad as Mike, Bill, and Kevin resorting to online begging rather than earning money form performing work or offering something for sale. Instead they are begging money so they can make a product to sell to their donors, something they used to mock on MST3K. But then again perhaps you two have showed that Rifftrax’s fans deserved to be taken advantage of. Their riff writing has become very lazy mostly relying on internet memes and pure snark rather than something funny like on MST3K. But you guys better grow thicker skin soon or otherwise you will be butthurt all the time.


  34. AntiRetcon says:

    @Retcon – SHUT UP!


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