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Social Media Is Back is back online.

New to the site are:
• the “three riffers” version of “Little Shop of Horrors” (you can download the MP3 version and watch with your Legend Films DVD or a video on demand version with the movie and riffing together) [free sample here], and
• the short that created all the ruckus, “Overcoming Fear.”

8 Replies to “ Is Back”

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  1. Kris says:

    YAY! The world makes sense again!


  2. Uncle Bill says:

    Okay, very awesome. Gonna get me a copy of that there short. Now if they would please kindly direct us to where we can watch the conveniently and kindly posted replay of the live show that so many of us tuned in to the Rifftrax website to see, but missed because of the Gremlins attacking you, or whatever it was that happened. Please, pretty please. C’mon guys do us a solid. There are too many of us disappointed shlups out here who were really looking forward to it, and are terribly disappointed we didn’t get to see more than the minute or two, or however long it was on.


  3. pablum says:

    >the short that created all the ruckus

    Did I miss something?


  4. andytronic says:

    :!: It doesn’t seem to be working new. I am sad.


  5. andytronic says:

    By new I mean now. :oops:


  6. Thrifty says:

    pablum: During the live Rifftrax last Wednesday, the whole Rifftrax crashed for about 36 hours.


  7. GizmonicTemp says:

    andytronic #5 – Actually, it doesn’t seem to be working “new” either as people are having trouble uploading iRiffs. Oh, internet gods, smile upon us, we implore thee!


  8. radioman970 says:

    They’re gone! I was trying to view the sample of Spider-man 3, having just finished up the film. I’ll be dadburned if that sucker weren’t made fer them thar riffertrackies!!! Now I cain’t see it!!! :mad: *kicks the dog*


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