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Weekend Discussion Thread: Food

Alert reader Jay suggests:

Food. The Brains brought up food in many, many episodes. What is your favorite? For me it has to be Hamdingers. Not only were they Joel’s exit device, but they sound darn tasty! Too bad they aren’t around anymore.

I kinda like The Mads’ breakfast bazooka.


If you have WDT ideas, email me at msampo at aol dot com.

86 Replies to “Weekend Discussion Thread: Food”

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  1. Juice says:

    Braunschweiger Melt –

    Who can remember what episode and under what circumstance Mike said he was going to make a braunschweiger melt?t just won’t come to me.thanks!

    Horrors of Spider Island?


  2. ready4sumfootball says:

    Well then…

    I almost bought some Chicken In A Biskit one time. Then I realized I should not be putting Chicken In A Biskit into my body. Maybe one day I will…

    I’ve had those before. Personal opinion, it’s not very good. Tastes like a bunch of stuff that shouldn’t be together.


  3. EricJ says:

    Okay, every episode seems to be covered, except for those appetizingly marketed cartons of ice cream from “Selling Wizard”.
    (Dish of ice cream?–Don’t tempt me!)

    And yes, I don’t know exactly what the flavor of Chick’n in a Biskit is meant to be, but it’s one of the few strange things you can eat that doesn’t taste like chicken.


  4. Brock Lee Rubberband says:

    Corn Dodgers! I love ’em! Well I think I would…Uh what the hell is a Corn Dodger?

    For dessert I will treat myself to a big bowl of Monkey eats.


  5. Satoris says:

    Wild Rebels cereal actually looked pretty good. Sugary Linda’s, tasty oat-Rod’s. And, there’s a cheap stupid prize inside the box!


  6. Satoris says:

    Okay, every episode seems to be covered, except for those appetizingly marketed cartons of ice cream from “Selling Wizard”.
    (Dish of ice cream?–Don’t tempt me!)

    And yes, I don’t know exactly what the flavor of Chick’n in a Biskit is meant to be, but it’s one of the few strange things you can eat that doesn’t taste like chicken.

    Over three kinds of vanilla!


  7. maclen says:

    One I always recall is from Teenagers from Outer Space when the “teen” Captain torcha first exits the spaceship and Joel riffs, “boy I sure could go for a hamburger sandwich and some french fried potatoes. I’m a teenager after all.” And of course, “Pancakes…oh I blew it.” Just watched A Touch of Satan last night, so “moldy olive loaf” is still in my mind.


  8. trickymutha says:

    Who can forget Atari in Mighty Jack? He liked his eggs, toast and coffee before going on a super secret spy mission.


  9. DKinMN says:

    Two words – Klack Foods


  10. PirateJoe says:

    What’s in a Thruster Buster? Mmmmm… oven tempered meal food…. Honestly, I always wondered if they just made up the Splunky. it seems like some kind of smoothie, or maybe an icee of some kind, with different flavors.


  11. Dan says:

    Trumpy and his buffett. Delicious kitty… This potato’s got big ears…

    Personally I prefer the “little wing-ed potatoes”.

    Also, Dinty Moore Beef Stew. Not only is it yummy, it has all that sodium for killing panty raiding sea monsters.


  12. tersegirl says:

    In Phantom Planet they make much ado about the good and the beautiful, one representative pair being Tawny Kitaen and a plate of sauerbraten. We were perplexed by the descriptions of the dish (sauerbraten, not Ms. Kitaen) but if Mike and Servo thought it was both good and substantial…


  13. Gentle Ben says:

    I think I’ll go to the club car and get myself a bite. Mm, this tuna melt sammich really tastes quite nice.
    And so reasonably priced!


  14. JW says:

    I want to eat at the restaurant Crow and Tom are at when they’re doing their middle aged women from the upper Midwest bit. They do it up so nice.


  15. Jay says:

    Hamlet –

    Our dark German rye bread MSTed version left out this line wherein Hamlet expounds on the eventual equality of us all:

    “A man may fish with the worm that hath eat of a king, and eat of the fish that hath fed of that worm”

    How’s that for an epitaph, Folks?


  16. Bart Fargo-Moorhead says:

    Schlitz Beer – a proud sponsor of “A Very Special Joe Don Baker Christmas”.


  17. Goshzilla says:

    “Come eat Quisp with me at the junky table.”

    “All you packed is rice?” “Yep. Sure is good for ya. Bleached and enriched.”


  18. The Grim Specter of Food says:

    My college roommate made his own Hamdingers, without realizing that they were a real thing. So his were ham and cheese in puff pastry. Delicious.

    My favorite food running gag was how in Season 10, Crow became a master of dipping sauces. Try his peppercorn ranch!


  19. Dan says:

    The massive steak, baked potato & peas in THE HOME ECONOMICS STORY looks delicious.
    But, as hospital food, maybe not so much.


  20. PrezGAR says:

    Avocado Man from Robot Holocaust.

    “You could get a job at Chi-chi’s. You could be the job.” – Crow


  21. GodzillavsMegalon says:



  22. underwoc says:

    Good work everyone! RAM chips for all!


  23. Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy says:

    Great stew: Chicken, corn, green peppers, chili, onions.


  24. Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy says:

    The stew was already mentioned, so here’s another good food riff:

    Gamera is really neat, Gamera is filled with meat, We’ve been eating Gamera!!


  25. Ray Dunakin says:

    The dog’s meat.

    Have you seen it?


  26. Kenneth Morgan says:

    “Come eat Quisp with me at the junky table.”

    Ye gods, I remember Quisp! Do they still make it? Ah, memories of sugary cereals and good cartoons and Bowery Boys movies on Saturday morning TV,


  27. Atorgo says:

    My mom always made fantastic homemade tamales so it gave me great pause when I heard negative riffs about a food product called “Derby Canned Tamales”.


  28. EricJ says:

    Kenneth Morgan: Ye gods, I remember Quisp!Do they still make it?Ah, memories of sugary cereals and good cartoons and Bowery Boys movies on Saturday morning TV,

    Yep: Brought back in niche markets, and our local street-store market always has a box, for those of the same age and memories. :)
    (For those who don’t, imagine a lighter Cap’n Crunch, with less resistance.)

    No online-order link, though, unless you’re looking for a bulk box of 12 at Sam’s Club.


  29. Ray Dunakin says:

    I’m surprised no one has mentioned fluffernutters yet!

    I never heard of them before MST3K, and was enlightened by MSTies on the old AOL forums. One even was kind enough to send my a jar of marshmallow fluff. A fluffernutter is the same as a PB&J, except you use marshmallow fluff instead of jelly. I liked it.


  30. Sean says:

    Don’t forget to try Cake n’ Shake, with a real male stripper baked right inside. Oh Frank, you’ve outdone yourself! Just a sliver.


  31. Fart Bargo says:

    From Batwoman, how about the henchman’s Chocolate milk and macaroons for a snack?


  32. Kenneth Morgan says:

    EricJ: Yep:Brought back in niche markets, and our local street-store market always has a box, for those of the same age and memories.
    (For those who don’t, imagine a lighter Cap’n Crunch, with less resistance.)

    No online-order link, though, unless you’re looking for a bulk box of 12 at Sam’s Club.

    Once upon a time, I’d have jumped at the chance for a bulk order of Quisp. Now…I’m seriously considering it.


  33. Dr. Batch says:

    Chili peppers burn my gut!


  34. Gare.Chicago says:

    It doesn’t matter what we’re having, as long as we’re having it at EAT!

    And maybe later, we can stop at “Drink, Boink, and Regret”.



  35. Dr. Batch says:

    Beef and Bean Chongorito with extra Peso sauce.


  36. “And Emmett Kelly’s STILL eating!!”


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