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Now Available from RiffTrax Presents

Looks like, after a bit of a hiatus, RiffTrax Presents is starting back up again. Remember Matthew J. Elliott, last seen riffing “House of Wax” for RiffTrax presents? He’s back with a new riff for “Die Hard.”

Download it here. Free sample here.

24 Replies to “Now Available from RiffTrax Presents”

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  1. ap says:

    Looking forward to an official twilight riff.


  2. The Bolem says:

    I don’t believe I’ve ever bashed Rifftrax or its subsidiaries, since I don’t have any deep emotional need for it to be a continuation of MST3K (I just never cared), and I try to be as calm and objective as possible, even if my posts usually get so long-winded no one reads them.

    That said,


    THAT CLIP F*&%ING BLOWS!!! I have never considered a trailer of less than 3 minutes to be a waste of my precious time, but fer’ criminy out—

    I’ve also never even watched ‘Die Hard’, and even if I never did, I could probably write a slightly funnier commentary for it by stringing together a list of irritating late-’80s/early ’90s catch phrases and car-battery tag-lines.

    Even incessant, unfunny, hopelessly obscure jokes about specific episodes of ‘Family Matters’ whenever officer Carl Winslow (don’t know/care what the actor or this character’s name is) appears, would be better than 10 seconds of silence punctuated by a completely generic “D’oh!”

    Yes, even, “…but the S.W.A.T. team will never get Urkel-bot there IN TIME!!!”, every 30 seconds, regardless of what’s happening on screen, even continuing through the closing credits, would be prefferable to that much silence. Seriously.

    I also don’t know/care who the guest riffer is, and proudly never will. Please do not enlighten me as to his identity, or the rules ‘Rifftrax Presents’ works by as opposed to ‘Rifftrax Classic’; that clip completely killed my ability to ever care.

    I never, ever wanted to post a comment like this, anywhere. I’m sorry. I’ll have to try harder from how on.


  3. morsheid says:

    @The Bolem:
    You don’t have a deep emotional need for Rifftrax to be a continuation of MST3K, but it’s pretty obvious you have a deep emotional need for a hug. C’mere.


  4. Tarlcabot says:


    I just…I just can’t…

    Die Hard. Die Hard!

    Even Mike knew this one was unecisary!


  5. The Bolem says:

    Thanks morsheid, but I know that trick from Coleman Francis, and I’m not falling for it again!

    “Just get him to lean in close enough to the window; if I can get my hands on him…”


  6. @The Bolem – Matthew himself said that it was far from the strongest sample he could have used, but unfortunately he needed one without cursing in it, and three minutes without an f-bomb ain’t the easiest thing to find in Die Hard.

    I haven’t seen this one yet, but I loved Matthew’s previous two entries, so I am pretty sure this one will deliver.


  7. dangers says:

    to The Bolem:

    I somewhat agree with you. But my main reason for not caring is that it doesn’t have any of the MST3K guys in it. It’s like being 12, turning on the tv on a Saturday night to watch Dukes of Hazard and finding Cody and Vance as the stars (yes, I believe those were the replacements names during the actor’s strike). Not close to the people who defined the roles equals not good enough for me.


  8. ety3 says:

    Yeah, sorry, but that clip both sucks and blows.

    I dropped the coin on Matthew’s first effort, you know, to be supportive and give him a shot … never again.


  9. Cubby says:

    to watch Dukes of Hazard and finding Cody and Vance as the stars (yes, I believe those were the replacements names during the actor’s strike)

    Coy and Vance.

    Byron Cherry and Christopher “Chip” Mayer appreciate your recollection.

    And, yeah, Bolem let’s hug this one out.


  10. Patrick says:

    Yet another mediocre clip from the unfunny Rifftrax.

    When are people gonna realize that this is crap?


  11. mark says:

    Patrick, I agree. Rifftrax feels like the Sci-Fi years of MST3K. The let’s just state the obvious jokes. Ass jokes, fart jokes. If the character’s fat, fat jokes. If he’s short, short jokes. If a characters name is funny, just keep saying it(Rowsdower for example.) Thank goodness for Cinematic Titanic.


  12. eegah says:

    I haven’t seen a Matt Elliott Rifftrax yet, so I cannot speak to that.

    However, I don’t get all of this hate towards Rifftrax. Although I will grant that Rifftrax is not as good as MST3K was, it is close. And it is still ahead of Cinematic Titanic. In theory, CT has the talent and potential bad-movie pool to out-do Rifftrax, but has not yet done so.

    So quit your whining about Rifftrax and just don’t buy them if you don’t like them.


  13. Matt D. says:

    Oof, I knew that I didn’t enjoy the clip at all, but I didn’t know it would get roasted by whatever a “bolem” is. J/K, and I agree with you.

    I laughed at one line in this, the one about the compass. Everything else was cringe-worthy. I still enjoy Rifftrax though and as of now still prefer it to CT.


  14. Ukridge says:

    Rifftrax has made me laugh more than CT so far. However, I’m not jumping for joy over this one. The first two Matthew Eliott riffs didn’t do much for me and I agree that the sample wasn’t funny.


  15. mark says:

    Oops, didn’t mean to upset anyone. :grin: Rifftrax has done 100+ movies/shorts. They’re like an author who has to write 3 books a year. It’s overkill to me. I don’t own, or want to purchase the movies they do, just to hear their riffs. The few I have heard are just average to me. Cinematic Titanic is working on number 8 and is getting better and better with every release they do. The show has a great feel too it and just seems much stronger than Rifftrax. It also requires one purchase. I just feel Cinematic Titanic has a much better future than the audio commentary Rifftrax.

    This could be a Joel vs. Mike thing again….oh no…. :wink:


  16. Hey, at least they’re giving this guy a shot at making some money — no one has to buy it if they don’t want to, and I don’t see what the harm in this is. Now, if the clip they are using is unfunny to you that’s a good way to judge whether you should buy it or not, but I wouldn’t knock the guy’s work unless you actually see the whole thing.

    Even *this* site offers, for example, T-shirts I wouldn’t buy in a million years, but I don’t feel a need to say so. If you don’t want this stuff, just pass on it.

    (See how much nicer I am to RT when they don’t say they *ARE* MST3K?)


  17. MidwestBohemian says:

    My reservation about Matthew Elliot doing Die Hard is, now it’s highly unlikely that Mike, Kevin, and Bill will do it any time soon!


  18. Matt D. says:

    To Mike Kelley #16-

    1. You apparently did feel the need to discuss the T-shirts because you just said it in your reply. :wink:

    2. You also just told us not to buy this Rifftrax, but then also said that we can’t rip on it or Matt Elliot unless we buy and listen to the whole thing. Holy mixed signals, Batman.

    I mean, I agree that Bolem was being a bit harsh, but come on, the old “if you don’t like it, don’t watch it” argument is stale. In fact, it doesn’t even really apply here anyways.

    I say good luck to Matthew Elliot in his future endeavors, and I hope he can find a better representation of his work for his next Rifftrax.


  19. Thrifty says:

    Oh ex-genius, you dear. Bolem’s criticisms were a bit strong, but at least they were founded in reality, as opposed to your delusions.


  20. Holly says:

    The solo rifftrax always seem lame, no matter who does them.


  21. Sigh. As usual, many children here miss the point.

    I didn’t say not to buy this (or to buy it) but only that if you feel the clip tells you enough about it then make your own call (and if that call is not to buy it, so be it). My point (and stating the obvious is apparently really necessary for the MTV generation) is that the need to *rag* about it here is a waste of time.

    Or do you assume that others are so dull or stupid they can’t make up their own minds on the basis of the clip anyone can see?

    Once again, to underline this, a review is only helpful IF IT CONTAINS INFORMATION NO ONE ELSE KNOWS. That’s it, dear stupids — saying “boy, this clip that you can see as well as I can is really stupid” is not only a waste of your time, it’s a waste of everyone else’s time.

    Now — if you DO end up buying whatever it is and then you want to review it, that would be really helpful. That’s what reviews are all about — giving someone an insight they can’t get otherwise. Which is why I don’t comment on T-Shirts around here (unless I bought one and it didn’t fit properly — then it would be a good thing to say).

    I’m going to guess, though, that those of you who enjoyed the “review” of the clip are so shallow that you either don’t have the time to watch 30 seconds or couldn’t make up your mind even if you did watch it. That’s really the only possible explanation for why you’d find it helpful.


  22. crowschmo says:

    They’re just riffing the clips.


  23. The Professor says:

    Boy, this clip that you can see as well as I can is really stupid.


  24. Matt D. says:

    Whoops. I thought that the point of a comment section like this is to comment on what is being presented. And that is what people like Bolem and myself did. If I didn’t care what other people were saying, I would not have clicked on the comment link in the first place. If YOU don’t care, that’s fine.

    Furthermore, the condescension and namecalling was unnecessary and really hurts your argument. Thankfully, my ADD will cause me to forget your comment in about five seconds.


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