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Weekend Discussion Thread: Worst Ensemble Cast

Alert reader Trevor returns with another good suggestion:

Worst Ensemble Cast.
This one goes to Squirm. Everyone in this movie is so hideous to watch. From the creepy sheriff to the beanpole sister, yikes. And not one of them shows any acting skill.

Hmm. LOTS of good choices here, but I am going to go with one many of you may not have seen. It’s the cast in the movie in episode 105- THE CORPSE VANISHES. Everybody in this movie is either hopelessly over the top or completely terrible. All the newspaper characters think they’re in a community theater production of “The Front Page” and poor Bela doesn’t quite know if he’s Dracula, or what.

What movie would you pick?

119 Replies to “Weekend Discussion Thread: Worst Ensemble Cast”

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  1. Cabbage Patch Elvis says:

    Mitchell vs a 5ft party sub!


  2. Wow, over 100 comments and not one mention of the oily, non-acting, reprehensible cast of The She Creature?


  3. ck says:

    Krankor vs. Bob Evil
    (staged in a middle-school library)


  4. Klisch says:

    I could go with the easy choice of Hobgoblins, but that would be too easy. So, I’ll swing over to Space Mutiny. By the time the movie was ending, I was hoping for everyone to die in a huge fireball!


  5. Roman Martel says:

    Here are my top three worst casts I’ve seen in a MST3K film:

    1) Red Zone Cuba – Mr. Francis was trying to tell us something with this movie. Even if his script and editing didn’t destroy the whole movie he also managed to hire some of the worst and least interested actors on the planet. Sure there’s Tony Cardoza, but what about the plank of wood playing Landis? Then there’s Chastaine and his vacent look as he stares off into God knows where at the end of the movie. The resteraunt owner who looks more annoyed than scared of being tossed into an open pit. Heck the list goes on and on. There was more emotion in “Skydivers”. No much, but for me, “Red Zone Cuba” wins.

    2) The Wild World of Batwoman – A perfect storm of non-talent, apathy and drug use. ;) I agree that Batwoman is the best of the lot, but look at that lot!? This movie is particularly painful to sit through and most of it is because of the horrid acting.

    3) Angel’s Revenge – Yeah, our seven avengers are really only good at a few basic motor skills, but I agree that the rest of the named cast is so bad that it just pulls the whole thing down to new levels of bad. Even with all the flesh on display, the pain caused is just too much.

    You know, “Hobgoblins” is bad and all, but the acting isn’t as bad as the three I listed. There are some moments where I believe these characters. Sure they’re sleazy and annoying, but I think that was the point.


  6. mando3B says:

    I have to go with (in no particular order):

    1.Teenage Strangler; Mike is so right–“From community theater to the big screen!!”
    2.The Coleman Francis trilogy; Anthony Cardoza!
    3.Manos; not even community theater-worthy.
    4.Wurwulf; “Dis is absolutely fascinating.”

    (But none of the choices I’ve read here is wrong!)

    Hobgoblins is so absolutely loathsome that it remains the only MST that I had to turn off midway through.But I blame the director and the script, not necessarily the cast. Oh, what the hell–add them to my list, too! :twisted:


  7. Kitty Reed says:

    this is like judging what is worse, the black plague or an eboli epidemic.


  8. Ralph C. says:

    “Hobgoblins” is pretty bad, there are some cringe-worthy performances from that cast but Fastidious Robot does bring up “Attack of the the Eye Creatures”, which has even more reprehensible performances, and a oily 60s sheen to boot. From the radar perverts to the guy in the pajama dress, that movie’s cast is…. yuck. Just…. yuck.


  9. 1 adam 12 says:

    For a “true” ensemble cast (as in the dictionary definition of ensemble, where there is no single main chracter), it’s tough to argue with the ever-popular Wild World of Batwoman. Lots and lots of shared screen time, absolutely no talent. For just the overall worst cast, I would have to vote for Manos. Same reasons…


  10. Cliff Weismeyer says:

    I agree with #105- Hobgoblins is a terrible movie, but its problems are not with the actors so much as the characters. I believed the actors in that movie for the most part, which only made their characters that much more loathsome.

    As for the Corpse Vanishes, how can a cast be the worst when it has Bela in it? At least he always seems interested in what he’s doing. Compare an Ed Wood movie with Bela (Glen or Glenda or Bride of the Monster) to one without him. He blows those other “actors” away. I’m not saying that he’s great, but he brings something to the table.

    All the choices here are great, but I’ll put in another vote for The Sinister Urge as the worst ensemble. Is there any actor in that movie that was convincing in the role they were playing? Did the actors playing Gloria, Johnny Ride, Jaffe, Dirk, Lt. Matt Carson, Kline, the angry tax payer (Harvey B. Dunn), or anyone else for that matter persuade anyone to suspend their disbelief? Hell, Ed Wood and Conrad Brooks were not even convincing as the two guys fighting.


  11. Yipe Striper says:

    angel’s revenge.
    alien from L.A.

    and if by “worst” you mean “best”

    Boggy Creek II. they threw that together the weekend before they started shooting.
    P.S. i’m from arkansas.


  12. Cabbage Patch Elvis says:

    Old Man Crenshaw…is that you?


  13. lpydmblb says:

    I’d like to break this category down to distinguish between the five types of movies that wind up MSTed:
    1)Movies with professional actors;
    2)Movies with community theater actors;
    3)Movies who draw their actors from their investors;
    4)Movies where the director puts so little faith in his/her actors that he/she hires voice actors to dub the dialogue;
    5)Movies where the director doesn’t trust the actors, but is too cheap to hire voice actors, so he/she (oh, who am I kidding, he)dubs the dialogue using his own voice and maybe his wife’s.
    I think that we can all fill in the blanks here with the worst performances in each category. But here are my choices for each:
    1)Hobgoblins. Stretching the definition of “Professional” here, but I can’t forget that Duane Whitaker was in “Pulp Fiction” (dishonorable mention: “Riding With Death”);
    2)The Dead Talk Back. “Teenage Strangler” would be an acceptable alternate, but at least some of that cast was photogenic;
    3)The Skydivers. Hard to leave “Red Zone Cuba” off here, but all of the “actors” in that were in this as well. And correct me if I’m wrong, but the “the Scotchman” did not show up in “Cuba”;
    4)The Creeping Terror. Although I should give points for the very articulate and engaging narrator;
    5)Manos, the Hands of Fate. Since I’m not one to pile on, I’ll be silent here.


  14. crowschmo says:

    #74 Brian – I DID mention Racket Girls, back in comment 32. You’re not alone.


  15. lamontcranston says:

    Have to agree with the folks who went with Wild World of Batwoman. Not an ounce of talent in the entire cast. At least Red Zone Cuba had John Carradine for a couple of minutes.


  16. 1 adam 12 says:

    Clff Weismeyer @110- I actually do believe most of the acting in The Sinister Urge, at least the ones that weren’t portraying Johnny Ride. :razz: They were hammy, sure, and not very good, but I still bought their roles. The actress playing Gloria seems like she was born to portray her, and the same with Matt Carson. Harvey B. Dunn is good at playing Harvey B. Dunn. (Not that that’s a bad thing. He’s like the Gene Hackman of MST; good in anything.)


  17. scotch says:

    One vote for “The Matrix Reloaded”. :cool:

    At least the Wild World of Batwoman had no pretensions, and it made some (stupid, pandering, occasionally successful) attempts at being entertaining.

    As far as MST movies go, something was definitely happening while The Skydivers was being filmed, but it definitely didn’t qualify as acting. There was no chemistry at all between the cast…in fact, there weren’t even any chemical reactions occurring. The only force at work here was gravity.

    Worst cast ever.


  18. billybkool says:

    I dunno…a buncha y’all might wanna take another gander at Rocket Attack USA !


  19. MikeH says:

    I haven’t read all the posts yet, but what about Catalina Caper? Not just cause of Tommy Kirk (porbably the best one of the bunch) but the whole rest of the crew. The worst part was the film trying to force humor on the story (not much of one) This film is one ginat enseamble of loathsomeness


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