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“Oozing Skull” Now Shipping

I got my confirmation email today. Did you?

If you haven’t ordered it yet, head on over to EZTakes to buy a copy. U.S. residents only. (Yeah, I know. Sorry, everyone else.)

26 Replies to ““Oozing Skull” Now Shipping”

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  1. Got my confirmation email today as well. Guess it’s time to continue my daily mailbox check again. Sigh.


  2. Roz says:

    “Got my confirmation email today as well. Guess it’s time to continue my daily mailbox check again. Sigh.”

    Checking it? Brother, I will be LIVING in it!! :shock:


  3. Aaron says:

    I am amped up

    I’ve really missed all the people on this DVD


  4. Mac says:

    I got mine as well. I guess I was in the first group after all.


  5. Michael says:

    I received my confirmation e-mail today too. You think we may have them in our anxious hands by Saturday or will it be next week? I cna’t wait!


  6. Electric Bozo says:

    EZTakes still needs to consider adding PayPal to their payment choices, or perhaps personal checks. Some folks don’t intend to be required to use plastic money, ya know. ‘Til then, I’m sad to say that CT won’t get any loot from me. :cry:


  7. Scott P. says:

    Got my confirmation and I’m stoked!


  8. Bob says:

    I got my shipping confirmation via email yesterday, Jan. 9. I’m hoping that with some luck on the speed of delivery I’ll be watching The Oozing Skull this coming weekend. Movie sign!


  9. frankstv says:

    I can’t wait to see it! Joel has been hidden away from MISTIES for a long time. Does anybody know when 402 The Giant Gila Monster the single from Rhino is going up on sale?


  10. Woot Will be any day now! I can now resume shaking
    uncontrollably until it gets here, hopefully tomorrow!


  11. losingmydignity says:

    I received my confirmation email too…
    But it says “your copy of the Oozzing Skull is now dripping!”


  12. R.A. Roth says:

    I got my copy in the mail today! Beware, it’s shipped no frills, as in they stuff it in a paper envelope the size of a DVD.

    Via a wing and a prayer, it arrived in tact.

    I’ll be spinning it sometime this weekend and posting a review blog on Sunday.



  13. Christopher says:

    Lucky dog! I was hoping mine would come today (I know I was one of the “first batch” to order) but apparently it did not. Ennui!


  14. Erhardt says:

    Yep, I got mine today too. You’re not kidding about it being no frills, Randy! It’s basically a DVD wrapped in paper–not even a proper envelope. Still, I guess it’s what’s on the DVD that’s important. :wink:


  15. John Seavey says:

    Got my confirmation email, and am eagerly awaiting the disc; I’ll probably always be a bigger Mike fan than a Joel fan, but my heart (and more importantly, my wallet) is always big enough for both of them. :)


  16. Ugh, nothing in the ol’ mailbox but a lousy sample ballot. There goes any chance of watching it this weekend.


  17. Jack Perkins says:

    Came in today 1/12/08 :grin:

    Looks good so far.


  18. magicvoice says:

    No jewel case? That’s lame. They’re cheap in bulk.


  19. Jesus Thinks You're A Jerk says:

    So essentially you people are paying $16 to get a burned copy of a movie in a netflix envelope? Yeah, no thanks… I’ll just be waiting patiently for the download option.


  20. Hmmm... says:

    I doubt if the downloadable version will be much cheaper. If you go to the EZ-Takes site and add the item to your cart, you’ll see that the “base cost” of the movie is $12-something, plus a $2.99 “shipping and burning” fee. So I’m guessing that $12-something will be the cost of the download, once they get that up and running.

    Also, I ordered a copy on Sunday and noticed that “this DVD will ship in…” wait is only five business days, down from ten. Woo!


  21. johnny_fever$ says:

    Got mine in Portland Oregon today. Not a big fan of the paper envelope at all. It is luck that the disc plays – it arrived wet and torn. I would be willing to pay 2 or 3 extra bucks for at least a padded mailer. Checked out the first 10 minutes to see if it was ok – absolutely hilarious! It’s good to have everyone back, and I do mean everyone (CT AND RTX).


  22. Sonny says:

    Miami checking in – mine arrived in the mail today…and now I see what all the hullabaloo about the small envelope/shipping concerns was about.

    Wow. :shock:

    Yeah – I would definitely be willing to pay extra for something a little more sturdy and/or durable, if for nothing more than the safety of shipping these things to arrive scratch-free. Buying jewel cases in bulk CAN’T be that expensive. And since I paid $3 for the ship/burn fee and the actual shipping cost was fifty-eight cents…I think asking for a little extra protection is warranted.

    But…tonight’s the viewing, so here’s hoping that it plays well.


  23. Bob says:

    So I finally received my Oozing Skull DVD today, Jan. 15. It took a mere 6 days to arrive via first class US Mail from the ZIP code in Illinois where it was shipped to my address in Maryland. :???: Well, at least the disc arrived intact, which was a bit amazing considering the tiny, sparse, unpadded shipping envelope.

    Now to the good part. I watched the DVD immediately this afternoon and was not disappointed. It’s a terrific new effort by Joel H. and much of the former MST3K crew. The selection of film was wonderful and perfect for the MST-type treatment. Mad scientists often have one or more of three stereotype assistants: a huge mutated guy, a little person, or more rarely an attractive woman. Any mad scientist with two or more of the aforementioned is bound to be great material for comedic comments and this did not disappoint. The story is ridiculous and the behavior of the characters only becomes more implausible as the film progresses. I won’t include any spoilers, but I will say that if you haven’t purchased this yet, what are you waiting for? It’s a MSTie-must-have. Movie sign!


  24. michael says:

    Just in case anyone STILL hasn’t gotten theirs after getting a notice that it shipped on the 9th, I just recieved mine yesterday, January 23rd. So things are moving sloooowly.


  25. Got mine last week. It was a bit scratched, normally I’d send it back. I hate scratches on my DVDs. For the cost, I think they did a piss poor job of mailing.

    As for the DVD, it’s sparse but worth the $$. Too bad they tried to squeeze pennies from us by sending in a cheap envelope. You could have folded a piece of paper in half, written my address down, taped it up, and still it would have arrived in the same condition.



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