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Volume XV Review

Jason Bailey at DVD Talk reviews the new box set. Since I’m a completionist, I can’t say that I agree with his criticism of including Season One episodes in the sets.

60 Replies to “Volume XV Review”

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  1. Matt says:

    “But really, season 3 is for me largely soft and forgettable, plus has too much of the feel of “guys blatantly reading from a script”, and, for lack of a better word… a bit too “timid” in its approach. The use of a lot of Japanese films, which are generally a death march in any capacity, does not help. (Prince of Space is about the only Japanese film in the whole MST catalog I can really enjoy unreservedly… but not Invasion of the Neptune Men. Ye gods.)”

    Wow. Other than your correct statement of Prince of Space being enjoyable and Neptune Men being unbearable, I could not disagree more with this paragraph.

    The show itself never had a groove like it had in Season 3. Bouncing back and forth between Film Ventures International dubs or domestic Corman/Burt I Gordon films and the Sandy Frank collection of Gameras, Time of the Apes, Fugitive Aliens and Mighty Jack makes the season flow perfectly. The host segments were still fun because Joel hadn’t run out of ideas (completely) on the invention exchanges and the Dr. F/TV’s Frank chemistry came into full bloom. The shorts were amazing. Master Ninjas to end the season.

    And the “timid” characterization of the show at this point is probably coming from someone who prefers that the characters beat the living daylights out of the films. It’s a personal preference I disagree with. I like the rationale that the movies are to be cheesy and poorly done, but likable in their own way. It makes for a less painful episode and a much better feeling throughout. I know Sampo disagrees (the masochist) but I don’t like movies where it is painful for everyone. In fact, that was the worst part of Season 3 for me: when they were all crying about Castle of Fu Manchu (which they then somewhat repeated for Manos). Then again, I think Mighty Jack may be my favorite episode, along with Pod People and Werewolf, so what do I know?

    Anyway, I like pretty much any season so whatever they release is good for me. I like Robot v. Aztec Mummy as far as Season 1 eps go, though I would rather have Robot Holocaust or Black Scorpion.


  2. John says:

    There is nothing against J. Elvis Weinstein and Season 1, but if you try watching the episodes, you could tell a strong hint of “first-take theater” in the episodes, and they are the weakest of the show’s history. It’s probably with the fact that the riffs are fewer and the time reactions between the scene and the riffs are a little slow (not to mention that Crow sounds a little sleepy, and the obvious is mentioned a lot, particularly in “The Mad Monster”, which was part of Volume XIV).

    Still, it never hurts to try to complete the set, although I hope that with Volume XVI, an episode like “Puma Man” or “The Final Sacrifice” will be released… and maybe with scene selection.


  3. The Toblerone Effect says:

    @ 49 Creepygirl: You liked Catalina Caper? I never would have guessed it! :razz: lol jk

    @ 53 John: Shout Factory’s Jordan Fields commented on both “Puma Man” and “Final Sacrifice” in an April interview; the former, he said was his “Moby Dick”, they’ve had a difficult time tracking the true owner to the rights for using it on a future release. The latter, the rights’ owner has on three occasions turned down requests from SF to use the MST version for a dvd release. Unfortuneately, we probably won’t see either of these come out on dvd until 2010 the very earliest. :sad:

    As for future S1 eps coming out, my intuition tells me that we may see either The Corpse Vanishes (105) or Robot Monster (107) on either Volumes XVI or XVII. Beyond that, who knows?


  4. R. Hilton says:

    Man, it seems like forever since the last set came out. I find the S1 shows are great to watch before going to bed. The pace is more laid back and the overall tone is kind of…comforting.


  5. Th1rt3eN says:

    whats wrong with season 1? i like season 1, crawling hand is a solid ep, and mad monster might be a little slow but its still very entertaining.

    “push the red!”


  6. Gary says:

    I’m very glad for Season 1 (as a completionist and a historiest). Having never seen season 1 before, I find it very cool to see the early stuff, regardless of the rough edges. And I really enjoy the history-in-the-making aspect of it. I’m also a host-segmentist. The host segments always give me a warm glowing glowy feeling of glowingness. I’ve always wished there were a few more host segments per episode.


  7. Mr. B(ob) says:

    I have nothing but good things to say about Robot Vs. Aztec Mummy. First season or not, it’s hilarious fun and a great effort regardless of whether or not it’s only the second network episode of the show. It’s worth it for the Commando Cody short alone, some of the best stuff from season one. Then, there’s that cardboard box robot in the movie and all the great jokes during the film. I say, give me more season one! Where’s Robot Monster on DVD please?


  8. MFifer says:

    I will hold a vigil until HORROR AT PARTY BEACH and THE THING THAT WOULDN’T DIE are included in a set.


  9. The Toblerone Effect says:

    MFifer, you may get your wish on Volume XVI in regards to Horror at Party Beach; it’s in the mix of eps being speculated on the SF! chat forum.


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