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  1. mst3kme

    Trivia from IMDb:

    Filmed in 2017 but sat unreleased for two years.

    The film was shot in two locations: a public park and the backyard of a suburban home. There is hardly any attention to set design, as public washrooms and paved paths make their way into shots that are supposed to reflect deep woods horror films. The director admitted after a screening that the film was originally intended to be shot in a cabin in the woods or in a location closer to a beach, but due to unfortunate circumstances had to be moved to a suburban house.

    The film starts off with a lengthy opening title sequence, a technique usually used to stretch out run times for films that fall short of the average 90 minute feature film length. In the case of this film, even with the extremely long credits book-ending the film, it still only clocks in at 1 hour and 7 minutes.


  2. Marioman22

    Devil Fish, The Last Shark and even Sharknado at this point all sit down and go “We don’t look so bad now, do we?”


  3. Ray Dunakin

    To paraphrase Tom Servo: Every time I think I’ve seen the stupidest movie in the whole wide world, along comes the STUPIDEST movie in the whole wide world!


  4. Cornjob

    To quote Tom Servo, “You have got to be kidding me”


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