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Now Available from RiffTrax…

Download it here. Free sample here.

25 Replies to “Now Available from RiffTrax…”

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  1. Sample should actually be linked like this:


  2. Jonathan S says:

    Received the dvd from Netflix today, have a feeling this is going to be a great one. Can
    ‘t wait


  3. The Bolem says:

    Perhaps the best RT preview I’ve ever seen. Shorts are nice, but this is likely the best use of Mike, Kevin and Bill’s time.


  4. Erhardt says:


    Thanks for the correction. The link has been updated.


  5. jizzmoper says:

    when are they gonnna do hobgoblins 2


  6. Bat Masterson says:

    I hope they never give Hobgoblins 2 the courtesy of riffing. Anyone making a movie to try and get people to make fun of it should hang their heads in the corner where they belong.


  7. Thans, Erhardt :)

    And uh, jizzmoper (only one p? You’re moping about something?) … I don’t think we’ll be doing Hobgoblins 2. Sorry.


  8. Thrifty says:

    “Quick! Subscribe to FHM!”

    Ha ha. Brilliant.


  9. fruitypebbles says:

    This seems as good a place as any to ask this question. But let me preface this by saying that I really do enjoy Rifftrax, and plan to keep buying them.

    That being said, has anyone else noticed a difference between “MST3K Mike” and “Rifftrax Mike”? I guess what I’m specifically referring to is his tone of voice. Watching MST3K, Mike’s tone seems to be one of more good-natured dubiousness, whereas in the Rifftrax I’ve listened to, he seems a lot more hostile, like he has active hatred for the film, which makes me a little bit uneasy at times.

    I suppose it could just be a natural change in voice, after all it’s been a few years since MST3K, but during Mike’s “bacon interview” he seemed perfectly normal, like “MST3K Mike”. Also, I don’t really notice it as much with Kevin and Bill, they both sound almost the same as they used to. Am I imagining this?


  10. Tim S. Turner says:

    Fruitypebbles, it’s not just you. I picked up on that early on. I’m not sure what it is. He seems to do this gruff, angry thing. It’s still funny, just different.


  11. Have you guys given up on reporting on Rifftrax Presents altogether? That’s two in a row you’ve missed.


  12. BSBrian says:

    nice to see they’ve gotten back to riffing crappy movies!


  13. Thrifty says:

    Fruitypebbles, I think you’re right. Mike does sound different in MST3K. Back in that, he sounded like kind of a dope. In Rifftrax, he sounds a little more angry and stern. Not that this is a bad thing.


  14. Also keep in mind, in MST3k he was playing a character named Mike Nelson. The character is probably not the same exact guy as the real life Mike Nelson. (He’s mentioned this in interviews I’ve read, about the idea of not playing himself even though he had the same name as his onscreen counterpart.)


  15. Yes, but he could be playing a character in Rifftrax, too – I haven’t heard him say.
    Whether the Rifftrax persona is a character or Mike’s real personality, there’s a huge difference in tone from the MST3K Mike, especially the CC Mike. Much more angry and hostile, and I don’t like it nearly as much.

    I noticed this tone first appearing toward the end of the Sci-Fi years. I think it’s a big reason that so many of the people here only enjoy the Sci-Fi seasons – they’re responding to the harsher tone, and the earnest niceness of the CC era doesn’t appeal to them. Just a theory.


  16. Cronkite Moonshot says:

    Oh no! This is the first time where my wish to never actually see a movie (or any in this pathetic series, to be exact) is so strong that it is currently clobbering the hell out of my wish to see it deservingly riffed. I’m 100% sure the Rifftrax will be excellent, but do I dare sour my soul by experiencing this crapfest, even with the safety padding of the beloved Mike, Kevin, and Bill? Maybe some day I will cave in, but for now I must resist, and keep my streak of ignoring all these idiotic films intact.


  17. Mike, I think you’re definitely onto something. Of course the tone is different, since the writers aren’t exactly the same, nor are the movies. But I have noticed that with the older movies we’ve done, the tone seems to shift to be more along the lines of Mike’s MST days.

    And Cronkite, I’ve seen the movie (while doing ‘research’ for this track) and it’s not completely unwatchable. Dumb and loud, yes, but not as unwatchable as The Room.


  18. bill haverchuck says:

    what??!? “the room” is INCREDIBLY watchable! it’s nothing but gut-busting hilarity from start to finish, even without rifftrax!


  19. Erik. I’ve noticed that, too. In fact, I prefer the older Rifftrax movies/shorts.

    Except “The Room”. That was epic.


  20. Gotta disagree, Bill. I couldn’t stand to watch it without the guys’ help. Sometimes I’m a sucker for crappy movies, but that one was just unbearable :) For me, anyway. YMMV and all that.


  21. Cronkite Moonshot says:

    For me the room is the perfect kind of “bad” movie, where as movies like Fast and Furious are the worst. I much prefer a movie be bad due to low budget and/or incompetence than it be bad simply because the makers just didn’t give a crap about how stupid it was, and thought I’d be too much of an idiot to notice. Even if you don’t enjoy it it’s still hard to have real hatred for something like The Room. It would be like hating a retarded child for doing a bad painting of beautiful scenery. I don’t know about you, but when I’m presented with a bad painting made by a retarded child I just have to smile, and feel good that they are at least trying to make something beautiful, even if it turns out really bad. But to me big budget moron-fests like Fast and Furious are more like a greedy business man assuming I’m so incredibly stupid that I would never notice that the apple he’s trying to sell me is made from horse crap and puke. In that case it’s really easy to have a lot of genuine hatred for the people responsible for such a situation.

    My thing with Fast and Furious is less about not being able to handle watching the movie, and more just a personal in joke with some friends. It began when I refused to go see the original with them, and from that point on mocked them for seeing it (they all hated it, and were embarrassed at having gone to see it). So the series became somewhat of a joke to us all, and I remain the only pure one who has never seen any of them. I’ve actually found that really idiotic movies like Fast and Furious (I think I’m safe in calling it idiotic even if I have never seen it or any of it’s prequels) are actually the Rifftrax I enjoy the most. I didn’t really like the Rifftrax for The Room because that movie is so funny to watch on it’s own, and I felt that the Rifftrax actually kind of hurt the experience, and I haven’t really enjoyed many of the Rifftrax I’ve seen for movies I would actually want to watch on their own, but I can’t get enough of watching the Rifftrax for “Transformers” “The Happening” “Twilight” “The Day After Tomorrow” “I Am Legend” “Cloverfield” and many other such movies that I despised when I saw them on their own.


  22. Manny Sanguillen says:

    I wish they would just stick to making already synchronized features like NOTLD, Voodoo Man & all the shorts.
    Thats the only stuff I buy. The closer they are to MST3K type old crappy movies, the better.
    And I don’t need the dvd’s, just the mpg2 downloads. (Divx can jump up my butt, I don’t use it just like I don’t use iTunes but instead just plain old mp3’s).

    Come on, Robot Monster!


  23. Manny Sanguillen says:

    Though I wish they would do a better job on sound.
    As much as I love the short ‘One Got Fat’, the sound mix is awful. They really need to sit down and re-master the sound mix on some of those shorts.

    I have to waste a burn to find out which ones are loud as hell and which ones are quiet, and then make dvd’s that try to have a normalized overall loudness.

    But when the short itself is loud and the riffing is real quiet, there’s nothing I can do on my end. ‘One Got Fat’ is a prime example.
    If anyone has the dvd of that, is it like that on those? I mean if it’s been released. I’m not sure which ones were on the dvd release(s?).


  24. FordPrefect says:

    Manny Sanguillen,

    One Got Fat is included on one of the shorts DVDs.

    Personally I’m glad that they have a wide variety of stuff that appeals to different people. I’ve mostly been sticking to the mp3s and I haven’t checked out a VOD in a while.


  25. Manny,

    We remastered the sound on all of the DVDs. They should sound much better, but if not we could always give you a refund or a credit on another purchase if you’re not satisfied.

    Also, unfortunately those VOD and DVD products don’t sell as well as the mp3 commentaries. Like FordPrefect said it’s the variety that speaks volumes about our consumers – you like the old public domain stuff the best (which we can sell merged, of course) while others like the mp3 commentaries on newer movies. Since we do both, everybody wins!


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