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Weekend Discussion Thread: Romance and MST3K

This probably should have been done for Valentines Day, but well, here it is anyway. Alert reader Andrew writes:

I’m curious if MST3K plays a role in anyone’s love life. That sounds weird, so let me explain. Is anyone out there lucky enough to have a spouse or significant other that loves MST3K as much as they do? Has anyone ever watched MST3K on a date? I tried “Day the Earth Froze” on a date one time and she just didn’t get it. We’re still friends and she still reminds me how weird “that one show with the red-haired guy in the bike helmet” was. Fast forward, my wife will watch MST3K with me if she has nothing else to do, except for “Space Mutiny” which she LOVES! In fact, she had me put the audio on a CD and we listened to it on a road trip one vacation. That definitely rocked!

One of the things I noticed at both the MST3K conventions, and subsequent convention appearances by the cast, is how many couples there were in the crowd. So I’m suspecting we’ll see a lot of answers in the affirmative.

By the way, keep those weekend discussion thread ideas coming! Send them to msampo at aol dot com.

72 Replies to “Weekend Discussion Thread: Romance and MST3K”

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  1. Craig says:

    My wife had never seen the show until we met 10+ years ago but she’s been a fan ever since. It certainly helped confirm she was the right one to marry! (She even toyed with the idea of naming our son Mitchell.) One of our best nights out was seeing CT in Boston — looking forward to seeing them in Northampton in April. MST3K didn’t bring us together but it has kept us together…and laughing.


  2. Warren says:

    When I make it to a second date with the same woman while not crying I’ll get back to you. One previous date I guarantee has never seen the show.


  3. sjk says:

    I was already a fan of the show when my husband and I started dating, and he had heard of it but never watched it. After a few months of dating I got him to watch a few episodes and he was hooked. We’ve probably averaged watching at least one episode a week together ever since.


  4. Richard the Lion Footed says:

    My wife and I were already married but fell in love with this show together.
    The children were raised on it, every Saturday morning we would eat breakfast
    together and watch the show. It is a favorite of theirs even today.

    It has ruined movies for us because in the middle of a film in a quiet theater,
    my wife will lean over a whisper an appropriate MST3Kism causing me to laugh out loud
    (and NOT at comedies). My kids quote the bots in school papers (much to the chagrin of their “out of touch” teachers).

    It is as much a part of our life as “I Love Lucy,” or “Uncle Milty” was a part of my father’s childhood and growing up.


  5. Creeping Terror says:

    Still single (and with no prospects until I finish grad school), so I don’t really have a MST3K romance. But when I am forming a relationship with a girl, there is ALWAYS a MST3K date. It’s part of the vetting process… usually about the third or fourth date. A few girls have made it past the MST3K hurdle, but none of them to an engagement. Hope springs eternal.


  6. Zee says:

    Back in the summer of 2008 I had recently downloaded my first batch of Rifftrax, among them the first Harry Potter movie, which I did not own. I was trying to track down a friend who owned the movie who would be willing to sit down and watch it with the Rifftrax with me, but most of my friends never had the patience to watch Rifftrax (or MST3K) and the ones who did didn’t have the Harry Potter movie. Coincidentally, at the same time I made a date with a gal named Kari over Luckily I brought my laptop with me, for when I met her at her house as she not only owned the Harry Potter movie, she jumped at the chance to watch it with the Rifftrax (even though she had never heard of Rifftrax before!) We watched the whole thing on our first date. More Rifftrax were to follow (Kari also owned the 3 ‘Star Trek’ movies the guys riffed- is this girl a catch or what?), we’ve been together ever since, and we’re engaged, to be married next summer!


  7. trickymutha says:

    Creeping Terror #55- there are dork girls/women that will get by the vetting process (my gf laughed at that, called you a dork, which, btw she calls me all the time!)- we’re watching Episode III of Star Wars right now, later working on an Arressted Development marathon if that reveals how we spend Sunday.

    Finally, MST has brought much happiness into so many lives. Little did Joel know….


  8. JeremyR says:

    No. I actually spend a deal of effort trying to find a date to go see Cinematic Titanic when they were in St. Louis back in November. But couldn’t find anyone interested. Even tried an online dating site, and women who claimed to like MS3K on their profiles. But their like of that must not have been enough to outweigh their distaste of me….


  9. The Toblerone Effect says:

    I’m the rare instance here where MST3K had nothing to do with me and my wife meeting. However, she is very supportive of my love of the show, has bought dvd box sets for me (including Volume 10 AFTER it went oop), and even watched afew eps with me from time to time. (Hobgoblins is her favorite, to this point). So I guess there’s something to be said in that. :smile:


  10. MSTie says:

    Alas, no, my husband doesn’t “get” MST3K. Or I should say he gets it but doesn’t find it as hilarious as I do. But on the bright side, I started indoctrinating our children at a young age — ah, those early Saturday morning broadcasts on The SciFi Channel — and they were as entertained as I. Now both are grown and we still get together and howl with laughter over some MST3K gem once in a while. Hubby shakes his head and goes in another room. (He does buy me MST3K DVD sets for gifts, so good for him!)


  11. Dan says:

    Met my beloved at an MST3K-themed Meetup group. I am wondering if Kevin Murphy or Mike Nelson does weddings. :)


  12. ian says:

    mst3k has been a fundamental part of my relationship with my (now) wife for the past 15 years. she turned me on to mst4k while in college in 1995 (ohio university), and i’ve been hooked ever since. we enjoy watching all the episodes, both joel and mike. she makes fun of me because i say the only episodes i like are the ones with the movies that are in color. :)


  13. Steve Vil says:

    Yes, both my current AND my ex are into MST so for two relationships I’ve been lucky enough to not have to watch MST in solitude. In fact, we just watched “East Meets Watts” from CT last night and just laughed our asses off. I actually can’t think of ANYONE in my life (save my grumpy sister) who doesn’t like the show so I guess I have “MST-dar” when choosing friends.


  14. Thad says:

    My first “as-a-couple” date with my girlfriend was at a CT Live show in Mesa last year. It was East Meets Watts.


  15. Brian says:

    Do ex-spouses count? My ex-wife, who I am still good friends with, and I both greatly enjoyed MST3K viewings and a number of the best quips & riffs became part of our shared lexicon. She was somewhat familiar with it before me, due to guy friends of hers that watched, but I really introduced her to even more and I have lots of fond memories of watching favorites such as “Danger Death Ray”, “Clonus Horror”, “Space Mutiny”, “Memory Bank” and “Riding with Death”! :)


  16. Creeping Terror says:

    Reply to 57…

    Although MST3K is part of my future spouse vetting procedure, it’s not a dealbreaker if the woman doesn’t love the show. She just has to chuckle at it occasionally and not think that I’m absolutely insane.


  17. Fred P says:

    My brother-in-law and next door neighbor both get it. My sister and wife will watch sometimes and they laugh in spite of themselves. Never really tried with the girlfriends, it was kind of something you do with the fellas like sports.


  18. Jane Dobson says:

    So nice to read about how everyone enjoys MST with their significant others!

    My husband and I met in high school and, shortly after we started dating, discovered that we both enjoyed MST (it was still on SciFi at the time). After that, we started watching it together on a regular basis. Looking back, I feel really lucky to have found someone who “got it” and enjoys the same kind of humor as I do. MST was one of the first things we had in common, and it’s still something we love to watch together. Favorite riffs can always be heard in our house—although we sometimes get weird looks from other family members who have no idea what we’re talking about! It’s like our own special language :)

    One of our traditions is to put on a DVD and watch it before we go to sleep—we call it the Mystery Science Theater Half-Hour. “Mitchell” is playing this week …


  19. Chief?McCloud! says:

    Wow, a weekend thread < 100 entries…who knew it would take romance in reality to keep it low! :-)

    Probably all the RIPs & S!F DVD volume news…we'll go with that for now. ;-)


  20. ben cook says:

    for our first date my wife and I, then in high school, watched Time Chasers. Trying to make a good impression she was ashamed that she laughed hardest at the bot’s fart noises. We’ve been mega-fans ever since. Like someone mentioned above, she has the habit of watching the movie, not the commentary. I’ll look over and her face is deadly serious and I’ll say’ stop trying to figure out the movie. it’s aweful!!!!


  21. Jay says:

    MST3K has made me a lonely, lonely man. At first my wife tolerated my devotion to the show, but as I got into it deeper and deeper she became first concerned and then frightened by the changes in my behavior. For example, I would hit my thumb with a hammer while performing some household chore and instead of shouting “#@&*^!” as was my previous habit I would exclaim “Oh the pain, the pain…!” The dogs would bark in the middle of the night and I would sit up in bed saying “Give me Rocket Number Nine!” The final straw came when I started demanding a bowl of plain, white rice with every meal. Now I eat alone wearing bib overalls and mumbling about seeing the Little Creature. Gentlemen. Ladies. DON’T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU!


  22. Lisa says:

    I’m late to the thread, but still wanted to respond. :razz:

    My husband and I love MST3K and we met on the ratmm newsgroup back in 1995. We have a baby boy (almost a year old!) named Joel. :smile:


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