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Weekend Discussion Thread: Which Characters Would You Invite for Thanksgiving?

Well, Turkey Day, the MSTie High Holy Day, is almost upon us, and alert regular “Fart Bargo” wants to know: Which character or characters from a MSTed movie would you want to invite to your house for Thanksgiving, and why?

Me, I think I’d invite Genius from “VILLAGE OF THE GIANTS.” He could give our turkey some of his formula and we could serve the whole neighborhood!

Who would you invite?

143 Replies to “Weekend Discussion Thread: Which Characters Would You Invite for Thanksgiving?”

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  1. Jim Hardcheese says:

    Id invite Ruth (dibs!) and the one nameless Metaluna woman on the ship.


  2. Opie says:

    Eegah, from Eegah! All day!


  3. hollyhox says:

    Oh my god! I can’t believe I forgot to invite the fat cop from Laserblast. After dinner, he’d be ready for some football!


  4. MikeK says:

    Opie says:
    November 20, 2010 at 4:23 pm

    “Eegah, from Eegah! All da”

    Be sure to lock up your shaving cream. And for God’s sake, don’t use whipped cream on the pumpkin pie! :)


  5. Andrew says:

    Maybe Ben Murphy from Riding with Death, if you’re into a mellow Thanksgiving.


  6. darthservo says:

    I’d ask Dr. Ted Nelson to come on over and bring some of those big ol’ turkey legs from his fridge.

    And maybe those butchers from the Rifftrax “Three Magic Words” short. Sure, they cook pork…but they could probably do a mean turkey too!


  7. Flying Saucers Over Oz says:

    I’d invite Torgo. With my family, he’d fit right in. I’d probably have a new in-law by Christmas…


  8. The the Eye Creatures says:

    Trumpy…so he can do stupid things


  9. fathermushroom says:

    Without a glance at anyone else’s response, for me it’s a no-brainer: HAPPY CHEF AL FRAZIER from “I Accuse My Parents.” Hell, I’d move in with that guy.


  10. Ralph C. says:

    I would invite Paul Anka because he’s such a lonely boy. Also, I would invite Mike in Portland so he can eat crow.


  11. DICKWEED 1 says:

    The Bellerian’s. All you need is a couple of boxes of zinfendal and some rice cakes! In todays economy you have to make every dollar count!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL!!!!!


  12. BIG61AL says:

    I’d invite the creeping terror. I would slather my body with mashed potatos and gravy, wear a drumstick necklace, crawl into it’s mouth and call it a day!


  13. finniasjones says:

    Well, I WON’T invite the Jungle Goddess because she’ll just want a hamburger sandwich and some french fried potatoes.

    The crone and her hot daughter from Deathstalker are welcome, because potatoes are what they eat. Hopefully that includes sweet potatoes.

    My grandma always prepared both turkey AND ham for Thanksgiving, so I’ll invite that dummy Hugo from Devil Doll. I heard he likes ham.

    Definitely Jack Perkins – watch us both get drunk and flirt with Mr. B Natural. Maybe one of will get lucky with him/her. I want the spirit of music in me…

    And for the following few days I’ll have Professor Bobo over to make leftover turkey sandwiches with plenty of MAYONNAISE.


  14. Maureen says:

    Since all my cats have middle names after characters from MST3K movies, I would invite them. That would mean Rowsdower, Troy, Mitchell, Greta (Mitchell’s girlfriend) and Nastenka (from Jack Frost). They would each have to sit with the cat named after them, and my family can point out the similarities. Trust me, the Mitchell and Rowsdower cats are a lot like their human counterparts. Think large, somewhat surly and interested in food.


  15. Mr. B(ob) says:

    Movie characters to invite? If I was single how about the female scientist and astronaut from Rocketship X-M. Beauty and brains. But, since I’m not, I think I’d invite Hercules because I’ve always wanted to meet an ancient Greek hero!


  16. Glen BW says:

    Frankly, I’d prefer to invite Joel, Mike and the Bots rather than any of the characters from the MST3K’ed movies.


  17. Robert Denby says:



  18. hollyhox says:

    finniasjones, (#63), You’re made of stronger stuff than I am. I would never want Mr. B Natural around for any reason. I’d let one of those annoying kids from the Gamera films in before Mr. B!


  19. Invasion of the Neptune Man says:

    Dr Carlo Lombardi because after a big Thanksgiving dinner everybody feels like they could go to SLEEP!


  20. NHCrypto says:

    I’d invite Thong from Cave Dwellers, so that if someone didn’t want turkey, they could have some fish. If Ator had it ready in time that is…


  21. dsmany71 says:

    Im with comment 66 – Joel, Mike,the bots
    But if we’re looking at MST3K episode characters
    Id say the cast of Godzilla vs. Megalon (sans the monsters)
    Tony Travis – post gangster
    Mamie Van Doren from Girls Town
    Wanda McKay in Jungle Goddess
    Sally Todd’s character in The Unearthly pre-operation(before Carradine finds his # 23 scalpel)
    The “Fatties” from Ring of Terror because they were fun people
    The Platters from Girls Town because I like their music :)


  22. Trilaan says:

    I would invite Space Chief and maybe the leader of the Neptune men. I REALLY want to find out what’s on that record of his. Also I would use Space Chief’s mighty power to take down the space bird that’s “as big as a battleship” from the unMST’d but definitely deserving movie, The Giant Claw. The bird itself is ugly as sin…but the meat’s good.


  23. fred burrows says:

    Tor Johnson.but I would need a reinforced toilet seat.(see vol xix).


  24. BigDaddyHG says:

    Without a doubt Bart Fargo the coolest cat around!! Bop pa da pa da da


  25. hollyhox says:

    OK, I want to invite Michael Landon and his Dad from I Was a Teenage Werewolf, solely for the line, “Didya beef?” from that movie. I’m trying to come up with a decent post-dinner fart joke that encapsulates that line, but isn’t too crass. Any ideas? I’ve been thinking about this for hours, but I’m stumped.


  26. EricJ says:

    @59 – Without a glance at anyone else’s response, for me it’s a no-brainer: HAPPY CHEF AL FRAZIER from “I Accuse My Parents.” Hell, I’d move in with that guy.

    Yeah, make it a warm family occasion, complete with a personal Banner-gram from “Crash of the Moons”:
    What delightful company, and if only I had such a cook in my own house!…


  27. Operation Weasel-Snitch says:

    I’d invite Shep/Lassie from “The Painted Hills” and Donny “Yum Yum” Doyle from “Silly Rhymes.”
    This will ensure that I don’t get stuck with any leftovers.


  28. drinking in college? says:

    I’d invite Pearl.. or her alter-ego Mary Jo Pehl. She’s funny, she’s gorgeous, and one day she’ll rule the world!

    From the movies, I’d invite Eva Kant (Marissa Mell) from Diabolik. I’ll even get a big pile of money, just in case the day goes very very well.


  29. Pulatso says:

    Mr. Thayer from Operation Double 007. We could use his naked lady back projection technology to watch the games. Mamie Van Doren and the cast of (female) The Horrors of Spider Island rounds out the guest list.


  30. Aunt Fluvia says:

    Howard. Hooow…warrrrd!….He’d be great to…. um… watch football with.


  31. Dropo221 says:

    I’d invite Jane Koberly (Miss Bathing Beauty)from Teenage Crime Wave and maybe the female dancer from Design from Dreaming (‘I want a Corvette…’). Who needs a turkey?


  32. Aunt Fluvia says:

    I’d invite Stephie to take care of the kids. NO BARK


  33. Slartibartfast, maker of Fjords says:

    I think that I would like to invite Mike and Bridget. They would be a funny couple and we have plenty of non-MST riffing material to watch.


  34. trickymutha says:

    I’d invite the kid sister from “young man’s fancy” cause she’d get squishy on me and cook me a great dinner on her electric range.


  35. trickymutha says:

    @#79- yes, Mamie and Babs do “round” out the list.


  36. Ryan says:

    Gamera, because he is friend to all children.


  37. Jim Hardcheese says:

    I forgot to wish all my fellow mysties a Happy Thanksgiving! Come on over, I’ll scoop your clumps.


  38. AgentMom says:

    I would invite Voldar from Santa Claus Conquers the Martians. We would make him shave his mustuche off and after dinner we would have fun throwing Christmas toys at him.

    And when we got bored of that, we would use the tickle ray on Droppo.

    Of course we would need Torg, to throw them out when they’ve worn out their welcome, and after that, we can have fun watching Ms. Claus after we tell her she’s on tv.

    We would not invite Carlo Lombardi. Too greasy!


  39. The Toblerone Effect says:

    I’d invite Mike Nelson’s version of Michael Feinstein, just for all of the musical versions of the Gamera theme song he could perform!


  40. Fiendly says:

    the narrator from Beast of Yucca Flats to fill in all the awkward pauses in conversation with random psuedo-philosophical gibberish


  41. Watch-out-for-Snakes says:

    I guess I would invite people based on what they could bring to the party. I’ll be providing the turkey.

    As everyone knows, Johnny Longbone makes a great stew; he’s on the list.

    Little known fact, Joe Don Baker is an actual baker; he’s bringing the buttery dinner rolls…..and beer…..and whiskey…..

    I’m taking a risk inviting the crone and her daughter from Deathstalker; I’m aware that they like potatoes, I just hope that they can mash them and add the proper amounts of milk and butter.

    Someone above mentioned that Jan the pan, from The Brain that Wouldn’t Die, makes a good gravy. She’s on the list because she also doubles as a football.

    The Eskimo guy from the band that played California Lady is definitely coming to the party; makes a killer Waldorf salad.

    Arch Hall, Jr. and ROXY! will be making an appearance (I believe they’re bringing pie), but they have strict orders not to bring Ray Dennis Steckler with them.

    I’m going to invite Eva Kant (Marisa Mell, Diabolik), I hear she makes a great stuffing. Plus, she’s single now.

    Ben Murphy is gonna be there; he has the good *stuff*. (*cough,cough**)

    Peter Graves doesn’t need to bring anything, just his sparkling conversational skills. Class act that he is, he’ll bring a couple bottle of wine with him anyway.

    I’m totally inviting Master Ninja, Lee Van Cleef, because he’s Lee Van Cleef. ‘Nuff said!

    Wow, now that’s a party. Arch Hall and the Eskimo guy would have an impromptu jam session, Eva and ROXY! dancing along to the rhythm, while Peter Graves would regale us with embarrassing tales about his brother, James Arness. Ben Murphy, Johnny Longbone, and Lee Van Cleef would return from a *session* outside and we would all settle in for a couple episode of our favorite TV show, Mystery Science Theater 3000.

    Ah, perchance to dream.


  42. Son of Bobo says:

    The reverend from The Days of our Years and Tommy Kirk from Catalina Caper. A mainline Protestant minister and a hot gay man in nothing but swim trunks, these are a few of my favorite things!
    Happy Thanksgiving, MSTies!


  43. darthservo says:

    #46 Loran Alan Davis

    I would guess that we all have to bring chairs too?


  44. fantagor says:

    Easy. Batwoman and her entourage of bathing beauties. Best Thanksgiving, ever.



  45. Aldo Farnese is Mr. Krasker says:

    Wilbur from Once Upon a Honeymoon. I’d just think he’d be a delight. Plus, if Satoris and his cult get all chainsaw to the door, I’d could just throw Wilbur their way, and the party could continue as if nothing bad happened at all.


  46. MPSh says:

    Loran Alan Davis says:
    November 20, 2010 at 3:20 pm
    I would invite all the people posting in this thread. After dinner, we will randomly select 12 episodes. Bring your PJ’s; it will be an all-nighter.

    I am THERE! Can you give me directions?


  47. DaWurmFace says:

    Torgo, Mr. B Natural, Rosdower and Diablique. I think we would have some interesting conversations. Even if Diablique just sat there and used the Kalgon laugh the whole time.


  48. frankenforcer says:

    I would say, Ben Murphy: because he knows a turkey when he sees it, Michael Feinstein: for the music playing throughout, Mamie Van Doren’s character from Girls Town: hmmmm, Jack Perkins: for his stories and because it’s not thanksgiving without a drunk old man wandering around, Mr. B. NAtural: because it’s not Thanksgiving w/o a drunk old man walking around making one person feel very uncomfortable. And of course, Topol.


  49. James of LinHood says:

    I would invite Adam Chance from Agent for H.A.R.M. so we could head to the judo range and karate rink later and work off all the extra weight we gained from our fantastic Thanksgiving meal!


  50. Dan in WI says:

    TV’s Frank: We seen him plan wonderful Thanksgiving meals/events on a couple occasions in the past. He’s also a great host assuming he’s currently living in this plane of existance. But only that, since he’d make use of the William Conrad Fridge Alert there are absolutely no concerns that dinner would be safely awaiting the arrival of the other guests.

    Of course if you wanted something a little more non-traditional, the Delta Knights sure know how to throw a great and successful annual pancake breakfast. If you want to turn Thanksgiving into a brunch they’d be the caterers to get.


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