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Now Available from Rifftrax…


Mike is joined by Kevin and Bill.

Download it here. Free sample here.

20 Replies to “Now Available from Rifftrax…”

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  1. fishbulb says:

    This is the first genuinely good movie, in artistic terms, they’ve done.
    I don’t know what to think.


  2. HeatUpTheDeathRay says:

    Eh. To be honest, I wasn’t too fond of it. I thought it was a bit too pretentious and took itself too seriously. It could be excellent fodder for RiffTrax. Just my two cents, though. :smile: hehe


  3. Krasner says:

    As usually, the RiffTrax movie notes for this one are pretty funny.

    “… vowing after every meal that he will never eat a McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish again.”

    I don’t normally buy the riffs on current films, but I’ll probably invest $4 on this one.


  4. Ralph C. says:

    I am looking forward to this one, for sure. I like Memento a lot. This should be very interesting….


  5. norgavue says:

    Hate to say but i gotta look this one up on imdb. I don’t remember what this movie is about.


  6. norgavue says:

    and after looking it up still never heard of it. Hope it’s amusing.


  7. outmywindow says:

    Hmm, interesting choice. I figure this one will either fail miserably or be awesome; no middle ground.


  8. Rowsdower42 says:

    That’s pretty cool. Love the movie, but I’m all for riffing, no matter the source material.


  9. Daniel Roos says:

    Memento is my absolute, no doubt, all-time favorite movie. I hate to say it, but it’s the first Rifftrax I’ll never wate (I’ve seen probably 70% of them).


  10. FordPrefect says:

    I don’t think I’ll ever really understand why people can’t watch a Rifftrax that makes fun of a movie they enjoyed. As much as I like Memento, I don’t treat it like some holy object they should never paint a mustache on. In fact, I’ll probably watch this one before some of the others I haven’t seen, since I actually own the 2 disc version of this.


  11. Omega says:

    Even though I loved Memento (and the director’s later films about Batman), I will definitely buy the Rifftrax. Since the film has a lot of talking in it, I can’t wait to see how the guys will riff this.


  12. daffyphack says:

    I’m very torn on this one.
    Love Rifftrax, love Memento. Trying not to be a fuddy-duddy, but having difficulty seeing where they could go with this.


  13. ColossusPrime says:

    Ewww… really? To me RiffTrax only works with movies that are at least a little silly. For example, their takes on LOTR and Casino Royal seemed a little forced. But each of those at least had some silly parts. Memento is a pretty heavy drama and so as to not spoil things for anyone who hasn’t seen it, there is stuff concerning a rape victim.

    I am really confused by this choice.


  14. hamtronix says:

    The movie itself is absolute dreck. please look for it on ebay or other sources so as not to contribute money to anyone but Rifftrax.


  15. Garth Arizona says:

    I gotta respond to Hamtronix.

    Memento=absolute dreck?


    Please don’t give me any of what you’re smoking.


  16. Matt D. says:

    Yeah, I love Memento. But I agree with others in that I would not watch this Rifftrax because of my love for this movie. I’m not saying they can’t riff on this movie or any movie they want, but I’m not going to watch it.

    And if their next movie is The Usual Suspects or The Fugitive, I’m going to REALLY wonder if they are just doing this to spite me.


  17. digital_trucker says:

    …it’s only a movie


  18. digital_trucker says:

    I picked up the big set of this movie (it was on sale at a truck stop). I watched it, then watched it again, then watched it again. I finally began to have some clue as to the ‘plot’.

    It’s artsy-fartsy weirdess, with tons of good material for riffing.

    …of course I don’t consider a shrink-wrapped dog turd on a pedestal to be ‘art’ either…


  19. Cornjob says:

    This did strike me as an odd choice, and not just because I like the movie. I like The Matrix a lot and thought the rifftrack for it was great.

    I think the most strained and awkward riffing was for the movie Saw, but I’ve yet to give it a second listen.

    But really, this choice of movie to riff means that the riffers are weird, which results in creativity. Think about it. Won’t you?


  20. Esoteric says:

    Since Kevin and Bill did an improbably great job on my favorite movie of all time (Alien), I’m gonna give this one a chance. Memento is indeed a great film, but I can see the way it could be riffed brilliantly, and I now have faith that they can do justice to a quality film.


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