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Weekend Discussion Thread: Top 10 Most Memorable Villains

You can do what you want, but I’m steering away from monsters here and instead I’m looking at bad guys (and gals) supernatural or otherwise, who are actively trying to thwart the hero of the movie. I’m also steering away from anti-heroes (which would be another good list).
There are a LOT, so I’m picking 10. In episode order, they are:

• Dr. Krup, aka “The Bat” – 102- THE ROBOT VS. THE AZTEC MUMMY: aka the evil Judge Robert Bork.
• Sidney Chillas – 307- DADDY-O: buttery Bruno VeSota, the poor man’s Sidney Greenstreet, as his evilest.
• Fu Manchu – 323- THE CASTLE OF FU-MANCHU: The dullest villain ever, which makes him more evil.
• Cleolanta – 413- MANHUNT IN SPACE/417- CRASH OF THE MOONS: Opheisha hath no fury like a bitchy suzerain scorned.
• Loukhy, aka Witchiepoo – 422- THE DAY THE EARTH FROZE: Gotta admit she has a bold plan–not many villains have the stones to actually steal the sun.
• Prosser – 501- WARRIOR OF THE LOST WORLD: Gets points for sheer quivering rage; loses points for being a robot.
• Pitch – 521- SANTA CLAUS: hammy and inept though he may be, he’s unforgettable.
• Krankor – 816- PRINCE OF SPACE: The nasal terror from outer space.
• Kalgan – 820- SPACE MUTINY: He’s evil plans largely consist of sitting around in a warehouse basement.
• J.K. Robertson – 821- TIME CHASERS: Everybody’s worst boss; how evil can you get?

Honorable mention
• Troxartas – 703- DEATHSTALKER AND THE WARRIORS FROM HELL: The henpecked villain.

86 Replies to “Weekend Discussion Thread: Top 10 Most Memorable Villains”

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  1. Dr. Carlo Lombardi?


  2. Dangerface says:

    Good weekend topic, Sampo! Here are a few of my favorites:

    Krankor- The first time I saw him, I thought Gotham City had loaned the Penguin to Japan. But really, it’s so hard not to like Krankor when he’s so confident, despite his own ineptitude.
    Kalgan- John Phillip Law gets so wrapped up in his own evilness that he goes from villain to parody by the end of the movie.
    The Great Vorelli- His master plan is to turn people into dummies and insult them. That idea is so completely insane that I can’t help but love it.

    And, I noticed that no one has mentioned one of the creepier villains in an MSTed movie:

    Joe Estevez in Soultaker- He disguised himself as a girl’s mother so he could spy on her in the bathroom. The really disturbing part is that SHE wrote it! :shock:


  3. dave-0 says:

    Cameron Mitchell in Stranded in Space. something about a barrel chested guy in a turtle-neck is offputting.
    Thor from Teenagers from Outer Space “I’ll find you! I’LL FIND YOU!!!”
    Charles Blake from I Accuse My Parents.
    Jack Elam from Girl in Lovers Lane “to live like the E-lam”
    How could we forget to mention Ortega from Mixed up Zombies?
    Rick Sloan of Hobgoblins…I dare anyone to say he’s not a villain.
    Robert Z’dar in either roll. “Where does he even put his acorns?”


  4. Vornoff says:

    I’m with Bob (#18), it’s amazing how little credit The Master is getting here.

    Let’s review:
    Dr. Lorenz -105- “The Corpse Vanishes.” “A man of rare accomplishments.” He was so dedicated to restoring his bitchy wife’s looks that he’d murder endless numbers of unsuspecting brides to do it!

    Dr. Alex Zorka -203 et al- “The Phantom Creeps.” Another dedicated family man, unfortunately he accidentally kills his wife. Still, he’s got a giant robot, an invisibility belt, exploding spiders, and a chauffeur!

    Dr. Vornoff -423- “The Bride of the Monster.” My personal favorite. Dr. Vornoff only wants to rule the world by building an army of Supermen. His only family is Lobo, the mute giant played by Tor Johnson, but he’s giving away the bride at a very special wedding!


  5. MPSh says:

    My favorite villains are those who are meant to be menacing, but just come across as fey or incompetent.

    The evil CEO guy from “Time Chasers” and the greasy haired Calgon guy from “Space Mutiny” are in the incompetent camp.

    In the fey camp are the John-Saxon-with-Cher’s-coif guy from “Cave Dwellers”, Donald Pleasance in the metallic mumu in “The Pumaman”, and Red the Devil in the “Out of This World” short shown with “High School Big Shot”.

    Although he’s not exactly a villain (merely an adversary of sorts), I might also mention the Congressman / father from “The Starfighters”. He’s meant to be a tough, grizzled combat veteran who is now a hawkish tough-on-the Commies member of Congress. However, he comes across as soft and pillowy, with a soft voice and gentle eyes. When he’s supposed to be chewing out the colonel over the phone, he looks more like he wants to kiss him.



  6. rhr says:

    Dishonorable mentions:

    Old Crenshaw (or whatever he was called) from Boggy Creek 2. A shapeless ball of hairy flesh in overalls, how could you forget him? Actually I think everybody in that movie was a villain.

    Peter Graves in Clonus: your grandfather as a villain.

    The evil commie Comrade Not Appearing In This Film from Starfighters. Classic.

    Finally, the horrible menacing snake in Eegah!


  7. matt says:

    Steve K,

    You are absolutely right.

    I’d like to change my answer to Calgan. The first MST3K you watch always stays with you. Hard to believe he was on the last episode as Diablolik.


  8. crowschmo says:

    Glen Manning from “Amazing Colossal Man” and “War of the Colossal Beast”. He didn’t do anything, just growled alot (in the second one – the first one, he was kind of the hero as well as the villain).

    Not memorable for any mad plan to rule the world or crazy scheme, just memorable because, well, Glen was 50 feet tall.


  9. MikeK says:

    I think Dr. Hale from the first half of Riding With Death deserves a mention. He was a better villain than the elusive Robert Denby. Dr. Hale was able to, for most part, successfully rip-off the government.

    What did Robert Denby do? For some unnamed reason he was lacing radios with an unstable compound that was exploded via radio transmission. :???:


  10. If The Dead Talk Back had a villain, that would have been the most memorable one.

    Then there’s the guy from The Screaming Skull who marries rich bird-brained women so he can scare them to death with an inanimate skull “I bilocate!” Curses! Foiled by the retarded gardener!


  11. Stacey says:

    Gloria the smut peddler in the Sinister Urge because she scared me just as much as she scared Serve and Crow with her weird ass getups.
    The janitor from Teenage Strangler was pretty creepy.
    The tight skirted brood in Skydivers equals Gloria in the scare department because you know sex for sundries is fun.
    Kalgon take me away.
    The Master was pretty memorable with his evil sidekick Torgo.
    J.K. Robertson with office slash public libaray.

    Where is Robert Denvy????


  12. The evil funeral-stalking grim-reaper-like highway patrolman in Last Clear Chance



  13. Ralph C. says:

    Bat Masterson # 20:

    You LIKE Robert Denby?????


  14. itskalganlaw says:

    Kalgon! Kalgon! Kalgon! He’s the super-est villain ever!! Driving that kool little car and screaming! No other villain is as good as Kalgan! The bestliest villain ever!!!!!!


  15. John Seavey says:

    I’ll toss in Livia and her boss, Satan, from ‘The Undead’. She’s hot, she has Billy Barty as her henchman, and she even manages to win (even if it is only on a technicality.)


  16. The Velvet Hog says:

    Gloria “Let’s drink a LOT!” Henderson from THE SINISTER URGE. After all, the smut picture racket is worse than kidnapping.


  17. Pretorious says:

    How about Robby Benson slumming in City Limits and the infamous “death by elementary school teacher’s desk”?


  18. Big Stupid says:

    Jon @ #33:
    I wouldn’t put season 8 over any other particular season for great villians. I think there are more mentions from that season because there are a lot of people here who seem to have only seen the episodes from later in the show’s run.

    My picks:
    Gloria from The Sinister Urge – who can forget that voice?
    Valeria from Robot Holocaust – which voice is more disturbing, hers or Gloria’s?
    (Phantom of) Krankor – “Truman Capote Sent to Fight Krankor!”
    The guy in the caftan from Operation Double 007 – Evil, yes, but stylish
    Peter Lawford in Angel’s Revenge – it’s all about control (and booze)


  19. Tom D. says:

    The girls from The Violent Years. “I completely condone what you’re doing!”


  20. Bobo (has a red butt) says:

    Kyle Wagonner’s character, Angelo (aka creepy girl’s boyfriend), in Catalina Caper?

    I dunno, villain-like maybe; he did get trounced by Tommy Kirk and his minions.


  21. Hamdingers says:

    How about that mean Mr Blake from I Accuse My Parents. Luring our poor lying stupid dumb moron oblivious hero into a life of crime!


  22. JoeK says:

    Why is’nt there more love for Dr. Z from “Blood Waters of Dr. Z”. After all he tried to turn hot bikini clad girls into fish. What could be more fiendishly diabolical than that.


  23. MikeK says:

    Dr. Z is a villain, but I think he’s too close the “goofy monster” category to qualify for this list.


  24. Billy D says:

    Of course, Kalgon is the best MST3K villian of all time, hands down, but I also want to throw Raymond out there from “The Dead Talk Back”
    “I’m too hip to concentrate…”


  25. John M. Hanna says:

    My choices are…

    Best Joel era villian: Dr Varnoff (Bela Lugosi) from “Bride of the Monster” He had the lab, the mutant assistant, giant octopus and a kooky plan for world domination. He was the complete mad scientist package.

    Best Mike era villian: Phantom of Krankor from “Prince of Space”. Sure his weapons didn’t work and his plan for world domination went off like a poorly planned bank heist, but he gets my vote for his creepy laugh and walking around in an outfit that shows everyone his shrink wrapped package (now thats EVIIIIL!)


  26. jpkmets says:

    Kobras from Puma Man

    Really Big Brother (Novacorp Chairman) from Overdrawn at the Memory Bank

    John Saxon himself in Mitchell

    The man-eating pants that nearly swallow Dick Contino in Daddy-o


  27. Dyne says:

    * Dr. Bill Cortner from The Brain that Wouldn’t Die. First MST3K I saw and the first person I think of when someone mentions the term “mad scientist.” Not to mention the “other dimension” parts are just a laugh riot.
    * Tor Johnson as the Best in Beast of Yucca Flats. Flag on the moon.
    * Mrs. March from The Atomic Brain. Most sinister granny ever.
    * J.C. from The Sidehackers. Biggest piece of trash in a biker movie ever.
    * Sgt. Ward from It Lives By Night. Hard to believe he’s the same guy who played J.C. Just as big a piece of trash though.
    * The savages from Women of the Prehistoric Planet. Just trying to figure out where they came from has put them in my memory for too long.
    * Crenshaw from Boggy Creek II. Not the classic villain, but still memorable (not in a good way, sadly).
    * Diabolik in the movie of the same name. The anti-James Bond.
    * Baba Yaga (aka Hunchback Fairy) in Jack Frost. Evil yet totally incompetent.
    * Queen Lara from Outlaw of Gor. Hot villainesses are hot.


  28. NeonMaetdreams says:

    How about Moon from The Beatniks, “I killed that fat barkeep!” His acting was truly villainous. Peter Graves in Parts:The Clonus Horror was a pretty big jerk and last but not least Jack Palance in Angels Revenge as the gravely voiced guy with the great suits.


  29. itskalganlaw says:

    #74 Billy D

    You da man!!! You know da score!! YES YES YES!!


  30. Barry says:

    :sad: Satoris doesn’t make the list? I cry tears of Canadian beer to this.


  31. ayomitch says:

    i’d have to say its a toll up between:
    Troxartus (He’s not wearing pants!)
    The Crawling Hand (Cage match, arm wrestling)
    The Creeping Terror (well its got creeping down…)

    That’s a cocktail of bad villians that could kill you!


  32. tricky mutha says:

    JC from the Sidehackers- best sociopath ever- he out shatners shatner.


  33. Nick says:

    Bunch of memorable monsters, for better or worse.
    Bill Cortner from The Brain That Wouldn’t Die: Probably the most effective villian IMO; he’s a genuine nutcase, and he’d does what he does not for Jan but for himself.

    The Fat Man from Overdrawn at the Memory Bank: I don’t know, but I like this guy; it could be MATB’s awesome riffing.

    The Dark One and Valaria from Robot Holocaust: One I can’t understand for the life of me, and the other looks like a bouncy rubber ball with a toupee.

    Gloria from The Sinister Urge: Yes, you can shave with her voice, and learn lots about porn. :wink:


  34. Bobo (has a red butt) says:

    Gumby’s Dad. He placed the head of his victim over his garage door. Now that is cold.


  35. Rotten as British Teeth says:

    For me, the most memorable villians are not so much violent as they are creepy (lots of staring, laughing when the hero gets hurt, etc.) They can also be completely unterrifying in their goofiness. So with that in mind, my list includes:

    -The Master from “Manos”.
    -Satoris from “The Final Sacrifice”.
    -Janitor from “Teenage Strangler”.
    -Krankor from “Prince of Space”.
    -Jesse from “Girl In Lover’s Lane”.
    -Kalgon from “Space Mutiny”.
    -Diabolik from “Diabolik”.
    -Cleolanta from the “Rocky Jones” movies.
    -J.C. from “Sidehackers”.
    -J.K. Robertson from “Time Chasers”.

    Honorable Mention: Bruno Ve Sota’s character in “Daddy-O”.


  36. shinragod says:

    The Master from MANOS: THE HANDS OF FATE – He says you can’t stay here!!

    The Great Vorelli from DEVIL DOLL – A suave lady’s man of a villain who blows his poise by arguing with a puppet. “You stupid..ugly little dummy!”

    Zeno from OUTLAW – A villain is only more evil when the actor (Jack Pallance ) is particularlly unhappy playing him. “Now..if you..excuse me..I’m gonna new…”

    Hunchback Fairy from JACK FROST – The witch’s motives are undercut by incompetent tree henchmen and her constant self denial. “My broom! I’m a witch and I can’t move with out it!!”


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