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Catch the Phrases!–Updated yet again

T-shirtblack shirtlady shirt

Close readers of this site may have noticed a small change in our navigation bar: three of our least-performing (make that non-performing) merchandise stores at have been closed.

(If there’s anybody out there who’s been procrastinating buying a Ward E, Daddy-O or Tradin’ Post T-shirt for all these years, and you still want one, let me know and I’ll throw one back up on the main Satellite News store.)

In its place has come our latest brainstorm: The MST3K Catchphrases T-shirt Store!

The idea came to me after our recent weekend discussion thread, where we listed the many many many phrases that have been made popular by the show. It occurred to me that what MSTies would love would be shirts that proudly and boldly proclaimed a phrase that would make 90 percent of general public say “Huh?” and the other 10 percent say, “Hey! One of my own kind!”

Now, we know the economy’s tough, so with your wallet in mind, we have only used the most inexpensive T-shirt CafePress offers (it’s still 100 percent cotton; I bought one myself and I think it’s a good-quality shirt) and we are only charging two smackers over the base price. Your welcome.

So, check it out, find a phrase you like, and buy it!…um, if that’s okay.

UPDATE–Okay, I have added 48 more catchphrases, based on the suggestions and requests. The new ones are on top. If you suggested one and I didn’t include it, I decided it wasn’t quite right for this. But thanks for everybody’s suggestions.

SECOND UPDATE–Okay, I have added another 20 phrases and ALL the phrases on the white shirts are now also available on dark-colored (including black) shirts. Check them out here.

THIRD UPDATE–There is now a section for shirts especially for the ladies. We now have a total of 135 phrases. I’m probably not going to add too many more but if you think I have missed an obvious one, let me know.

181 Replies to “Catch the Phrases!–Updated yet again”

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  1. Bob says:

    Sampo, you have provided T-shirt “awesomeness”.

    It’s really fun thinking of memorable lines from the show. I can’t stop now…

    “It…it’s that thing that’s been driving the plot to nowhere!” from Being From Another Planet, said very excitedly as if the prop in the shot was genuinely great to behold. Hilarious!


  2. crow "Kyyrewyyoae" schmo says:

    Just bought my first (of probably many) T-shirts. I see alot of my suggestions on the updated site — Cool!!

    I’m going to have alot of T-shirts that no one understands. (Even more cool).


  3. Casper says:

    I know I should stop suggesting things now, but I keep thinking of more.

    “The Satellite of Love has got mrxl, mrxl, mrxl!”

    “I’m falling at a 60 degree angle breaking all the laws of physics!”


  4. John says:

    How about a Canadian homage, perhaps
    “Eh then,eh?”


  5. Rowsdower42 says:

    So… is that a no to Hypno-Helio-Static-Stasis (Containing X-4) and EcstatoEuphoroFun (with patented Hinder 90!) ?


  6. swh1939 says:

    I still couldn’t whittle my choices below four — so I ordered them all. And now I wait, hehe.


  7. Mark says:

    This is great. How about “He tried to kill me with a forklift!” or; if I remember this correctly; “We’ve got a friendly chicken” from ‘The Magic Voyage of Sinbad’.


  8. John says:



  9. matt says:

    I don’t know if you guys are privy to what the creators of The Venture Bros. on Adult Swim (Cartoon Network) are doing, but they have a “T-shirt of the week” club. Maybe that’s something you guys could think about.

    The Updates, awesome! THANK YOU so much for doing the Turn Down Your Lights (Where Applicable) as suggested! It looks AWESOME. Glad I waited to order!


  10. Sweet Sweetback says:

    “Rock ‘n’ Roll Martian!” – Merlin’s Chop.. er Shop of Mystical Wonders.


  11. Fawn Knutsen says:

    Are you also going to sell puffy hats with filthy sayings? or plastic turquoise pith helmets? Now there’s a draw.


  12. Casper says:

    Oh geez, girl shirts too? I’m going to go broke for sure!


  13. Mrbat423 says:

    You people do realize that you can’t use quotes from movies without getting copy write permissions you can get sued.


  14. crowschmo says:

    If any get pulled due to rights issues, you’ll have to do T-shirts version 10.2.


  15. outmywindow says:

    It turns out that I’m getting an ‘Earth vs. Soup’ erroneously sent to me (and charged) as well. I was going to complain to Cafepress, but since it’s the right size and a color I don’t mind, I’ve decided to just go with the flow.

    I was considering EvS for my second purchase anyway.


  16. Bob says:

    “For the kicks!” from Wild Rebels


  17. Rowsdower42 says:

    Um… The catchphrase for Final Justice is wrong. You’ve got it backwards, it’s actually “You think you can take me? Go ahead on. Its your move.”


  18. Vanessa says:

    Thank you so much for coming out with the ladies’ shirts! I definitely am planning on getting one as soon as I can pick my absolute favorite. There’s just so many of them…

    I would like to suggest a few (some that have already been suggested and I’m throwing my support out for them). Personal favorites of mine:

    “They just didn’t care!”
    “Buy our new Enriched…Stuff!”
    “Great strategy, thanks Napoleon!”
    “Liar! Liar! Liar! Ooo-whee!”
    “When you cheat, you make an ‘eat’ out of c and h.”
    “Have a Patrick Swayze Christmas one and all!”
    “The Secret Government Eggo Project.”
    “Pumaman, he flies like a moron!”
    “His only crime was being born delicious!”
    “Remember to believe in magic, or I’ll kill you.”
    “Aggressively Incompetent.”
    “Apparently the story is none of our business.”
    “We put our faith in Blast Hardcheese.”
    “Ow! Right in the Winky!”


  19. beth563 says:

    There’s nearly 200 posts on this, but I have to say something about your phrasing of “woman-shaped shirts.” Couldn’t you have picked something a little classier?
    Other than that, I clicked on one and see that it comes in a variety of sizes, so I can’t complain too much. Now that you’ve got black shirts with white lettering, I might get me one. They look MUCH better than the white ones.


  20. Sampo says:

    beth563: I was just being silly, but yeah, you’re right. I’ve changed it.


  21. beth563 says:

    I want one that says “Come and try to comprehend us!” From the Brain Guy episodes season 8.
    MST3K used to have this on a tee, but they don’t sell it anymore, so are you able to?


  22. beth563 says:

    Oh, and Sampo, I know you were kidding. :)

    I see that you have the, “he learned too late that man is a feeling creature” on a shirt. I guess you don’t have enough space for the entire speech? That would be awesome.


  23. swh1939 says:

    I have received the four shirts I ordered … and they are my new prized possessions.


  24. MSTJon says:

    Two questions. Is there are typo or am I really going to fork out twice as much for a black shirt than a white one? Still a fair price, just seems like a big leap.

    Also, isn’t it, “Worship the truck farmer at the church of your choice.”


  25. Graboidz says:

    I have to say I sported my “The Dog’s Meat, Have You Seen It?” tee to the Ravens game yesterday. Got some pretty confused looks…of course we are talking Baltimore and confused looks are the norm.
    Worth every penny!!


  26. yipe Striper says:

    I’ve got two more suggestions from my wife’s favorite episode…

    i’d buy her one of these…
    her two ideas are…

    You’re all Evil and I hope you all have snacks!


    There’s something Arch Hall Jr. about her…

    also… (Just one for me)

    Crow: A Thousand Years of Tyranny

    Thanks Sampo! You guys do a great job.
    I got my “Tickle me carlo lombardi” shirt in yesterday! Love IT!


  27. Bob says:

    I just ordered a pile of shirts for the whole family. Everyone was into this “shameless capitalism”. I hope it is a success for Satellite News.

    Thanks, Sampo, for without this news site many great new things from former MST3K cast members would have gone unnoticed by their biggest fans.


  28. Snackula says:

    Sampo –

    If you get the chance, maybe you can tell us which shirts/phrases are selling the best? :mrgreen: Kinda wondering which ones are the hot ticket(s).


  29. Yipe Striper says:

    Sampo… i just actually read the third update line on the main page… and I didn’t know that you weren’t going to add that many more to the list. Its a great list! thanks to everyone.

    but my last post mentioned one that said,

    “You’re all evil and I hope you all have snacks!”

    if i could make a bid for this one… i think it would be a great addition. Perhaps others have suggested some that are better.

    I’ll leave it up to you. I’ll check back to see if other have made the list.

    thanks. I like it very much!



  30. swh1939 says:

    Like # 178, I’d like to know which shirts are the bestsellers … but even more I’d like to know how many are buying the original white shirts as opposed to the much-requested black (and other color) shirts.

    I used to think I was the only one who bought only the products that I wanted and didn’t settle for something less. I don’t believe I would have bought all four MST shirts if they were all white, but with a variety of colors I was more than satisfied. Clearly I’m not alone as the outcry for other-than-white shirts was enormous. So if I may speak for all that wished it … THANK YOU for making the darker shirts available.


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