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Mystery Science Theater 3000 XIV

Preliminary details for the next MST3K DVD set–“Mystery Science Theater 3000 XIV”–was released to retailers today and our friends at have posted the info. Episodes reported to be in the set are:

  • 103- Mad Monster
  • 413- Manhunt in Space
  • 1001- Soultaker
  • 1008- Final Justice

There’s no word yet on what bonus material will be included, if any. The tentative release date is February 3, 2009. As always, we’ll post more information about this set as soon as we receive it.

197 Replies to “Mystery Science Theater 3000 XIV”

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  1. Droppo says:

    Shout Factory, in case you’re reading this, I implore you to release the following episodes:

    Master Ninja I
    Master Ninja II
    Santa Claus

    Thank you kindly.


  2. Rotten as British Teeth says:

    Lets all remember one thing….this is a priliminary list; it could change at any time. Personally, its not a bad selection. In terms of Season One, I’ve only seen the four episodes that were aired during the ’95 Thanksgiving marathon, so “Mad Monster” will be like finding treasure. I also missed “Final Justice” when it came out, and ran on limited play on Sci-Fi. Plus, the Rocky Jones movie is a Season 4 fav, so I’m looking forward to this set if the titles stay the same.


  3. John M. Hanna says:

    I just danced around like a happy elf when I saw that “Final Justice” will be on the new release. Its just too bad MST3K ended before they could rip a Steven Seagal movie.


  4. Kris says:

    YAY! Two of my favorite episodes, a decent one, and one I haven’t seen! Great mix, I’m looking forward to this.


  5. countrybat says:

    Joel, Frank and JOE DON BAKER are back!!!! This is awesome. Never saw Mad Monster, looking forward to seeing it. Haven’t been this excited for an MST set since the 20th anniversary set.


  6. crowschmo says:

    #33 – Mini-Pearl? :wink:


  7. Ransom says:

    When I was eh, overseas, I found that watching the episodes in order had its rewards and led to more enjoyment, perhaps because the biggest continuity to follow in the show would be the shape of the humor.

    So what I’m saying is that if you really don’t like an episode try to get into the groove of the season its from and then you might find you like said episode more.


  8. magicvoice says:

    Manhunt in Space! Great! I also remember Mad Monster being pretty good although I haven’t seen it in a few years.
    The other 2 I’m less excited about but happy when ANY new episode comes out on pristine DVD.


  9. Jane Dobson says:

    I am definitely psyched about this set — as many have said, any releases are better than no releases! I’m just happy to be able to add four more DVDs to my collection. However, I would love to see Pumaman in the next set!


  10. Zshazlez says:

    I love the MST3K DVD sets. Every time one comes out, it gives my friends an excuse to all converge on my house to watch them. Even the wives love the show. As an added bonus, this comes out on my birthday, so I’m excited.

    Also, I was not a fan of Final Justice the first time I watched it, but seeing it again years later was more enjoyable.


  11. MyMyMyMyMitchell says:

    #93 – I agree that they should release more figurines in subsequent sets – let’s just hope it’s not in the 40th anniversary set, 60th anniversary set, etc….

    Too speak on all of the diverse opinions:

    MST3K, CT, RT, Film Crew (R.I.P.)
    Joel vs. Mike
    KTMA vs. CC vs. SF

    Like what you like, buy what you like, say what you like.

    I like and buy them all.

    There – I said it.

    Have a fabulous evening.


  12. MyMyMyMyMitchell says:

    You are now free to rip me a new one for the extra “o” in “To”.


  13. bartcow says:

    Soultaker and Final Justice are two of my all-time favorites. Soultaker is great because they keep taking the piss out of the star/writer. And anything with Joe Estevez is aces.

    Final Justice can be a slog, until you get to this climactic scene:

    Palermo: I’ll blow her brains OUT!
    Crow (in his best fake-Italian accent): All over THE boat!

    Okay, that doesn’t translate to print AT ALL, but trust me.

    The other two I haven’t seen nearly as much, so all the more reason to be excited about their inclusion.


  14. happy says:

    I buy them all because I love the show & enjoy having DVD quality on my movies as opposed to washed up VHS tapes with static on them :)
    More on Manhunt in Space, a lot of people prefer the Crash of the Moons as the better show & the better of the 2 Rocky Jones movies they did.


  15. BIG61AL says:

    Did someone say “Pumaman”? That is one freaking great episode. I could watch that over and over again!


  16. Clouseau says:

    I’ve always liked Mad Monster for some reason. It isn’t that funny, the movie print is awful, and the silhouettes are green, but the episode has a goofy charm which has always won me over. Don’t ask me why.


  17. John Seavey says:

    It occurred to me that the reason that there always seems to be so much disappointment when the new set is announced is just that simple truth of life, the present is always more fun before you take off the wrapping.

    Think about it: A potential new set could be any four of about a hundred different episodes. An actual new set is four very specific episodes. That means that pretty much everyone’s going to be disappointed, because there’s only about a 1 in 25 chance that they’re going to pick your four personal favorites.

    So remember, when you start to feel irritated about the crazy new set choices, that they’re almost never going to make anyone perfectly happy. They just don’t have a chance. All we can do is enjoy the MST we get. (Which I will. Goodness knows, “Werewolf” has been spinning in my DVD player almost daily for weeks now. :) )


  18. MikeK says:

    To anyone who doesn’t like this set, just think of it this way. That’s four more episodes off the list of ones that can be released.

    I don’t particularly like Season 1, but I am still glad to have another episode from MST3K. I hope Shout Factory is aggressive in pursuing the rights to all of the MSTied films. There’s no reason why the owners of these movies shouldn’t make some money off of something that, for most of them, is just sitting on the shelf.


  19. George says:

    Three words Rowsdower & Girls Town :twisted:
    Then I can die happy.


  20. Paul Blaisdell says:

    “I hope Shout Factory is aggressive in pursuing the rights to all of the MSTied films.”

    Doesn’t seem to be happening.


  21. Matty-O says:

    To be honest, though I’ve seen every episode of MST3K that’s ever aired (except for most of Season Zero for obvious reasons), the only two I recall off this set are from Season 10. It’ll be good to see the other two since they’ll be effectively new to my fading memory! :razz:

    Plus Final Justice is an all time favorite… though I’d be more psyched if they included Final Sacrifice, (maybe on v15).


  22. Smog Monster says:

    So, somebody up there said that the list wasn’t finalized, yet?? Well, it’s probably too late to ask for K09: PhaseIV. However, I can start now for K19: Hangar 18 … We have three more box sets to go until Box Set 18 … Hmmm…


  23. New MSTie posting here. It’s MST3K so I’m all for it. I’ll buy. The question I have, so is the 20th Anniv Edition technically Volume 13 then? Because of this being Volume 14. I was a little confused at first. But that’s kind of how I’m seeing it.


  24. Rowsdower42 says:

    I’m late to the party, but this looks ilke a decent set to me. I prefer Crash of the Moons to Manhunt in Space, but both Rocky Jones shows are great. Mad Monster is one of the few Season 1 shows I like, and I love both of those season 10 shows. Great set, all in all.



  25. Rhys says:

    Personally I want Moon Zero Two on a disc if they will start with season 1 episodes.

    But god yes, Final Sacrifice, Moon Beast and Pumaman! those 3 are in my top 5.

    Talking about the new set, this sounds great, the 2 Mike eps I’ve seen, and the 2 Joel eps I haven’t seen!

    (and I liked the Goosio sketch :( )


  26. I'm not a medium, I'm a petite says:

    Do we have any Sales figures for the MST DVD Releases ? What does it cost to license a typical non-PD film for an MST release ? Are the Rhino and Shout factory warehouses full or empty ?

    Yes, we all want Shout Factory to release every Episode immediately, by whatever means necessery, regardless of cost ( THEIR cost, WE don’t want to pay more than $12 each ).

    But unfortunately they ARE a business. And the economy is ever so slightly less strong than it used to be….

    OK, enough of being a corporate shill. An alternative might be a subscription / underwriting model. Let’s say WE want “Puma Man” ( everyone: “We want Puma Man” ). 500 of us pledge ( in some kind of legally binding but potentially refundable sense ) $20 each. Is that enough for SF to produce one thousand Puma Man DVDs ? We the underwriters get first crack, plus a cut of the profits on the units sold over 500.

    Actually now that I get it written down, this sounds like kind of a fun idea. But we need to get the inside dope on production costs.

    MST Forever !


  27. Geode says:

    Well, this is a disappointing mix, though I will acknowledge a bias toward the middle seasons as opposed to the last 2 SCI-FI seasons (especially 10) since I didn’t get cable until 1994 and have all the latter episodes on tape or disc.

    Still, ANY MST3K release is a cause for celebration. I just wish we could get Jack Frost and Racket Girls in a release. Racket Girls has, for me, the funniest riff of all time–the “crotch slapping” punchline that is the perfect marriage of idiocy on the screen and a riff that takes full advantage of it.

    Check it out: at the 2:59 mark. Cue it up about a minute earlier, and just enjoy the scene so you can get properly warmed up. Pay special attention to the timing of the sound effect on the actor’s motion. This clip has rewatchability, and the entire movie is an underrated gem for Mike and the boys.


  28. ck says:

    Three words Rowsdower & Girls Town

    Is “Girls Town” the one where some bad
    girls kidnap a nerdy guy and, ah, interact
    with him?


  29. Geode says:

    My bad–the punchline comes at about 3:04. Sorry.


  30. happy says:

    I always found it weird to see fans love the show but dislike an episode list that comes to DVD. I guess it depends on what episodes we like or dislike. Im at the point of just release anything & ill be fine, and someday the ones I really on DVD want hopefully ,eventually, but indefinitely will come out someday. In the meantime at least we are getting episodes in hopefully better condition than vhs or burned DVD.


  31. jjb3k says:

    #128: No, that’s “The Violent Years”. “Girls’ Town” is the one with Mamie Van Doren and Paul Anka and Mel Torme.

    I’m happy for this release, but it doesn’t make a difference – financial restrictions have forced me to forego purchasing the last three MST3K box sets (or any DVDs and other leisure items at all, for that matter), and I suspect this one will be no different. Damn college, eating all my money…


  32. Droppo says:

    It seems like the ideal mix to appease all would be the following:

    2 Joel episodes (preferably excluding Season 1)
    1 Mike CC episode
    1 Mike Sci Fi episode

    Of course, it’s all dependent on the rights…but, if that were the mix, I truly couldn’t complain.

    Follow the model and try assembling your own. It’s fun when it’s fun!!!

    Master Ninja I
    Master Ninja II
    Santa Claus
    The Final Sacrifice

    The Lost Continent
    The Magic Sword
    The Incredible Melting Man
    Puma Man

    Warrior of the Lost World
    San Francisco International
    Track of the Moonbeast

    See, how much fun that is?

    Now, let’s try another inferior, haphazard approach:

    The Black Scorpion
    The Deadly Mantis
    Terror From the Year 5000
    The Projected Man

    See? It’s just not as fun.


  33. Chris Waters says:

    The biggest hurdle I’d like Shout Factory to overcome would be getting Sandy Frank to get his head out of his rectum and let them release those eps.

    The Gamera movies, Time of the Apes, the Fugitive Alien films.

    Come on Sandy, it’s been 15 years or so. You can forgive and forget!


  34. StarDustMaiden says:

    It seems that no matter what episodes come out, there’s always someone, somewhere that says, “Oh no! Not THAT one!” But as others have said, it’s a matter of taste. As for me, I love MST3K the same way I love my friends and family – ie, warts and all.

    I’ll admit there are some episodes that leave me emotionally cold in general, but they’ve all had their bright spots. (I won’t mention them by name; I’d only open yet another can of worms.)

    My father’s parents were Swedish and I’ve inheirted some of there tastes. But if I came to work with a big jar of pickled herring, I’d get a chorus of “yucks” that would rival the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. But I’m willing to bet that I could round up twice as many Swedes who’d say, “Aw, you don’t know what’s good!”

    When I hear people sneering at those who like what they don’t like and vice versa I feel like I’m being haunted by my mother’s ghost. Whenever she’d thrust some dorky piece of clothing at me and I didn’t go into paroxysms of joy, I’d invariably get “You never like what I like!” Luckily for both of us, she outgrew that in my college years.

    Humor is my favorite weapon in these stressful times, so I’m content with all the MST3K I can get. I’m very glad to see “Soultaker.” The “wet t-shirt contest” cracks me up every time.

    In closing, let’s take some advice from Paul’s letter to the Romans, “Let not him who eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth…”

    We’re also told to be content with what we have. Good advice for the Me Generation.

    P.S. Add my vote for “Final Sacrifice.”


  35. Rowsdower42 says:

    And I second the love for the Goosio sketch.


  36. StarDustMaiden says:

    Oh, and one more thing; I’m also glad to see “Final Justice.” Those farting noises I hear every time Joe Don Baker gets off the prison cot make me ROTFL.

    And I too would love to see “Jack Frost.” Thank God for YouTube.


  37. Joey Stink Eye Smiles says:

    Wow, 136 comments. Is that a new record?

    I’ll buy this set like I’ve bought every release that’s come out on VHS and then DVD, but I don’t think it’s anywhere as good as volumes 6, 7, or 10.


  38. Fred P says:

    I’m happy were getting a pretty quick turn around. I’m sure Shout Factory is already working on the set after this too…and I never got that feeling from Rhino.


  39. gruaud_larose says:

    I’ll take anything they care to give us.

    Just keep ’em coming.


  40. Gary Bowden says:

    Wow,another box set already mentioned and the 20th Anniversary edition hasn’t been released that long ago–can’t wait! I wish Shout! would release more of season 3,but any MST3K is great by me!! I just hope the bonus material is more than just the original trailers for each movie.Maybe interviews with some of the actors/actresses from one or two of the movies mentioned,like Vivian Schilling or Joe Estevez?? Maybe the docs of MST3K that Comedy Central and Sc-Fi did would be nice,too..KEEP ‘EM COMING SHOUT!!


  41. Dr. Batch says:

    I think I remember there was close to 300 comments when the episodes for the “20th Anniversary” set were announced.


  42. Flounder says:

    Anyone have any clue as to what amazon is listing will come out on next Tuesday, November 18th? It is saying a MST3K set, 480 minutes in length, will be released on that day? What is this?


  43. Kitty Reed says:

    Glad to see Mad Monster. Haven’t seen that one. I always have trouble seeing that on the youTube.

    I haven’t seen Final Justice in a coon’s age.

    Love Manhunt. Soft place in my heart for the really old stuff.

    Soultaker is a stupid-stupid movie. I’ll love owning it.

    As far as some MST episodes judged less than others, well, if I laugh out loud once, it’s a good one. Never has there been an episode where that didn’t happen, yet, anyway.


  44. Rex Dart says:

    It’s most likely the non-collector’d edition of the 20th anniversary set. You know, for the MST3K fans who are opposed to collecting? Those guys. I’m sure they’re out there!

    I would like to second the “I’ll take anything they give us” sentiment. I’ve already seen (and loved) a lot of the newer episodes, so I’m thrilled to see those on DVD, and I haven’t seen a lot of the older episodes, so I’m equally thrilled to see those on DVD.

    And Goosio is awesome. Did you know he’s Goosio? Still, not as good as the Maltese men sketch.


  45. MikeK says:

    “Why you hurt Goosio!?” :lol:


  46. R.A. Roth says:

    Is there something wrong with Season 6? Jesus, there are literally 16 episodes not released from this season. As a person who prefers Mike Nelson’s tenure (please no hate mail; I like Joel, just not as much as Mike; I have a thing for big beefy Dutch guys; not how it sounds, end sidebar now before it gets too weird), Season Six is high on my want list. Alas, nothing has been released from this year since Starfighters. Before that, you have to go back to early box sets and individual DVDs.

    Please Shout! Factory, get in there and bring the Season Six magic!



  47. Glen BW says:

    Yeay! More ‘never-been-released-on-home-video’ (either tape or DVD) episodes to be unleashed thru the DVD boxed set! Keep up the good work, Shout Factory! Now if only they can tackle the licensing problems to release certain copyrighted films like Godzilla and Gamera…


  48. happy says:

    I think Season 6 has a few harder to get titles like the Universal movies, the MGM or Lions Gate movies for example SF INTL, Kitten with a Whip, Girls Town, but I also think there are some easy pickings to name a few
    Beast of Yucca Flats, Zombie Nightmare, Invasion USA, Racket Girls, Violent Years..
    As for Godzilla & Gamera, well Godzilla I think its safe to say forget Godzilla vs the Sea Monster and I personally dont see Gamera on the radar anytime soon. There are probably much easier to get rights to movies than Gamera or just about 95% of Season 3 movies…
    That being said watch the next set contain 2 Gamera movies and 2 Season 6 movies LOL :D (joking)
    I can see the next set having the last 2 Season 10 episodes that they can get the rights to which are Track of the Moonbeast and Dr Z. From there, they can change the focus to other seasons…
    Its really fun to anticipate what Shout will release..


  49. Manny Sanguillen says:

    I still couldn’t give two ****s what they release on dvd since I already have ‘A’ quality dvds of every episode, obtained from Skyroniter.

    Still, its funny to read all of the nutty thoughts on here.

    People actually are complaining about which little useless toy is put in the box?!

    I would have hated to been around you back in the 70’s when every major cereal brand put little junk like that in each box of cereal.


  50. arch hall 3 says:

    WOW!!! I am lucky poster #150! YAY!!!!! Do I get a prize?


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