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The Vol. 31 Titles Are…

Direct from Comic-Con:

The titles are:


124 Replies to “The Vol. 31 Titles Are…”

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  1. pondoscp says:

    Maybe we’ll get the host segments of Turkey Day 91-94. Maybe…


    and I’m shocked it’s a 2 Joel 2 Mike set. Shout keeps surprising!


  2. pondoscp says:

    To think, at one time, all four of these episodes were considered not likely to ever see dvd release.

    Here’s to hoping we get some more vintage MST3K promos


  3. Vicki says:

    I was actually expecting Squirm because Shout Factory is releasing the actual film Squirm as part it’s Scream Factory line.


  4. Best one is THE SCREAMING SKULL. I like that BODY CARE & GROOMING short, though.


  5. Sitting Duck says:

    @ 11: they’re also doing WKRP in Cincinnati, and reportedly are working on getting the music rights sorted out.

    @ #34: I don’t know. Ortega is rather Torgo-ish.


  6. Ian L. says:

    The Painted Hills AND the episode with the Gumby short? Is there nothing Shout can’t do?


  7. Ray the Whimsical Lampshade says:

    I like this set. Jungle Goddess is (IMHO) underrated, The Painted Hills, is nice, and the Gumby short, is awesome and Screming Skull is great as well, I am not as fond of Squirm, maybe because i dislike worms, and because the host segments just don’t do it for me, but the riffing was good, so I’ll certainly watch it. Overall , a very solid set that I am looking forward to owning.


  8. me says:

    give me JoshWay’s front and back covers over Vance’s ANNNYY day!


  9. Th1rt3eN says:

    I hope when they finish releasing all the remaining episodes they re-release the individual episodes that were formerly on Rhino dvds into box sets with lobby cards. It would be nice to have a card for every single episode and the Rhino box sets were all that lame fold out design. The individual slim dvd cases in the box is the way to go.

    Over time those Rhino cases look so beat up that you hate to take them off the shelf because you know every time you touch them they are deteriorating. Vol. 1 and 2 are prime examples of that due to their pop-up book features on the outside of the box.

    It makes me wish I had bought two of each when they came out.

    I just thought it would be nice to give shout a little thumbs up for not going the ultra cheap rout with these box sets. They could have done the fold out design that falls apart and wont hold the dvds in their proper spot.
    the only box set I ever thought they dropped the ball on with the packaging is the 25th anniversary box set. Sure we got a tin but we didn’t get the box to hold the dvd cases and we never got lobby cards for Mitchell or The Brain That Wouldn’t Die.

    Other than that the box sets have been amazing.


  10. Slartibartfast, maker of Fjords says:

    @35 – Oh, yeah, your right. “The Painted Hills” is in color. But it still has that B&W feel.


  11. I’m still hoping for a Roger Corman themed box set.


  12. Bob (NotThatBob) says:

    I’m so excited to see that “Squirm” is in this next set – especially as Scream Factory’s also releasing the movie itself on Blu-ray. It’s nice to know that releasing a film on Blu-ray doesn’t necessarily mean it won’t come out in an MST set as well. Gives me hope for “The Incredible Melting Man” eventually. Another awesome set!!


  13. Captn Ross Hagen says:

    All I can say is WOW. SHOUT IS THE BEST.
    I’ve been gone since the middle of June. We moved into a new place July first and we just got our cable and internet set up Thursday.
    I’ve been checking this site on my wife’s IPad but never posted anything.


  14. Goshzilla says:

    I can’t speak for everybody, but I sure missed you, Captn Ross, ya ol’ coot.


  15. Floki says:

    @ 55 Ortega can be at the supper table also. Heck, Tor can also take a seat, but he better have his own personal turkey. Time for go to stuffing!


  16. Happenstance says:

    *shrieks like a little girl*

    Guess the Gumby folks finally realized that MST3K riffing is the best publicity? Screaming (comma) Skull (one of my favorites) probably got more people into (or back into) Gumby & Pokey than all of Art Adams’ comics.

    “GET A BOX!!”

    While I’m not quite as excited about Squirm (I find the movie itself–especially cut up–dull and painful in the way that some of you find Screaming (comma) Skull), I’m definitely squirming over A Case of Spring Fever.


  17. Brandon says:

    It just occurred to me….. since ‘The Screaming Skull’ was the last MST3K episode to air on the Sci Fi Channel, maybe there could be some bonus feature with fans reflecting on the final broadcast, and their attempts to keep MST3K remembered and discovered by new people.


  18. Big Al says:

    I counted and that leaves 44 episodes for Shout Factory to release (doesn’t count #XXXI). That makes MST3K XLII the final one. Unless they come out with the KTMA series.


  19. gorto says:

    Yay… but, Screaming Skull… oh how I loathe (not MST3K, but the movie itself). Shall I dare sit through the agony of the wretched beast which ruined MST3K for me for almost a year? True Shakespearean tragedy if I do. Ugly characters; ugly plot; ugly pacing; ugly staging; ugly blocking; ugly lighting; ugly locations; ugly overall mise-en-scene; ugly editing; ugly cinematography; ugly, ugly, ugly movie… ’nuff said.


  20. Jason says:

    I put up a couple of pickles – here, try one! It’s an old family recipe using cucumbers and Windex.

    Come to The Fair!


  21. bad wolf says:

    @Brandon–yes, i can finally put away my VHS tape with Boggy Creek 2 and Screaming Skull, the last two episodes aired on SciFi. Can’t believe how long it took for the second one!

    @Big Al–maybe by then people will finally be nostalgic for Film Crew and Cinematic Titanic!


  22. klisch says:

    This set just squares my breasts.


  23. Danzilla "Cornjob"McLargehuge, Student of Kaijuology says:

    WOW, WHAT AN AWESOME SET!!!! I saw The Painted Hills and Squirm coming, but Jungle Goddess and The Screaming Skull are incredible surprises! The people at Shout! must be Gods… that’s the ONLY explanation that makes sense any more! I’ll second the desire for more vintage promos in this set; I could watch those all day. Plus, if we get official releases of all or some of the Turkey Day bumpers, THAT would make the set a must buy alone, even leaving the great episode selection out of the picture! Lets hope Shout! has a month early pre-order perk this time too!

    By the way, cursory glance at the 44 remaining episodes showed me that there are a total of 12 episodes that could be released immediately, due to Shout! either having the rights currently to put them out, or to them being in the public domain. They are:

    418 – Attack of the The Eye Creatures (MGM)
    502 – Hercules (Public Domain)
    602 – Invasion USA (Public Domain)
    605 – Colossus and the Headhunters (Public Domain)
    614 – San Francisco International (Universal)
    618 – High School Big Shot (Public Domain)
    623 – The Amazing Transparent Man (Public Domain)
    704 – The Incredible Melting Man (MGM)
    705 – Escape 2000 (MGM)
    814 – Riding with Death (Universal)
    815 – Agent for H.A.R.M (Universal)
    1007 – Track of the Moon Beast (Public Domain)

    And that’s not counting the miracles that Shout! always make happen for every set! BRING IT ON!!!!


  24. Jason says:

    As a fan of both the episode and the original movie, I’d love to see an interview with Jeff Lieberman. While I am disappointed by his reaction to MST3K, the film is a minor classic of 70s drive-in fare and featured some memorable effects by the legendary Rick Baker (whose best work is sadly cut from the riffed version). Such an extra could function similarly to the This Island Earth featurette on the new DVD for MST3K: The movie.


  25. Jason says:

    You know, I’d forgotten about this article. Maybe it’s backpedaling on Lieberman’s part (isn’t there an old interview where he specifically decries the concept of mocking the movie?), but we should respect that his latest word on the matter is that he was not offended by what MST3K did.


  26. Captn Ross Hagen says:

    #64 Goshzilla
    Thanks, I missed you too.


  27. Goshzilla says:


    Thanks for the link. His argument against MGM licensing Squirm to “Mystery Science Fiction” has some validity, although I would argue that MGM probably had a better idea of how the film was performing financially than the director. How many people have enjoyed Squirm thanks to MST3k who otherwise never would’ve seen it? That would make me happy if it were my cheezy killer worm movie.


  28. SparklyVampire says:

    What is wrong with you people? What are you even talking about here? Haven’t you ever seen any good movies like Twilight or Divergent? You all make me sad and a little but scared. Maybe you should try to enjoy some good things in life that have meaning. Just a thought.


  29. Loran Alan Davis says:

    Why do people keep saying that there are 44 titles yet to be released? According to my own list @38, and not counting v.31, the ktma episodes, and not counting Godzilla vs. Megalon (since it did have a brief release), that gives us 42 titles remaining. Have I miscounted? Are there 2 titles missing from my list? Someone please confirm for me that my list at post 38 is correct.


  30. Cindy3000 says:

    Big Al @ 68 & Danzilla @ 73, how are you coming up with 44 remaining?

    Still trying to figure all this out. Very new fan and would like a firm baseline on how many episodes really truly lack being released. I don’t technically count Megalon, since it was released briefly, but if I were to, the best I can come up with is 43 DVDs that the average new fan would be seeking out, those who didn’t luck out in Set number 10’s inclusion of Megalon.

    I counted. Twice. Loran’s list has 42.

    What am I missing, mysties? I’m new, so I certainly don’t mind being shown the error or my ways/counting! I feel like I must be missing something obvious. :-(


  31. Loran Alan Davis says:

    Cindy @80 – thank you for double checking for me. I went through my lists and my own DVD collection, and I am still coming up with 42 titles, not 44. I should point out that I am only counting commercial DVD releases. It may be possible that some titles in my list had a VHS release long ago, but I will continue to count only official DVD releases.


  32. Cindy3000 says:

    hahaha, Loran posted as I was composing…hahaha


  33. pondoscp says:

    My guess is someone’s counting Amazing Colossal Man. It had a brief VHS release, no DVD.


  34. Cindy3000 says:

    I like knowing the big picture as a goal. I have all the titles laid out in Excel in season order and I keep things highlighted and updated with volume numbers, etc, using several columns and fill in colors. It’s really helpful.

    Even before you posted your most recent list and before the XXXI announcement, I had 46, which is now down to 42. Thanks to you and Travis Hosey, I am going to add a new column solely to list last known rights holder for any unreleased episodes. It looks like some information about Arkoff Estate I dug up (pun not intended) is outdated and that Lionsgate has control of many that I previously believed were Arkoff Estate controlled. That might be a great thing, depending on Lionsgate’s open mindedness with Shout.


  35. Cindy3000 says:

    @ pondoscope 83

    “My guess is someone’s counting Amazing Colossal Man. It had a brief VHS release, no DVD.”

    What? You guess?

    uhhhh… Guess again. If one wanted to count a VHS as released (despite Loran having already qualified/specified the list as those lacking DVD release) and if one were to remove Colossal Man from Loran’s list, the number grows SMALLER, it would then be down to 41 never released … if we throw Colossal a VHS release bone.

    The unreleased count would move EVEN FURTHER away from this “44.”

    The only way to INCREASE Loran’s list toward 44 is to cite episodes that have not been released and that are also not on her/Hosey’s list.

    As I came up with my Excel list independent from this site, I’d like to see an explanation of the 44.

    Perhaps Big Al simply miscounted and Danzilla was echoing that post with his cursory glance.

    Let me say this again. Mentioning any previously VHS releases can only DECREASE the total number. Loran was mentioning VHS as a component that could throw off the total, in general from 42, but even so, that would throw it off in the other direction.

    One cannot simply quip, ‘well, there were some vhs releases’…

    We are speaking about “unreleased totals.” Bringing up a released VHS is a different topic, and not just because VHS is a different medium used in recording the release.

    To reach something like 44, you MUST state something odd like, “as it turns out, two of the Gamera flicks were missing from the sets and never released. So we are really at 44.”

    But, as I mentioned, I am new. I was wondering if there were two unreleased episodes somewhere that I was over accounting for.

    I got into one argument with someone about how many total titles existed and it turned out he was insisting on counting The Movie, though we were talking about THE SHOW. He still believes he won that argument, though was quite unable to provide an episode number for MST3K The Movie.

    I know how many titles exist. But the “44” was making me wonder if some of my earlier Rhino release info was incorrect/inflated/overstated.

    Unless someone here can prove differently, then during this brief moment in MST3K history, the answer, like it says in Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy…. the answer to everything is 42.

    Still waiting on Big Al and Danzilla to respond. :-)


  36. rvoyttbots says:

    There are only 42 episodes left to be released on DVD. 44 is a mistake. As for MEGALON, hopefully Shout! will get the release rights to SEA MONSTER & MEGALON & will release them together.


  37. rvoyttbots says:

    And the DVD list is right here at Satellite News. Check it out.


  38. Goshzilla says:

    :eek: :hypnotized:


  39. Cindy3000 says:

    Unsure why you brought up Godzilla episodes. As a possible way to understand the 44 mistake, or are just mentioning it?

    I was a bit concerned others would just look at my argument and think the concern was a simple one, that all one had to do was add the two Godzilla episodes… and you get 44. That would work if one didn’t read the list.

    But as Loran INCLUDED Godzilla/Sea Monster in her list as unreleased, you could at best only “add” Megalon, arriving at 43. Though you cannot add Megalon to Loran’s list, as it has been released, though discontinued.

    So 44 cannot be achieved with a Godzilla argument, not that I am claiming you are arguing such, rvoyttbots.

    The reason I am clarifying is because you mentioned “two episodes” so close to my query as to how to arrive at 44 from 42.


  40. rvoyttbots says:

    Oh, bugger, I was just adding my hopes for a release of the GODZILLA films by Shout!


  41. rvoyttbots says:

    Cindy3000 MANOS THE HAND OF FATE was released twice so you may be counting it twice. I just noticed the DVD List here is not up to date. Anyway, 134 episodes will have been released when Vol XXXI comes out. Leaving 42 episodes.


  42. rvoyttbots says:

    Cindy3000 My bad. The MANOS suggestion was wrong. Maybe you are forgetting to deduct THE GIANT GILA MONSTER which was in the reissue of Vol 10 also known as 10.2.


  43. Cindy3000 says:

    “Cindy3000 MANOS THE HAND OF FATE was released twice so you may be counting it twice.”

    I may be counting twice, you say?

    Some chasms simply cannot be crossed.

    This perfectly illustrates my concern about my fate ever being held in the hands of any jury.

    That fear, I’m sure, had a huge influence on why I became an attorney.


    While I am here:

    Something I always think, but never state, as I usually lurk, is “atta boy, Luther!”

    Always enjoy your posts, Mr. Heggs/No.6, and wanted to officially, say, “hi.” (“Hey, to Luther,” Sheriff Taylor might say.)

    Doubtful I will post again, because I never have anything significant to contribute and, frankly, this exchange has caused much deep hurting.

    I do greatly appreciate all the hard work the owners of this website continue to put into this project.

    Their dedication is absolutely unbelievable and I very much enjoyed seeing Mr. Cornell and Mr. Henry interviewed in the 20th anniversary set. I could easily watch the two talking for an hour about everything they know and have experienced. In other words, a dedicated interview down the line would be a fascinating idea, Shout Factory.

    And thank you so much, Loran. You and Mr. Hosey have been such a great help in tidying up my list. I wish you all the best.

    BCNU, Mr. Heggs. I am positive I know you from another forum.

    ~Push the button, Frank.~


  44. Cindy3000 says:

    I wish I had read your post before my response. Manos would make no difference.

    Are you reading my posts thoroughly?

    I am stating there are 42 left.

    Why bring up Gila Monster?

    Again… deeeeeeeeep hurting.

    You should direct your guesses at Big Al, not me.


  45. Cindy3000 says:


    I meant to say, your Manos retraction makes no difference. You seem to be confusing me with the 44 clan and also are bringing up released versus unreleased.

    I am beginning to suspect scotch is involved. :-)


  46. Luther Heggs aka Number 6 says:

    Always enjoy your posts, Mr. Heggs/No.6, and wanted to officially, say, “hi.” (“Hey, to Luther,” Sheriff Taylor might say.) … BCNU, Mr. Heggs. I am positive I know you from another forum.

    Hey to, Goober Cindy3K.

    As far as another group, anything is possible. I try to not cross pollinate, though I sometimes slip up with recognizable verbiage.

    But that’s circumstantial evidence, isn’t it, “Miss Kay”? And statistically, strictly speaking, you are most likely suffering from projection.

    I did find your posts amusing and very well thought out. I think you should post more and lurk less.

    “Best brains,” indeed.

    The ~REAL~ 42


  47. Johnny's nonchalance says:


    Wow. At first I marveled at the lack of appreciation, nay, snubbing of Squirm evidenced in this thread. Then I told myself I should really just relax. However, after reading your fact-based exhortations to divine the number of episodes yet to be released on DVD, I am finding for once I really do care.

    Your displays of logic and illumination of its lack amongst first responders have me attentively rapt. I, too, puzzled at Al and Dan’s divergence from the meaning of life, the universe, and everything.

    Perhaps they erred in thinking the universe would naturally provide a number of episodes divisible by four with no remainder? Chaos just isn’t that tidy.

    Do not chastise the children for their chasm-contemplating chicanery. They simply fell in love with a puppet show before they could count. Thank you for helping me laugh about love, again.

    I would dye my hair clown red for you.


  48. The Bone Ranger says:

    @97 “Perhaps they erred in thinking the universe would naturally provide a number of episodes divisible by four with no remainder? Chaos just isn’t that tidy.”

    Sweet feathery Jesus….THAT was frickin’ funny! Thanks for helping me laugh about love….again!


  49. Danzilla "Cornjob" McLargehuge, Student of Kaijuology says:

    44 was a oopsie. I read it in a post above mine and just threw it into my post without double checking. I thought it sounded off…

    Trust me, I have my own checklist of unreleased episodes that I modeled off of the list that is always posted on the “New Titles” threads, so I’m usually pretty on the ball about that final number. I was just being lazy. :-/


  50. Huggybear says:

    Awesome set! Screaming Skull and Squirm are two of my favorites from the sci-fi era. I have cheesyflix copies right now. Haven’t seen Painted Hills or Jungle Goddess yet. But I’m looking forward to seeing both. Love the Gumby and Springs shorts! Hopefully plenty of extras as well. Daniel Griffith where are you!


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