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Weekend Discussion Thread: MST3K Viewing Habits

Alert reader Dan writes:

I’ve talked to a lot of MST fans and found that a lot of them pop on an episode before they drift off to sleep. I also do that, same with my brother. Maybe some watch an episode every morning with their Wheaties?

So what are your MST3K viewing habits?

(And I’m always interested in discussion thread ideas, btw!)

179 Replies to “Weekend Discussion Thread: MST3K Viewing Habits”

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  1. Opus says:

    There is no better way to fall asleep than to have MST3K on in the background. I don’t know why. It’s calming… maybe having something funny on helps to ease the mind after a long day.


  2. Johnny Petraglia says:

    I laughed when I saw this thread. I’ve done this for years. I have a rotation of about 10-15 episodes that I watch before bed. The favorites are usually Touch of Satan (I hold it close to my heart because we had a Maverick when I was a kid – and the pauses are also conducive to falling asleep), Space Mutiny and Giant Spider Invasion. Also, thanks to youtube, I can watch Agent for H.A.R.M., one that I love but don’t have on tape.

    Good thread!


  3. MJDeViant says:

    I ALWAYS put an episode on before I go to sleep. I mean every night. Basically if I have 2 hours to kill, I throw one on. I usually watch one after I jog , shower and eat to relax and recoup. I don’t really watch TV so maybe that is why they are in constant rotation. Today’s planned viewing? Catalina Caper after I jog and have breakfast , then later when I go to bed I’ll probably watch Parts: The Clonus Horror. An addict? Maybe, but it is leagues better then anything on TV and I don’t usually get through them in one sitting because I have things to do or I fall asleep.


  4. MJDeViant says:

    Also, even though I buy every boxed set (Support the artists!), The digital archive project has made sure I don’t run out.

    Which also brings me to when are we getting a Servo figure?


  5. Kevin says:

    The winter time is when I watch MST3K the most. Like you, I watch an episode on the weekend as I dose off to sleep. Except for Manos, I am afraid of cults and I am sure that that can happen.

    I will also put one on while I’m playing with my 6 month old daughter. The show is perfect for tuning in and tuning out plus my daughter loves red puppets. Servo is her robot.


  6. don't be a hero, billy! says:

    my boyfriend and I have done this for years. I almost never make it through the opening host segment before falling asleep, but without an episode playing, I lay awake for an hour or so.

    We also throw a dvd in when we’re playing a board game or doing a puzzle… perfect background entertainment. :-)


  7. Gulliver says:

    I’ve found the show to be an excellent background when I’m ironing. It doesn’t require constantly looking at the screen, usually because the movies the guys are riffing on are so static. I stop ironing for the host segments, though. :)


  8. adoptadog says:

    We watch one of the Rhino/Shout DVDs each Saturday morning…we just finished watching The Giant Gila Monster, so next week I can either start again with the first box set, or play around with the order. Usually it’s just in the background, but we’ll stop to listen to favorite riffs or watch host segments.

    I also watch at least one during the week, usually after lunch, when I’m in between chores. And, yes, I’ll often doze off during the episode, but if I’ve missed a favorite part I’ll go back & rewatch.

    I try to watch lots of different eps during the week, but I do have my favorites that I tend to watch when I’m feeling down, or am sick. The Creeping Terror, Skydivers, Red Zone Cuba, The Screaming Skull, Agent for HARM, Gamera vs Guiron, I Accuse My Parents, Angels Revenge, Manos, Bride of the Monster, The Incredible Melting Man, Invasion of the Neptune Men,the Shorts DVDs, the Rifftrax Shorts, are all ones I favor. For some reason, seeing all the truly awful movies made funny makes me feel better.


  9. I like showing episodes to my newphew. He’s about 10 which is when I started watching. I like to bring it to the next generation. Also, we quote lines back and forth. His favorite is “The secret government Ego project”


  10. John says:

    Saturday mornings are usually when I’ll pop in an episode, and the choice of which episode depends on the season. Giant Spider Invasion, Track of the Moon Beast are good summer fare, and Final Sacrifice has always been able to lift me out of the winter doldrums.


  11. daffyphack says:

    I like to work through the series from the beginning. I don’t do the KTMA episodes, because the Season One episodes are slow enough. If I’ve seen an episode several times before (like a lot of the Sci-Fi era stuff) I can perform some basic errand like writing a letter, practicing the guitar, or cleaning up the apartment. Otherwise, I have to focus.

    In this same vein, you should do a discussion thread on our routines when the show was actually on the air. I have a feeling those will be more interesting, and they’ll have a great air of nostalgia to them.


  12. Mindy says:

    I usually have an episode going in the mornings for a little background noise. It’s a relaxing way to start the day.


  13. happy says:

    Im with comment # 1. Ive seen them all so many times and I just can watch and fall fast asleep. I watch them every now and then these days. Weeknights usually which relaxes me and then zzzzzz
    I watch the DVD sets right away and am more apt to watching a few more DVDs or VHS ones around that time too. I play Ring of Terror and Red Zone Cuba a lot


  14. Eric says:

    I always have an episode playing when I exercise. It makes the time fly by and I actually look forward to exercising. Although I have almost fallen off the treadmill laughing a few times. “Mom, Dad! I won the ‘Get the crap kicked out of me’ contest!”


  15. Kris says:

    Add me to the list of weirdos who likes to fall asleep to the show. I generally use the black and white snore fests, like Amazing Colossal Man or Invasion USA or anything from early Season 8. The danger, of course, is that I’ll catch a great riff when I’m half asleep and laugh myself wide awake.

    I also have the show on as background when I’m writing, especially if it’s my dissertation. Don’t get me wrong, I love my subject, but I love my subject lots more when I have J/M & tB keeping me company.

    Finally, if I’ve had a really bad day, in goes Magic Voyage of Sinbad. It never fails to make me feel better.


  16. Nicolletta says:

    I like to have it on while I’m working on one of my hobbies (knitting, crocheting, drawing), or if I’ve have a bad day and need something to cheer me up. :mrgreen:


  17. big61al says:

    My favorite time to watch is when the wife/kids are not home on the weekends and I’ll have a marathon of three or four episodes. I also run around the room, waving my arms when I see “MOVIE SIGN”!


  18. Dames Like Her says:

    Manos and Creeping Terror at high volume for housework. Why- I’m not sure. Maybe because I know the episodes so well I don’t need to watch them, and I can laugh as I work.
    For sleep, Blood Waters of Dr. Z. The monotone narrative sends me right off to sleep. If I have insomnia, Rocket Attack U.S.A. or one of the Rocky Jones yawners.
    I usually watch the show every day. I’ll start chronologically with the KTMAs and finish [many days later] with Danger: Diabolik. Then I’ll start the episodes over again…


  19. Spector says:

    I put on an episode every day. Sometimes I’ll have one playing in the background when I’m working (I work at home) but usually I’ll put one on prior to my late-afternoon nap. I also find when I suffer bouts of insomnia that putting on an episode helps me drift off to sleep within 10-20 minutes.

    As someone here noted, it’s not because the episodes are boring or viewed so often, but rather they’re like a favorite bedtime story. All I need to do to relax is just put on a favorite episode and listen to Joel or Mike and the Bots.

    When it comes to battling my insomnia, I have – HAVE – to put on my favorite episodes. Like I said, favorite bedtime stories. I’m not particular with the episodes I play otherwise but I just can’t rest if I put on, say, any of the Gamera movies.


  20. jessie says:

    Im a sleep time Episode watcher. i usualy play one as I go to sleep and it always works. BUT i also listen to mst3k when im doing something else,writing drawing,computering,because its great white noise. and of course,I have actualy sat down, popped on ein,and just watched it. But i’ve downloaded some episodes on real player,so i have a palylist with about ten episodes and i play one and they rrotate through all of them
    i cant get to sleep wothout my mst3k


  21. Kris says:

    After reading all of these replies, I’m quite tempted to start an “I Fall Asleep To MST3K and Am Proud of It!” group on Facebook. :)


  22. Shark says:

    These days I can barely make it to the second host segment before I am fast asleep. It doesn’t mater which episode either. The b/w ones induce sleep faster, but I had Time of the Apes on last night and I was out like a light. I know all the eps backwards and forwards, so I guess sleep just comes natural.


  23. The Professor says:

    I’m glad to see that i’m not the only person who stills watches this show daily. Like most people on here, i usually pop on an episode at night…usually sometime after tweleve. The only difference is i don’t fall asleep during it. If i can’t finish the whole thing, i stop halfway through the film. The ONLY episode to make me pass out during it was Invasion U.S.A. Boy, that movie is dull!


  24. larry says:

    I fall asleep every night to the show as well. What’s wacky is my German Shepherd comes in to the bedroom whining every night at 2:30 until i turn mst3k back on and as soon as she hears the theme song she goes back to sleep too! Viva La Snausages!


  25. trickymutha says:

    I have watched the entire series in numerical order at least 3 times- 2 episodes per weekend, usually starting around 11-midnight. I don’t think I have ever fallen asleep during one, but one of my kids always does.


  26. underwoc says:

    I’ve been known to watch it any old time, but generally not right before bed, because my wife really isn’t a fan and it’s not worth fighting with her for the TV.

    I do usually like to have it on in the background while I’m working at my computer, though. As others have noted, it’s an easy show to pick back up if you get distracted


  27. Bobo "BuckDat" Briggs says:

    Lately I’ve been just streaming it off my computer onto the TV when I go to sleep. So it’s usually just random episodes from the whole run. When I wanna watch in the mornings on the weekend I’ll usually stick with any old Joel episode. But any will do really, considering it’s history with early mornings as well as late night. :)

    I gotta say that the show has not only been a sleeping aid and such over the years but a sort of therapeutic thing as well. During times I’ve been down or had something like a death in the family, it’s always been the very first thing to end up putting a smile on my face.


  28. Brainchild says:

    I like to stream it, watch it on Youtube, or break out a DVD whenever I’m bored in my room, day or night. I have fallen asleep watching it sometimes, but I always feel bad when i do so because I wanted to watch the episode! Sometimes I’ll put in on in the background when I do research, and when I’m alone, I sometimes bring down my laptop so I can put it on while I cook or wash dishes.


  29. alansmeet says:

    Every Sunday is ironing day. That’s probably the only chance I have to watch it. It doesn’t help the ironing one bit, though.


  30. elservo says:

    I think most of us watch MST3K for comfort in one form or another, so it makes sense to have it on while drifting off to sleep.

    I can’t do that myself, though, since I need complete darkness and a fan blaring on high to fall asleep.


  31. Rebecca says:

    Oh man, it got to where I’d fall asleep watching regardless of what time of day it was.

    I fell asleep to “Mitchell” last night. :mrgreen:


  32. ArthurR2 says:

    I’m another critter who likes watching the entire series sequentially (I’m in the middle o’ season 6 now). One a week during Sunday afternoon is my schedule and I’m happy to say I’ve never taken a ride on the dreamland express while doing so. Rating each episode helps keep me perky even if a show is a bit of a yawner.


  33. Jerry says:

    Saturday, late morning, early afternoon. I got started on the Sci-Fi channel Saturday morning episodes about 10 years ago and I still find it to be the best time for it. But really anytime is a good time for MST3K.


  34. Alex says:

    My friends have never really been interested in MST3K before,
    Recently though my friends have wanted to watch some.
    We watched Space Mutiny last and they completely loved it.
    It will be hard to top that episode but I think I will find one :razz:
    I have seen almost all of them but now I guess I will watch the rest with some other fans.


  35. eric from NJ says:

    Grat Discussion this week :!: i too like to visit the sandman with MST on. but i also try to watch an ep a week in order through each season- usually on sat mornings. if sat nite i enjoy an ep with some “adult beverages”.
    (elservo- i do the fan thing too)


  36. Cabbage Patch Elvis says:

    There’s NEVER a bad time for MST!!! My wife is tolerant of the show, but gets impatient. She even had the nerve to complain that I was putting in an episode she’d seen before. Wha??? I explained that that’s one of the great points of watching the show at all. Like I said, I don’t think there isn’t a time not to put one in. My top five:

    5. – Winter(post holidays): There’s only so much Xmas cheer a guy can take, and I feel watching something like Cave Dwellers really brings me back down to earth.

    4. – Saturday morning: I bring the box of cereal and jug of milk to the couch and set up camp in my pjs. Just like cartoons when I was a kid. Today? Starfighters!!!

    3. – After a bad day at work: All my troubles just melt away after a shower and an episode. I Accuse my Parents is my idea of a feel-good musical!

    2. – When sick: You feel like crap, stuck on the couch and there’s no end in sight. What better time to throw on Manos or TISCWSTABMUZ? If you have a fever anyway, it just amplifies it. Get down with the sickness!

    1. – Naptime! I don’t like to watch before bed (that’s serious zzz time), but an episode before a nap is great. I usually make it about a half hour in, then use the end theme as a sort of alarm clock. Any film works for this, but if it starts with a short it’s even better!


  37. piratejoe says:

    I’ve seen most of my collection sooo much that I can put one on while I’m doing other stuff, cleaning, cooking, and still get all the riffs. As much as I love it, Robot Holocaust can put me to sleep faster than a long car race.


  38. I usually watch it a couple hours before I go to bed, as a kind of decompression thing. Also, I usually watch only half an episode a night.

    As for discussion thread ideas… when “The Skydivers” came up in the Episode Guide, I thought of “Favorite Last Riffs.” Which final riff on a movie (or short) really cracks you up? I thought of it because one of my favorites is “WHO WILL TAKE ME TO THE BIG PLACE?!?”


  39. Trashman says:

    Count me in on this one. I prefer to leave a DVD on “repeat all” or leave my computer running while playing the Shoutcast TV MST3K channel on Winamp (although it doesn’t help when the stream gets broken).


  40. Robert Denby says:

    I watch MST3K almost every day after work. Beats anything that’s on in the early afternoon by miles.

    And I’m watching “The Creeping Terror” right now.


  41. R.A.T. Army says:

    I like to watch them beofre I go to sleep too. Only problem is that I have to get ready for bed 2 hours early. :???: But it’s still worth it.


  42. I have a 400-disk DVD player with all my MST3K loaded (except the few that I just don’t care for). I just select “shuffle” and let random chance determine what I’ll watch. I’m always busy, so whatever it is is just kind of running in the background, anyway. I never drift off to sleep watching television. It usually takes an hour or more of effort for me to get to sleep at all.


  43. Carolyn says:

    I fall asleep almost nightly watching “Eegah”. Its my favorite :smile:


  44. The Toblerone Effect says:

    I love these discussion threads! It’s as though I have an extensive family that I never have to see on the holidays!! :razz:

    Add me to the ever-lengthening list of people who love to doze off to this show. For me, it is a major comfort having MST3K on in the background, regardless if I want to take a nap or do work around the house. I can’t explain why, but I find the black-and-white movies that usually involve “spooky” places as the movies I can best fall asleep to (i.e. Ring of Terror, The Unearthly, The Atomic Brain, The Brain That Wouldn’t Die, The Dead Talk Back, etc.). A movie like “Space Mutiny” or “Hobgoblins” are so outrageous that I find them impossible to nod off to.

    As for future threads, may I suggest the following:
    -“Dream Box Set”: involving shows not yet officially released on DVD, and keeping to the four-episode format currently being used. Travis’ well-researched “Probabilities” list need not apply here!
    -“MST Movie Character(s) You’d Like To See as Figurines”: We’d all like to see a Servo figurine come out, but how about a character from a movie they riffed? I admit, the idea is kinda out there, but I figured what the hell?
    -“Most Risque Line Ever Spoken in the Theater”: what comment from J/M & tB made you blush? (Or at least come close to, anyway).


  45. TheCorman says:

    Great thread! I thought I was the only one who watched episodes before bed. Pod People is a great napping episode for me. I find early episodes, especially the Sandy Frank ones to be the most conducive for sleep. On those rare times that my wife takes the kids out and I get the house to myself, Final Sacrifice or Riding With Death is immediately turned on.


  46. Pumaman says:

    When I have the time


  47. matt says:

    Before I met the love of my life I feel asleep with MST3K nearly every night. I have a tape of the Russo-Finnish co productions. Jack Frost, The Day The Earth Froze, and The Sword and the Dragon. It’s probably why I quote from those movies a ton and annoy the hell out of my friends. Now thanks to the Digital Archive, I have them safe and in good quality on my hard drive… the tape was getting warped.


  48. J.R. Ewing says:

    I like to watch usually after midnight, sometimes at a very late hour. Today, I watched “Space Mutiny” at 3:00 AM! Yes, I am an insomniac.

    Whenever my dad wants to see an episode, I’ll put in a tape/disc at around 7:00 PM or 8:00 PM.


  49. MikeK says:

    I’ve been watching MST3K before going to sleep for a few years. I also watch the occasional episode at the other times of the day.

    When I started it I worked backwards, starting with Season 10. I then went on to watching episodes with movies based on decade, again I began backwards, starting with the newest movies. Right now it’s pretty random. I’m going back to episodes that I had not watched in awhile.


  50. Professor Gunther says:

    My wife and I tend to watch in the evenings, and we always bid on episodes over dinner. We typically allow each other two choices each. Me: “DEADLY MANTIS for two.” My wife: “RIDING WITH DEATH for four.” And so on. We then haggle over which one we’re going to watch, which itself is something of an involved process. Factors include, for example, how “vulnerable” or tired we’re feeling. If we’re feeling “vulnerable,” then we won’t watch, say, Manos. If we’re feeling tired, then we’ll choose an episode that we wouldn’t mind falling asleep (together) to. (We find RING OF TERROR very nice to fall asleep to, for example, since we almost always wake up in time for Frank’s great song, “If Chauffeurs Ruled the World.”)

    I feel rather embarrassed for having just shared that (and it’s possible that I haven’t really answered the question), but there it is.


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