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Updated: Gamera Set ‘Under Review’ on Amazon

We’re not sure why, but Amazon has halted sales of the “MST3K vs. Gamera” DVD set and is currently listing it as “under review.” We’re working to find out what the situation is. In the meantime, the set is still available from Shout! Factory at this link.

Update: As some people have guessed, the review notice is due to one or more persons either receiving damaged merchandise or placing some other complaint. Shout! is working to resolve the situation with Amazon.

Update Again: The situation has been resolved and Amazon is once again selling the set at this link.

63 Replies to “Updated: Gamera Set ‘Under Review’ on Amazon”

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  1. Sharktopus says:

    …and biting. Sandy looks like a biter.


  2. SAVE FERRIS says:

    Sandy looks like a biter.

    Yeah……..of people’s necks! :vampire:


  3. GizmonicTemp says:

    Actually, I hope it IS movie rights problems. Then I can sell my set for a kajillion dollars! Mwa ha ha!! :devil:


  4. losingmydignity says:

    Didn’t Sandy pass away?


  5. Admiral Kent says:

    Mine came with a big dent at one of the hinges on the metal case…but it still opened so I didn’t send it back. Not too picky, I guess.


  6. Cheapskate Crow says:

    My Gamera set arrived OK from Amazon but it was in a big box with a couple of other things. I have been having a lot of broken cases with the CDs I order from them lately, I think their packaging has definitely gone downhill.


  7. Mr. B(ob) says:

    Problem solved, Amazon is selling this item directly once again. Current price, $41.99. Thank you, please come again. :-)


  8. Mr. B(ob) says:

    @ #36: Mike was on the show then, he was head writer and he had to watch the movie multiple times just like everyone else on the writing staff. The people delivering the jokes in front of the camera just get treated to one more viewing than the rest of the writers after the script of jokes is written.


  9. Cabbage Patch Elvis says:

    Do you think maybe this was just a ploy from Amazon to scare us all into pre-ordering next time?


  10. Jose chung says:


    Ah That makes a lot of Sense.


  11. April de Wetpants says:


    Yes, that is a cunning plan


  12. EricJ says:

    So, the problem was technical. Nothing to see folks, move along.
    More to the point, DON’T panic and cause a run on Amazon, buying up all the $41.99 copies before my Amazon exhange credit kicks in and I can still grab it for the affordable price. ;)
    You have only yourselves to blame if you’re still reading the posts from the top of the thread.


  13. td says:

    Mine was dented in 2 places. Not happy about it, but I kept it. I made a short video about the package and two of the Selects I recently got


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