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Update?: Joel Hosts College Riff Contest in Pa.

Did anybody go to this? Report!
If you live in the Philadelphia area, you might find this of interest: This semester at Bucks County Community College, Joel has been teaching a workshop on movie riffing.

I’ll stop and let that sink in.

Anyway, on Friday, May 4, he and his students will present what he calls “a recital of their movie riffing projects.” More info here. Admission is free.

Click here to see the poster for the event.

34 Replies to “Update?: Joel Hosts College Riff Contest in Pa.”

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  1. Mr. M. says:

    Wow…I’d have killed to take that workshop when I was in college. (Or now, come to think of it.)


  2. Steve Vil says:

    I don’t live that far from there!


  3. noordledoordle says:

    WHAT. Man, that must be the best workshop ever. I recall the scramble to get all the cool classes and workshops in college; I bet that one was a doozy to get into!

    Plus I’m really digging that poster.


  4. Smithie says:

    Not the best use of your student loans (that are going to balloon in a few years) :P


  5. rocketnumbernine says:

    And I thought THESE courses were cool:
    All of those pale in comparison with THIS. Movie Riffing 101 taught by Joel?? Official coolest class ever invented. I am speechless.


  6. Th1rt3eN says:

    now theres a class I wouldnt skip to go get high. if only I were still in school.


  7. Seneca says:

    Too far out! Can you imagine stumbling into BCCC and seeing you can take a course with Joel?


  8. David Shortell says:

    4:00 PM. Rotten luck for some day-jobbers!


  9. ggreon says:

    I jelly.


  10. ck says:

    And the route 130 bus (SEPTA) runs from NE Philadelphia to
    the campus six days a week.


  11. cityofvoltz says:

    talk about a sweet elective


  12. Barry the Nomad says:

    Aw man! Why didn’t I know about this class? Being a community college, it should have been open to the public, right?

    Anyway, I’m only 30 mins from the location, but that 4pm time makes it impossible for a 9 to 5er like myself.


  13. bad wolf says:

    A little surprised Sampo didn’t give us a ‘heads up’ for this class ahead of time. Maybe no word from the Brains?


  14. King Corn says:

    A squid eating dough in a polyethylene bag is fast n bulbous. Got me?


  15. Neptune Man says:



  16. ck says:

    Barry the Nomad:

    Wait a minute. I bleieve you’re coming down with a cold.
    In about 14 days…
    Don’t want to spread germs to fellow workers, eh?


  17. max keller says:

    Finally, a college program aimed at filling the void in the American workforce related to talking to movies. :)


  18. Graboidz says:

    That’s right, the mascara snake, fast n bulbous!


  19. EricJ says:

    I’m not sure how “Movie riffing” is something you can major in…
    If they wanted to do celebrity fluff workshops, I can see Movie Riffing as applied to other fields, like movie analysis or creative improv, and have that be some college-credit benefit.
    Besides, everything I need to know about riffing, I learned at the Coolidge Corner Theater. :)


  20. Cambot J. Nelson says:

    It is not enough to voice your emotions at the movie, for the movie is but a wall that cannot hear or answer to your cries. You must address the creator to fuel the fire within. Or you got it or you don’t.


  21. Stressfactor says:

    @ EricJ….

    I take you don’t scan the internet much.

    There’s a whole website called “That Guy With the Glasses” where nearly everyone on there does ‘internet reviews’ that, while technically not riffing, hold a BIG tip of the hat to MST3K — and the reviewers freely admit that they got their inspiration there.

    And guess what else? Most of them make their living doing it.

    So, maybe you can’t “major” in the field… but you can make a living out of shredding bad movies, video games, and even comic books on the internet.

    Welcome to the future…..

    Although there STILL aren’t any jetpacks.

    Also, just for the record, J. Elvis has said that he first met Joel when he took a Community College course Joel led on stand up comedy writing.

    I don’t guess you can major in “stand up comedy” either but that doesn’t seem to stop today’s crop of stand-up comics….


  22. Matt D says:

    As someone who will be on “vacation” that week (I’m not going anywhere big, just not going to work), I might actually be interested in this. Now the question I need answered is, which Bunks county community college campus will they be at? They apparently have three, and even after poking around the website, I can’t for the life of me figure out which campus it is that will be having this show. Help me, won’t you?


  23. Herandar says:


    Took about three seconds on the linked info page to find out it will be at the Gateway Auditorium. There is a link just to the left of this information about this venue:

    “The Gateway Auditorium is a well-established regional performing arts venue offering exceptional staging, lighting and acoustics in an intimate 330-seat setting.

    The facility is located on our main campus in Newtown, Pennsylvania just forty-five minutes north of Philadelphia.”


  24. Matt D says:

    Thanks Herandar for the help. I read the Gateway information, at least the first part that said it was a 330 seat building, but I guess I didn’t read far enough. I knew I had probably missed something easy.

    The next thing I would wonder is if some of the other students, not from that class, would fill up the auditorium before I could get there. I think that I will probably skip this, but the concept is still great and if it was closer to me, I would probably go.


  25. Hutty says:

    I actually went there and still live about 20 minutes away. Can’t believe I didn’t know about this!


  26. Herandar says:

    @Matt D: My personal experience is that Bucks is that it is like high school with ashtrays. I would suspect that most students are only on campus as long as it takes to get to their cars from their classes and vice-versa.


  27. Runciter says:

    I’m a firm believer that you can’t TEACH comedy.


  28. Rebecca says:

    Well I’d make the road trip from MI to be in on this in a heartbeat! But maybe, maybe, could you do this at UofM in July when you’re here?!!! Puhleeeeeeese with sugar on top!!!


  29. Cyanide says:

    Excellent Joel (and his students) interview about his college riffing class at Buck County Community College this semester.

    Interview material starts around the 54 minute mark.


  30. fathermushroom says:

    I will try to be there. A tight squeeze to make 4:00 pm but I’ll give it a shot. Too cool.


  31. Laura S. says:

    I was there! It seemed to be my partner and myself, and a scattering of students from BCCC. The auditorium was pretty full, but not filled. From the description on the website, I expected Joel to talk a little bit more, but after a brief intro from Mr Hodgson, they pretty much launched right into the student performances. The riffing itself was better than I expected, and the whole event, though it seemed a little hurried (it lasted about an hour and a half), was a lot of fun. I’d say that was the main hallmark of the event – everyone involved seemed to be having a very good time, and there were some very funny jokes, and some pretty awful movies.


  32. Cyanide says:

    My friends and I were there as well- it was excellent. The student riffs where well thought out and paced, their group’s themes were varied and interesting. I love the opening sequence for the Aquanaughts- done very Yellow Submarine-esk animated with moving paper cut outs.

    The bots by the final team looked really good and were quite unique.

    Overall an excellent time!


  33. Neptune Man says:

    Again: meh.


  34. Dan Hughes says:

    Working with Joel was an awesome opportunity. We were a little rushed–we had a lot to cram into the thing, and there was an event right after us that we had to be cleared out for. Fortunately, we are trying to see where else we may be able to perform, hopefully with some tighter material :)


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