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Kevin Quoted in Piece about Twitter

A piece in the San Clemente Times by Jim Kempton about Twitter quotes our own Kevin Murphy.

11 Replies to “Kevin Quoted in Piece about Twitter”

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  1. Catch says:

    I don’t get it, so you post clips of a rapid liberal spouting of nonsense, but you won’t allow us to comment on it? lame You may think we the users do not control the site, but we do with our traffic and clicks.


  2. Iucounu says:

    Speaking too quickly for you, eh?


  3. Creeping-Death says:

    Catch, it was likely because the comments rapidly de-evolved into political ranting for Frank’s first Salon message. You should repeat to yourself “It’s just a website, I should really just relax.”


  4. Sampo says:

    Catch–this is not a commercial website. Clicks and traffic mean nothing to us.

    Frank is a cast member and what he does professionally is on-topic for this site. The political opinions of commenters are not.

    As I said in the post yesterday, there are many many places on the Web to discuss politics. This is not one of them. MSTies come from across the political spectrum and it has been seen again and again that when given the chance they will argue about politics. We can’t allow that.

    We’re sorry if that upsets you, but that’s the policy.


  5. Neptune Man says:

    How does Tom Servo reach the keys to write in Twitter? He has no functional arms. And don’t come with that “but he is a human being” crap! It’s obviously a puppet.


  6. max keller says:

    I demand that my political opinions which will never in a million years change anyone else’s political opinions be heard!!!! Harrumph, harrumph.


  7. big61al says:

    What I thought was odd is that the topic was twitter quotes but they neglected to print any twitter quotes. huh???


  8. big61al says:

    Traffic and Click. One is straight laced and the other, fast and loose. Together they fight crime!


  9. MileHighManning says:

    I DO get it. Rapid, spouting, Frank is water! Now thats funny!


  10. ServoTron3000 says:

    @Sampo, I moderate a college basketball related message board and have the same policy. Leave politics at the door.


  11. Sharktopus says:

    There are RiffTrax for books now? I’m still avoiding Twitter because it sounds like exactly the sort of thing I’d get addicted to.


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