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Anybody Attending CONvergence This Weekend?

We’d love to get reports of what the Cinematic Titanic crew is up to. Somebody twittered that they riffed “Masters of the Universe” last night?? True? Anybody? Details!

13 Replies to “Anybody Attending CONvergence This Weekend?”

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  1. Horace Rumpole says:

    I’m not there myself, but secondhand I can tell you there was a riffing of Masters of the Universe last night, but it was not the CT folks doing it.


  2. Alistair Beggistair says:

    Silly new agers! Are we having another harmonic Convergence again? I thought we just had one within the past ten years. I guess the last one didn’t work.


  3. Kristina says:

    I’m here. Standing in line for the mst3k panel in a half hour. It was not them who riffed the movie.


  4. FordPrefect says:

    RoninFox, one of the top iRiffers, has a commentary track for this movie if anyone is curious. It’s received several positive reviews.


  5. beth563 says:

    “twittered”? Do you not realize how silly and juvenile it sounds using made up words like that?


  6. Robyn says:

    Beth, first off, it’s hardly a made-up word. Do you call bird watchers silly and juvenile when they talk about how the sparrow “twittered”? Second, if you think using a single word to quickly say “someone said this on Twitter” is silly and juvenile, I’d advise you never to look at any comment on any YouTube video, you might faint from the shock.


  7. John says:

    Methinks beth563 was simply pulling our leg, Robyn. People on this site are known to do that from time to time.


  8. Chuck says:

    Robyn, honey, you really don’t understand the mstie mind yet, do you?

    Relax, darling. It may startle you, but it won’t hurt.

    Join us . . .


  9. Now kids, let’s not fight. We need to save our venom for those who deserve it, like Dane Cook.


  10. Bill says:

    Clarification: The Masters of the Universe riff was a local comedy group, not the CT crew.


  11. Robyn says:

    Sorry folks, if a joke doesn’t contain at least one obscure pop culture reference, it goes right over my head.


  12. Klisch says:

    Robyn just likes to defend the word ‘twittered’, afterall she/he is a bird.


  13. Tim says:

    I don’t really care what anyone calls it, but the correct term for “someone said this on Twitter” is “tweeted”. Ok, I am way too much of a nerd for knowing that.


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