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The Drunks of MST3K (and other 21st birthday celebrations)

Writer (and occasional RiffTrax contributor) Courtney Enlow celebrates the drunks of MST3K, in honor of the show’s 21st birthday. Hic!

Meanwhile, Danny Gallagher of TV Squad also celebrates MST3K’s 21st birthday.

10 Replies to “The Drunks of MST3K (and other 21st birthday celebrations)”

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  1. swh1939 says:

    Awesome article. I sure brought more than one smile to my face. That is to say smile after smile, not a bunch of smiles all at once. Wait, maybe I do mean that. Anyhow, I truly enjoyed reading it.


  2. mst3ktemple says:

    Fun article. Brought back some good ol’ alcohol stained memories.


  3. crowschmo says:

    She’s DRUNK! – It’s FUNNY!! :lol: :lol:


  4. monoceros4 says:

    Very funny! But I don’t think the list was quite complete without Jerry, the whiny, cowardly, thoroughly incompetent little snot from Killer Shrews. But then everyone was a drunk in that movie, it seemed like.

    Minor mentions: The Sinister Urge (“It’s the late ’50s and booze is there!”), the Fugitive Alien “movies” (“You’ll be in a constant state of excitement while he’s in a state of denial!”), Manos, The Hands of Fate (*glug* “Tastes like Cherry Robitussin!”), Invasion U.S.A. (in which the slimy hero is killed because his sort-of girlfriend won’t hold a glass of whisky–guess she thought it was a “sissy drink”), and of course Pod People (“What can I get you? Vodka? Ouzo? Pernod? Blue Curacao?” &c. &c.)


  5. Cabbage Patch Elvis says:



  6. RPG says:

    Don’t forget the two guys from Horror of Party Beach. (These two are forbidden to even say the word rubber.)


  7. CityLimitsFan says:

    Does John Diehl as Whitey in “City Limits” count?

    However, he’s only drunk in his death scene.


  8. Smog Monster says:

    Mystery Science Theater 3,000 can now by alcohol from publicly licensed conveiniance marts and is now officialy considered an adult. Wow, MST3K… I’m so proud of you :cry: Of course, so many don’t even count the brilliant KTMA season for much, so the real true adulthood comes at 22, and who cares much about that age…


  9. Courtney says:

    Thanks for the plug, guys! My only regret is leaving out Yuri, but you make do.


  10. Rex Dart says:

    Don’t forget the wise, Yoda-like mentor from “It Lives by Night”!

    I’m sorry booze, they hurt your feelings.


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