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Now Available from RiffTrax…

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19 Replies to “Now Available from RiffTrax…”

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  1. Chris says:



  2. syferdet says:

    Have to side with Kevin on this one.

    And in these occasions, there truly is only one way to resolve this: Hungry, Hungry Hippos, best two-out-of three, alternating the one hippo that always sticks and never works all that well.


  3. Had no idea until I saw the sample on youtube. I never saw this film. Didn’t care much for the original, but if Rifftrax is involved, I will see this sequel.


  4. Cronkite Moonshot says:

    I actually love this series of films. The first one is still a genuinely good movie, the second one is not as good as he first, but it’s a childhood favorite and has it’s moments, and the third one is just a fun movie with an exceptionally hammy villain (It’s funny because when he’s tricking Daniel by pretending to be a nice guy he’s not at all a bad actor, but when he is in his “bad guy” mode he is just so awful and loaded with pork). As for “The Next Karate Kid” with Hillary Swank, well it’s not the worst movie ever made, but it’s pretty bad. It’s WAY more cliched and silly than any of the first three, and Hilary Swank’s performance is really bad. Pat Morita does a pretty good job of carrying on with his character in a different situation though. Basically I’m indifferent to it. I don’t mind having it on DVD, but I just consider it to be the movie I got free when I bought my DVD box set of the other three, which I actually wanted.

    I think Mike and the crew made the right choice by just going straight to the third movie, though it would be fun to see them tackle any of the four. Of the original three it definitely has the best riff potential. “The Next Karate Kid” would probably have been an even better choice as far as riffing goes, but I think sticking to one of the original Daniel-san trilogy was probably best as far as accessibility and wider appeal. Still I’d love to see them tackle “The Next…”. Also it would be fun to see them do the remake. Honestly it wasn’t nearly as bad as I expected it to be, but it would make for great Rifftrax material.


  5. RemmieBarrow says:

    I frankly prefer soft-shell tacos myself…so I can see why they are having such a bitter dispute about this.


  6. Droppo says:

    Awesome. I already purchased my Karate Kid III DVD (an embarrassing experience) and I’m ready to go!

    I’m really surprised and psyched that they’re doing this one. Such a funny movie.

    Also, on a somewhat unrelated note: the Rifftrax of Birdemic is the funniest MST-related product I’ve seen since the series ended. I can’t recommend it enough.


  7. Laura says:

    Awesome! I actually prefer hard taco shells (sorry Kevin!). Can’t seem to find it in a brick-and-mortar store. Amazon is no help whatsoever.


  8. Gummo says:

    Whoever is doing Kevin’s makeup — ease up, please!


  9. ptomreeves says:

    I’ve been waiting for this Rifftrax ever since they announced it last month! Fantastic!


  10. Gary Bowden says:

    Saw this when it came out at the theater.Not bad,but they should’ve stopped at 2.The villian in this is hammier than John Phillip Law in SPACE MUTINY.Give it to em,Rifftrax!!


  11. Trilaan says:

    Vaguely remember Karate Kid Part III, enjoyed Karate Kid Part I, Karate Kid Part II is my favorite of the original film series and I may still like it better than the remake with Jackie Chan. Man I envy anyone who gets to work with Mike, Kevin and Bill. Those two must have great great job satisfaction plus the added bonus of appearing in little skits like this with the guys.


  12. admiralkent says:

    Like it would’ve killed you guys to end that with a dummy flying in front of the camera dressed like one of the “fighters” …sheesh!


  13. Rich says:

    So- can we assume the guys are not standing on floor sections of different heights, or wearing platform shoes? If that’s so then it appears Mike is tallest, then Kevin, then Bill? That’s interesting. Not knowing any better I would guess Mike, Bill, then Kevin.


  14. UberNeuman says:

    Whoever is doing Kevin’s makeup — ease up, please!

    I disagree, in fact I encourage more make-up on Kevin and maybe something low cut and frilly…


  15. dylan stalnaker says:

    It seemed to me that Kevin & Bill were literally turning into Crow & Servo right before our eyes. It was like an MST3K host seg without the puppets. Honestly this is something i could see the Sci-Fi era bots doing.


  16. SAVE FERRIS says:

    Not that it matters, but does Mike dye his hair?

    Just curious……… :-?


  17. i'm not a medium, i'm a petite says:

    the trailer was painfully unfunny, sorry. I’m going back to Rocket Attack USA.


  18. jpb1 says:

    Ahhh, Karate Kid III. This movie has some of the worst voiceovers I have ever seen in my life. Watch the end tournament for multiple voiceovers that do not come close to matching the actors mouths. Too funny.


  19. Dan in WI says:

    So it appears Connor lost the fight to the death. That’s a shame. I was enjoying his fledgling Citation Needed podcast.


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